Review of the ra IV hurricane operational plan Recommend to the president of ra IV amendments to be made to the text of the publication to update the Plan and where possible to increase its effectiveness 0.84 Mb. 8
World meteorological organization ra IV hurricane committee thirty-second session At the kind invitation of the Government of Bermuda, the thirty-second session of the ra IV hurricane Committee was held in Hamilton, Bermuda from 8 to 12 March 2010. The opening ceremony commenced at 0830 hours on Monday, 8 March 2010 0.93 Mb. 9
Review of the ra IV hurricane operational plan Recommend to the president of ra IV amendments to be made to the text of the publication to update the plan and where possible to increase its effectiveness 0.8 Mb. 7
Economic and social commission The Tropical Cyclone Operational Plan was first published by the wmo secretariat in the tcp series of reports during 1986 as Report No. Tcp-21 2.71 Mb. 4