Joints of the vertebral column 14. 01. 2014 The two major types of joints between vertebrae are symphyses between vertebral bodies (n=2 one above, and one below) and synovial joints between articular processes 52.59 Kb. 1
Have observed assimilation of atlas in 2 Indian skulls Total or partial assimilation of the atlas may be noted with the latter being the most common. [2] Ranade et al. (2007) [3] have examined 98 Indian human skulls for assimilation of atlas and noted two cases showing various degree of assimilation 28.68 Kb. 1
Joints of the vertebral column 14. 11. 2012 The two major types of joints between vertebrae are symphyses between vertebral bodies (n=2 one above, and one below) and synovial joints between articular processes 52.35 Kb. 1