Sportsimpacts print and radioSportsimpacts print and radio
Patrick addresses ways that football and baseball facilities can be utilized out of season in order to maximize their use so as to increase the returns from public investments into such facilities
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Isme presentation to Joint Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Access to Finance: the sme perspectiveIsme presentation to Joint Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Access to Finance: the sme perspective
Mr Chairman and members of the Committee, isme welcomes the opportunity to discuss the issues and problems being experienced by our owner/managers of small and medium enterprises in Ireland today in accessing finance
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Patent roundtablePatent roundtable
As a longstanding ict industry analyst and commentator I believe these descriptions are inaccurate
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Making sense of china’s economic transformationMaking sense of china’s economic transformation
Address for correspondence: Dr Dic Lo, Department of Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London wc1H 0XG, U. K
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History, motivations and core themes of aiHistory, motivations and core themes of ai
The current trends are best understood in terms of ai history, its core themes and its traditional research areas. My goal is to provide the reader with sufficient background context for understanding and appreciating the subsequent chapters in
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Strategic planStrategic plan
There is no such thing as a favorable wind for those who do not know what direction they are going.” ~ Seneca
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Nicola benedetti full biographyNicola benedetti full biography
Her ability to captivate audiences with her innate musicianship and dynamic presence, coupled with her wide appeal as a high profile advocate for classical music, has made her one of the most influential classical artists of today
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