Field of Dreams?: Public Participation in Canadian Digital Law and Policy Michael Geist Canada Research Chair in Internet and e-commerce Law University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law IntroductionField of Dreams?: Public Participation in Canadian Digital Law and Policy Michael Geist Canada Research Chair in Internet and e-commerce Law University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law Introduction
Internet providers managed their networks (often called network neutrality), there were doubts about new wireless competitors entering the marketplace
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Load Testing soa applications: Best Strategies Anna MilkhailovaLoad Testing soa applications: Best Strategies Anna Milkhailova
Flexibility of soa is the first of the key benefits that most often get cited by proponents of soa, with the opportunity to reuse business components being the second one
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Emotional actor: foreign policy decision-makingEmotional actor: foreign policy decision-making
Strait of Magellan at the southern end of South America and 8000 miles away from the United Kingdom. In a surprise attempt to take possession of the Falkland Islands
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Town-Building Is No Mickey Mouse OperationTown-Building Is No Mickey Mouse Operation
I'd come fully expecting to meet a bunch of white guys in polo shirts who'd remind me of my father, and there were quite enough of them
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Concepts and CategorizationConcepts and Categorization
As something. We have a powerful impulse to interpret our world. This act of interpretation, an act of “seeing something as X” rather than simply seeing it (Wittgenstein, 1953), is fundamentally an act of categorization
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A/hrc/37/3/Add. 2 Advance Edited VersionA/hrc/37/3/Add. 2 Advance Edited Version
Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Honduras
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