| Journal of Latin American Studies (2006) The role of the Mexican state in the development of chicle extraction in Yucatan, and the continuing importance of coyotaje 93.57 Kb. 5 | read |
| Eu membership and growing regional disparities: poland’s strategy options to optimise structural transfers from the union Policy. The study outlines the possible strategy options regarding the allocations of the eu transfers and assess positive, neutral and negative scenarios for every option 111.28 Kb. 2 | read |
| Going down the road nova scotia senior With time-space convergence, and as natural resources became depleted, more and more internal migration took place. At the same time, immigration continued into Canada 83.19 Kb. 1 | read |
| Agricultural development strategy waterberg municipality Womiwu Rural Development, assisted by Glen Steyn and Associates, to help compile a logical plan to lead agricultural development for commercial and emerging farmers, “further contributing to economic growth 133.14 Kb. 1 | read |
| Inter-regional Profile of English Speakers in rts des Laurentides jpocock Research Consulting This document provides an overview of the English-speaking population in the rts des Laurentides health territory. This report presents a series of inter-regional tables and graphs with data presented for English speakers and French speakers to provide a 51.48 Kb. 1 | read |
| Homelessness and housing reform Hume Moreland Table 3: Homelessness assistance in Hume Moreland – initial assessment and planning 8 127.51 Kb. 1 | read |
| The Hebron Benefits Plan: Two Steps Forward Introduction World Bank 2005. Lastly, many project proponents recognize the importance of local benefits as part of their corporate social responsibility mandate and for ensuring a social license and project approval 26.93 Kb. 1 | read |
| Exploring the evolution of living standards in Ghana, 1880-2000: An anthropometric approach 251.48 Kb. 5 | read |
| Lecture Location of manufacturing & The Toyota production system And the reason why natural resources are so important is because manufacturing is such a large component of our economy…we want things! 101.45 Kb. 1 | read |
| Pakistan wt/tpr/S/193 Page Pakistan's sustainable economic development. Reform in key sectors has been under way but adjustment toward a more diversified and efficient production pattern has not yet occurred 285.05 Kb. 4 | read |
| The transformation of Russian trade unions: from transmission belt to social partners Simon Clarke, Centre for Comparative Labour Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry cv4 al, uk 100.78 Kb. 6 | read |
| Sacu-lesotho wt/tpr/S/aaaa Page Annex 2 kingdom of lesotho contents Maseru, the capital and main centre of non-agricultural economic activities, is the most densely populated area and the biggest city (over 225,000 people). 2 Lesotho ranks 155th (out of 177 countries) in the undp human Development Inde 0.62 Mb. 14 | read |
| Dominica wt/tpr/G/85/dma page Pursuant to the Agreement Establishing the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (Annex 3 of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization), the policy statement by the Government of Dominica is attached 68.72 Kb. 1 | read |