Introduction A. Purpose & Authority Flood Recovery Task Force a second time on April 25, 2001. A few of the members made specific suggestions on the content of the plan and stated that the final approvals would be forwarded no later than May 1, 2001 0.81 Mb. 14
Right to Carbon or Right to Life: Human Rights Approaches to Climate Change We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency But there is hopeful news as well: we have the ability to solve this crisis and avoid the worst—though not all—of its consequences, if we act boldly, decisively and quickly 239.9 Kb. 6
Strengthening the financial system Washington. The material in this annex expands and provides further detail on the commitments in our statement. We published today a full progress report against each of the 47 actions set out in the Washington Action Plan 25.55 Kb. 1
Summary of Minutes of Meeting of Islands District Council The Commissioner for Transport briefly introduced the work of the Department, traffic improvement works and improvements of public transport services in Islands District 69.51 Kb. 1
School Health Advisory Council (shac) Meeting September 17 The September meeting of the Student Health Advisory Council (shac) was called to order on September 17th, 2014 at 11: 34am by Sally Finn at the dcps building, Room 307 in Jacksonville, Florida 19.65 Kb. 1
Portland, oregon Simonton recognized Board members Don Haagensen, Don Christensen, and Bill Elliott; Portland staff Vicki McConnell, Charles Kirby, Michael Dougherty and Kate Halstead, and Gary Lynch and Robert Houston from the Albany office 21.96 Kb. 1