Background on the Haitian Earthquake Key findings of the global Child Protection Working Group (cpwg) learning and support mission to Haiti 107.15 Kb. 5
Inter-parliamentary union The role of Parliaments in advocating and enforcing observance of human rights in the strategies for the prevention, management and 72.14 Kb. 1
Inter-parliamentary union The role of Parliaments in advocating and enforcing observance of human rights in the strategies for the prevention, management and 62.01 Kb. 1
Consideration of reports submitted by states parties The Committee considered the combined third and fourth periodic report of Belarus (crc/C/blr/3-4) at its 1596th and 1597th meetings held on 25 January 2011 72.35 Kb. 1
United nations ep Report of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Consultation meeting on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 224.02 Kb. 5
African development seminar Sub-Saharan Africa. Of particular importance is the question: is there a "new" Africa in terms of governance, institutional development and economic and social change? 121.65 Kb. 1
International labour organization Contribution concerning the study of children working and/or living on the street by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 38.05 Kb. 1