1 (1), 1 Journal of Operational Meteorology Article1 (1), 1 Journal of Operational Meteorology Article
Lastname (Author #1), A. B., C. D. Lastname (Author #2), and E. F. Lastname
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1 (1), 1 Journal of Operational Meteorology Article1 (1), 1 Journal of Operational Meteorology Article
Lastname (Author #1), A. B., C. D. Lastname (Author #2), and E. F. Lastname
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State of the art segregation in post-civil rights americaState of the art segregation in post-civil rights america
Asian isolation has increased it remains at low levels compared with other groups. Whites remain quite isolated from all three minority groups in metropolitan America
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1 (1), 1 Journal of Operational Meteorology Article1 (1), 1 Journal of Operational Meteorology Article
Lastname (Author #1), A. B., C. D. Lastname (Author #2), and E. F. Lastname
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Small Commercial and Residential Unitary and Split System hvac cooling Equipment-Efficiency UpgradeSmall Commercial and Residential Unitary and Split System hvac cooling Equipment-Efficiency Upgrade
Electricity savings from cooling equipment can be achieved by offering financial incentives to customers installing energy-efficient packaged and split-system (unitary) air conditioning equipment
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Memorandum of Understanding Military Observer GroupMemorandum of Understanding Military Observer Group
Mediation: The active search for a negotiated settlement to an international or intrastate conflict by an impartial third party
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Political Parties, Legislatures, and the Organizational Foundations of Representation in AmericaPolitical Parties, Legislatures, and the Organizational Foundations of Representation in America
0.72 Mb. 16
Published in Phenomenology and the cognitive sciencesPublished in Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences
I argue, in making the infant present to herself in action. Matching will cease to be necessary, but self-awareness continues to depend fundamentally on others until the acquisition of language
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Milton Friedman and the Case Against Currency Monopoly George SelginMilton Friedman and the Case Against Currency Monopoly George Selgin
Prepared for the Cato Institute’s 25th Annual Monetary Conference, “Monetary Arrangements in the 21st Century,” Washington, D. C., November 14, 2007
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Are Women, People of Color, Asians, and Southern Europeans Inherently Inferior to north-european males?Are Women, People of Color, Asians, and Southern Europeans Inherently Inferior to north-european males?
Descriptors: behavior analysis, nature-nurture debate, biological determinism vs behavioral contingencies and behavioral history, behavior analysis, scientific racism, scientific sexism, intelligence, mental illness
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Poems eligible for 2017 Rhysling AwardsPoems eligible for 2017 Rhysling Awards
Wormwood, Pedestal Magazine (Issue 79, edited by Bruce Boston & Marge Simon), Dec 2016
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Understanding and managing the cost of the cloud By David StromUnderstanding and managing the cost of the cloud By David Strom
Some don’t even offer access to a full price list until you sign up for their service. Others hide their services behind a web calculator page that has dozens of variables
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Chapter six table of contents the future of canada\Chapter six table of contents the future of canada's official language minorities trend lines
Canada's French speaking communities outside of Quebec are shrinking. The trend line is more than one hundred years old. The process of decline is speeding up
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S292 Explaining the emergence of humans End of Course Assessment S292 03IS292 Explaining the emergence of humans End of Course Assessment S292 03I
This eca can only be submitted by students who started the course in may 2003 or september 2003
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The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, nr33 0HT, uk
Review 89.36 Kb. 1

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