Cast in place replaceable tactile / detectable warning surface tilesCast in place replaceable tactile / detectable warning surface tiles
Cast In Place Replaceable Tactile Warning Surface Tiles (rep) with an in-line truncated dome pattern, embedded in all curb ramps and walking surfaces at the locations and to the dimensions shown on the Drawings
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Surface applied tactile / detectable warning surface tilesSurface applied tactile / detectable warning surface tiles
Drawings, in accordance with the Contract Documents and as directed by the Engineer
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Section 00000 Security Access and Surveillance honeywell video systems htr1 series, mobile video cassette recording system part 1 – generalSection 00000 Security Access and Surveillance honeywell video systems htr1 series, mobile video cassette recording system part 1 – general
The intent of this document is to specify the minimum criteria for the design, supply, installation, and commissioning of the Mobile vcr htr1 system
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Section 15010, Mechanical Provisions (1) Related DocumentsSection 15010, Mechanical Provisions (1) Related Documents
A. Contract requirements of Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section
0.53 Mb. 9
Project DescriptionProject Description
Management Center (tmc). All of the Remote Weather Information System (rwis) sites in this procurement are located at existing its and rwis sites, negating the need to provide all-new power modes to each site
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American Bar Association Forum on the Construction Industry contract drafting to reduce or eliminate damages – what are the limits?American Bar Association Forum on the Construction Industry contract drafting to reduce or eliminate damages – what are the limits?
So the ability of one party to force on another a contract clause that removes the ability to recover for lost time sets the stage for a grand fight; a fight in which the imposed-upon party may suffer a financial beat-down
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Request for a competitive contract proposal for\\Request for a competitive contract proposal for\
Public Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the County of Atlantic, New Jersey at 11: 00am prevailing time on September 27
Request 0.83 Mb. 2
Request for a competitive contract proposal forRequest for a competitive contract proposal for
Public Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the County of Atlantic, New Jersey at 11: 00am prevailing time on September 27
Request 0.76 Mb. 2
Request for a competitive contract proposal forRequest for a competitive contract proposal for
Public Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the County of Atlantic, New Jersey at 11: 00am prevailing time on September 24
Request 0.96 Mb. 3
Request for proposal forRequest for proposal for
Public Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the County of Atlantic, New Jersey at 11: 00am prevailing time on november 13
Request 1.24 Mb. 4
Request for proposals &Request for proposals &
Specifications and Request for Proposals may be obtained from, and proposals shall be delivered or mailed to
Request 280.57 Kb. 3
Colorado court of appealsColorado court of appeals
Jones Co., a Colorado corporation; Nucon Construction Corp., a corporation; j a jones Construction Co., a corporation; Jones Group, Inc., a corporation; Travelers Casualty & Surety Co., a corporation; Aetna Casualty & Surety Co
107.89 Kb. 1
Supplemental General conditions Section 00810Supplemental General conditions Section 00810
This section must be edited by project manager to meet specific project needs. Delete this and all other instruction boxes prior to final printing
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Request for proposal automated vehicle location and monitoring systemRequest for proposal automated vehicle location and monitoring system
City Clerk, 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, Montana, until 3: 00 p m., on Wednesday, June 7, 2006 for the furnishing of all labor, equipment and materials for implementation and support of an Automated Vehicle Location and Monitoring System
Request 120.67 Kb. 1
Dealer agreementDealer agreement
This Dealer Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into to be effective as of, 2010 by and between, Dealer # (“Dealer”) and Covington Capital Corporation, a Utah corporation (“Covington”), with reference to the following
39.09 Kb. 1


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