Protecting the rights of the child in the context of migrationProtecting the rights of the child in the context of migration
One day open-ended consultation on “protecting the rights of the child in the context of migration”
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Tsunami Terror Alert: Voices of YouthTsunami Terror Alert: Voices of Youth
January 2005 / New York / Voices of Youth – Young people are continuing to use the Voices of Youth discussion forums as a space to express their deep concern
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Chapter 7: Statutory Authority Chapter OutlineChapter 7: Statutory Authority Chapter Outline
The National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (nehrp): Legislation to Address a Particular Hazard
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Organized Evil and the Atlantic Alliance: Moral Panics and the Rhetoric of Organized Crime Policing in America and Britain Michael Woodiwiss and Dick HobbsOrganized Evil and the Atlantic Alliance: Moral Panics and the Rhetoric of Organized Crime Policing in America and Britain Michael Woodiwiss and Dick Hobbs
Organized Evil and the Atlantic Alliance: Moral Panics and the Rhetoric of Organized Crime Policing in America and Britain
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The durban conference: Understanding Global Warming, kyoto and it’s impact on BangladeshThe durban conference: Understanding Global Warming, kyoto and it’s impact on Bangladesh
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The environment in the news friday, 09 July, 2010The environment in the news friday, 09 July, 2010
Un news Centre: un names actor Edward Norton as celebrity advocate for preserving biodiversity
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Environment improving – reject alarmist scenariosEnvironment improving – reject alarmist scenarios
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Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (ltte)Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (ltte)
The ltte, headed by Supreme Leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran, rose in 1978 to actively promote the interests of the Tamil population; by taking up arms
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Greed & grievance economic Agendas in Civil Wars edited by mats Berdal David M. MaloneGreed & grievance economic Agendas in Civil Wars edited by mats Berdal David M. Malone
Political violence—Economic aspects. Social conflicts—Economic aspects. I. Malone, David, 1954–. II. International Development Research Centre (Canada). III. Title. IV. Title: Economic agendas in civil wars
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United nations security councilUnited nations security council
Setting a lasting end to the military conflicts with armed groups on South Sudanese Territory
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United nations development programmeUnited nations development programme
RA. As Bashir and Museveni met in Pretoria, media reports indicated that lra leader Josep Kony, a former Roman Catholic catechist, had entered northern Uganda from Sudan heading 300 rebels for a new campaign against government forces
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Presentation July 6, Darfur Panel Elliot FratkinPresentation July 6, Darfur Panel Elliot Fratkin
I want to thank the organizers of this program for bringing together a community discussion of events in Darfur
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The Iran-Iraq WarThe Iran-Iraq War
United States involvement in Iraq, including the Gulf War/Desert Storm, and the recent 2003 invasion of Iraq. This American presence in Iraq has also led to United States involvement with the middle-east in general and has pulled the United States into an area
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Title: Learning and Adaptation of Disaster Management and Housing Provision: The Malaysian Experience abstractTitle: Learning and Adaptation of Disaster Management and Housing Provision: The Malaysian Experience abstract
Title: Learning and Adaptation of Disaster Management and Housing Provision: The Malaysian Experience
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Good News AgencyGood News Agency
And institutions engaged in improving the quality of life – news that doesn’t “burn out” in the space of a day
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