Name: Date: PdName: Date: Pd
F (about 18 °C); temperatures nearing 100 °F (38 °C) have been reached in August. Rainy days are not uncommon, but the summer rainfall often comes in brief, heavy downpours and thunderstorms. Autumn, like spring, is short
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Weekly Report Snowpack / Drought Monitor Update Date: 4 November 2010 snotel snowpack and precipitation summary temperatureWeekly Report Snowpack / Drought Monitor Update Date: 4 November 2010 snotel snowpack and precipitation summary temperature
California and eastern Washington (Fig. 2a). For the new 2011 Water-Year that began on 1 October 2010, statistics are skewed to the extreme as noted by exceptionally large and small percentages. These values will be more meaningful in the
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Action requested byAction requested by
Action Requested: Approval of sites and dates recommended for the pla 2020 and pla 2022 Conferences
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War service record. 1942-1946. David Arthur Johnston. ArmyWar service record. 1942-1946. David Arthur Johnston. Army
Temporary stay off Pitcairn Island to put ashore one of the resident Christian family
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National storm summary february 2003 1st-8thNational storm summary february 2003 1st-8th
Accumulations in some areas could reach 2 feet or more before Tuesday morning, the National Weather Service said. Elsewhere around Maine, a sloppy mix of snow
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