High Bandwidth daq r&D for atlas upgrade Rainer Bartoldus, Ric Claus, Andy Haas, Gunther Haller, Ryan Herbst, Michael Huffer, Martin Kocian, Emanuel Strauss, Su Dong, Matthias Wittgen (slac) 89.37 Kb. 1
State of the Video Marketplace Workshop Position Paper But the industry structure is changing, driven by technology which enables on-demand distribution rather than simultaneous linear distribution, so we believe pricing practices will change along with it 22.9 Kb. 1
Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources Ccs has three dedicated conference rooms and communication technology to interact with advisors (phone, web-, and video conferencing), plus a Visualization Lab with 2D and 3D displays 36.96 Kb. 1
I. project overview What is spatial and temporal variability in phylogenetic and functional diversity of resident microbial communities, and what are the nature and magnitude of dominant metabolic processes? 1.53 Mb. 1
Dana Gohill fcca professional Profile A very resourceful, results orientated individual, offering strong leadership and the ability to contribute both strategically and tactically at c level. Seeking a senior Business Transformation role with responsibility for improving all-round 25.75 Kb. 1