| Country Report for the United States Annual Report to the ifla clm committee Lyon 2014 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 0 International License 73.58 Kb. 1 | read |
| Ap Micta legislative & Regulatory Update April 2014 As we’ve all finally moved into a semblance of Spring after a seemingly endless Winter, along with maybe just a bit of spring cleaning in the office it’s a great time to again review communications procedures for severe weather or other 49.6 Kb. 1 | read |
| New Immigrant and Low-Income Parent and Student Voices on Technology Teachers need to use Internet activities and other classroom projects to embrace the “Least Common Denominator” model, rather than the “what’s new and the latest software the school has” model 49.63 Kb. 1 | read |
| Space Industry Study Industrial College of the Armed Forces National Defense University The events of the past year—the attack on America and the war that has followed—have reinforced that trend, both by calling more attention to military space requirements, and by further chilling the commercial space sector 97.02 Kb. 2 | read |
| Federal Communications Commission Amendment of the Commission’s Rules Governing Certain Aviation Ground Station Equipment 23.28 Kb. 1 | read |
| Federal Communications Commission fcc 13-30 Before the Federal Communications Commission Amendment of the Commission’s Rules Governing Certain Aviation Ground Station Equipment 205.4 Kb. 6 | read |
| Federal Communications Commission da 99-2172 Before the federal communications commission Order released on August 9, 19991 in which the Bureau granted at&t corporation’s (AT&T) application to discontinue provision of at&T’s High Seas radio telephone service (High Seas Service) and to close the three public coast radio stations 40.09 Kb. 1 | read |
| Federal Communications Commission da 99-2778 For the reasons discussed below, we find that Atlantica has provided sufficient information under our rules to comply with the Cable Landing License Act and that it would serve the public interest to grant the cable landing license subject to the conditions 72.79 Kb. 1 | read |
| Federal Communications Commission da 00-108 Application For a License to Land and Operate in the File No. Scl-lic-19990913-00019 47.67 Kb. 1 | read |
| Federal Communications Commission da 01-1395 Apollo Cable on a non–common carrier basis. We find that C&w usa has provided sufficient information under our rules to comply with the Cable Landing License Act 55.28 Kb. 1 | read |
| Before the Federal Communications Commission This system will be operated on a non–common carrier basis. We find that TyCom has provided sufficient information under our rules to comply with the Cable Landing License Act and that it would serve the public interest to grant the cable landing license subject to 53.67 Kb. 1 | read |
| Federal Communications Commission da 00-310 Application for a License to Land and Operate in the File No. Scl-lic-19990823-00015 1.27 Mb. 1 | read |
| Federal Communications Commission da 00-76 Application for a License to Land and Operate in File No. Scl-lic-19990804-00012 0.5 Mb. 1 | read |
| Washington, D Loral Orion Services, Inc. File Nos. Sat-mod-19991213-00120 Sat-mod-19990819-00086 32.51 Kb. 1 | read |
| Bell atlantic maryland, inc. Statement of dr. James h. Vander weide Duke University. I am also President of Financial Strategy Associates, a firm that provides strategic and financial consulting services to clients in the electric, gas, insurance, telecommunications, and water industries 0.89 Mb. 8 | read |