Protecting the rights of the child in the context of migrationProtecting the rights of the child in the context of migration
One day open-ended consultation on “protecting the rights of the child in the context of migration”
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Introductory TextIntroductory Text
Posters, broadsides, films, and photographs captured the magician’s exploits, predicting the boundless fascination with entertainers in the media today. Over time, visual culture has mythologized Houdini
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Welcome to the website of the Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment (iiee), New DelhiWelcome to the website of the Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment (iiee), New Delhi
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3r related policies for sustainable waste management in malaysia agamuthu p. 1, Santha chenayah2#, fauziah shahul hamid1, dennis victor13r related policies for sustainable waste management in malaysia agamuthu p. 1, Santha chenayah2#, fauziah shahul hamid1, dennis victor1
Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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South China Sea Dispute introduction contextSouth China Sea Dispute introduction context
Republic of China (Taiwan), the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam. The Sea is extremely important, both globally and regionally: it is one of the world’s busiest sea-lanes, it has rich fishing grounds
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Consular sectionConsular section
This guide aims to explain the Yemeni legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Yemen
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Ed Green Nuffield trip to usa and Canada, June/July 2012 Friday 22 June 2012Ed Green Nuffield trip to usa and Canada, June/July 2012 Friday 22 June 2012
Graeme Goodsir, an ex-pat Aussie who has lived and worked in the meat sector in the us for the last forty years. Drove through the city on a historical tour. Pennsylvania's colonial founding father was William Penn
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Report: Shelter Support Mission to AfghanistanReport: Shelter Support Mission to Afghanistan
Idps has increased. The future is uncertain due to the transition the country is experiencing with the departure of the international forces, the decrease in humanitarian assistance, and the 2014 presidential elections
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The contribution of regional and local authorities to economic developmentThe contribution of regional and local authorities to economic development
Governance and decentralisation in africa and eu [regional associations, non governmental organisations, cities and municipalities]
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Broken Windows The police and neighborhood safety by James Q. Wilson and George L. KellingBroken Windows The police and neighborhood safety by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling
Foot patrol, in their eyes, had been pretty much discredited. It reduced the mobility of the police, who thus had difficulty responding to citizen calls for service, and it weakened headquarters control over patrol officers
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Case of assanidze V. GeorgiaCase of assanidze V. Georgia
The case originated in an application (no. 71503/01) against Georgia lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Georgian national
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Then the second wave of al-Qaeda attacks hit AmericaThen the second wave of al-Qaeda attacks hit America
Then the second wave of al-Qaeda attacks hit America. A leading expert on counterterrorism imagines the future history of the war on terror. A frightening picture of a country still at war in 2011
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Wyoming wing civil air patrol united States Air Force Auxiliary P. O. Box 9507 Cheyenne, wy 82003-9507 wy0ming wing public affairsWyoming wing civil air patrol united States Air Force Auxiliary P. O. Box 9507 Cheyenne, wy 82003-9507 wy0ming wing public affairs
Arrange and Coordinate areas for Press Conferences, Media Staging Areas and Security
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Marxist Geography KritikMarxist Geography Kritik
Gough et al 6
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Final report. Dipecho projectFinal report. Dipecho project
Strengthening local capacities for response and management of risks with respect to seismic events in the Provinces of Puerto Plata and Santiago, Dominican Republic
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