| Annual progress report 2015 albanian contribution – input I september 2014 – may 2015 table of contents Translating and adopting the guideline on the implementing priorities of the commission on the implementation of article 82 of the eu treaty for the abusive behaviors of the dominant undertakings 3.84 Mb. 48 | read |
| The uk will hold the presidency of the Council in November. With several days taken up by the holidays (Eid and Thanksgiving), a retreat and a mission to Timor Leste, the calendar will be very full 313.31 Kb. 7 | read |
| Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (across) Countries were represented in the meeting by 29 mc members, I e 64. 5% of the in total 31 participating countries 23.67 Kb. 1 | read |
| Original: English Advisory Committee established a drafting group, currently composed of Ibrahim Abdul Aziz Alsheddi, Mario Luis Coriolano, Laura-Maria Crăciunean-Tatu, Hoda Elsadda, Carla Hananía de Varela (Rapporteur) 135.05 Kb. 3 | read |
| Commission for basic systems Status of implementation of regional climate centres (rccs)/regional climate centre networks 37.86 Kb. 1 | read |
| Cl 115/PV/6 25 November 1998 first draft-premier projet-primer borrador council Conseil Consejo Hundred and Fifteenth Session Cent quinzième session 115º período de sesiones Rome, 23 – 28 November 1998 Rome, 23 – 28 novembre 1998 Roma Please submit all corrections to Room a-138. Pour toutes corrections s’adresser au Bureau a-138. Para todas las correcciones dirigirse a la Oficina a-138 173.32 Kb. 4 | read |
| - Please Note: We recommend that project proponents read the following explanatory materials carefully and ask any questions prior to submitting proposals. Some of the requirements have changed for 2013 Request 126.25 Kb. 1 | read |
| 期刊論文(依年代排序)(Scientific Reports) Hwang, P. P., S. B. Wang, and C. M. Sun (1988) Northern Taiwan Nuclear Power Plant Sites‑‑Investigations of Entrainment impacts on fish larvae and eggs 17.98 Kb. 1 | read |
| Ece/trans/WP. 29/Grpe/65 Report of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (grpe) on its sixty-fifth session 235.48 Kb. 2 | read |