Curricular Requirements Page(s)Curricular Requirements Page(s)
CR1b The course includes diverse primary sources consisting of written documents, maps, images
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Communication and Information Sector Knowledge Societies DivisionCommunication and Information Sector Knowledge Societies Division
Support for this report was provided by unesco’s Communication and Information Sector, Knowledge Societies Division and Microsoft Corporation
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Minutes of the annual general meeting of the royal artillery yacht club held at the packway officers’ mess larkhill thursday 26 february 2015 Item Commodore’s Welcome and Opening RemarksMinutes of the annual general meeting of the royal artillery yacht club held at the packway officers’ mess larkhill thursday 26 february 2015 Item Commodore’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
Minutes of the annual general meeting of the royal artillery yacht club held at the packway officers’ mess larkhill
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Stormwind navigation simulator, which won the Open Data Innovation Contest Apps4Finland in 2013Stormwind navigation simulator, which won the Open Data Innovation Contest Apps4Finland in 2013
Further, when planning your boat trip, regular shipping traffic (such as large transport and container ships and ferry routes) also has to be taken into consideration
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Learning in a new era or an expensive trip to a \"technology rich\" educational wasteland?Learning in a new era or an expensive trip to a "technology rich" educational wasteland?
It in education that integrates the use of technology with preparing learners as knowledge workers of the 21st century, the huge amount of money spent on it in education will only result in the creation of a “technology rich” educational
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Salesian historical instituteSalesian historical institute
Bicentenary of Don Bosco's birth and the conclusion of my service as Rector Major, I am particularly happy to see the publication of this work which is so necessary and so much desired. It is the first volume of Salesian Sources
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The role of open exchanges in research networking Report for surfnet by Stratix Consulting draftThe role of open exchanges in research networking Report for surfnet by Stratix Consulting draft
These trends lead to the need for fast, static or semi-static point-to-point connections between endpoints, usually known as lightpaths
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1. introduction1. introduction
The world production of dye is over 7×105 tones/year, within azo dyes are represented with 70%
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3. Confronting Strategies 1 Competitiveness in the 1990’s3. Confronting Strategies 1 Competitiveness in the 1990’s
Airlines must be innovative and, at the same time, control their costs. Sustainable competitive advantage, however, needs the whole organisation to be focused, fast, flexible and friendly
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Struggling with English at University level: error patterns and problematic areas of first-year students’ interlanguageStruggling with English at University level: error patterns and problematic areas of first-year students’ interlanguage
English Studies (Filología Inglesa) varies widely. This is all the more relevant as this first year proves extremely important for learners to unify and improve their command of English
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As the Chair of Natural DevonAs the Chair of Natural Devon
Devon’s wonderful wildlife and habitats. It has been drawn up with the help of many individuals and organisations and represents a huge body of knowledge about our county. We are very grateful to those who have so generously shared their
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August 4, 2011 Zulia Lara border, VenezuelaAugust 4, 2011 Zulia Lara border, Venezuela
Some attacks that fall outside the range of this sweep are included because they were part of a Journal or diary and weren’t put out until this week
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Artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence
By extension, the goal of ai systems is to develop systems capable of tacking complex problems in ways similar to human logic and reasoning
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Common Sense Economics Part 4: Twelve Key Elements of Practical Personal Finance Practice TestCommon Sense Economics Part 4: Twelve Key Elements of Practical Personal Finance Practice Test
Additional years of schooling will substantially increase your earnings even if they fail to increase your productivity and ability to provide others with things that they value
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