Cantor\Cantor's Concept of Infinity: Implications of Infinity for Contingence
The mathematical entities Cantor studied, transfinite numbers, he admitted were fraught with paradoxes. But he believed that they were grounded in a reality beyond this universe, not finally determinable by any mathematical system
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Curriculum vitae halifu osumareCurriculum vitae halifu osumare
Bowling Green State University; Joint appointment with American Culture Studies Program & School of Human Movement, Sport, and Leisure Studies; Bowling Green, oh
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Cultural History of Britain Some definitionsCultural History of Britain Some definitions
In general, the term culture denotes (jelöl) the whole product of an individual, group or society of intelligent beings. It includes technology, art, science
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P 104, The Artificial Kid, Bruce Sterling, roc publisher 1980P 104, The Artificial Kid, Bruce Sterling, roc publisher 1980
The converts to the new society always brought along a cultural hangover from their areas of origin. Most of the very worst failures were those based on religions and airy moral convictions. I decided that mine would be based firmly on
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Chapter five germans and greeksChapter five germans and greeks
Edda for the theme of his Ring Cycle and Nietzsche's invocation of the Persian Zarathustra for his culminating philosophical work
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Philosopher viewsPhilosopher views
Edited by Audrey Mink, Brian Simmonds, jp lacy, Dan Lair, Matt Taylor and Jim Hanson
5.81 Mb. 432


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