Precision in Processing Data from Heterogeneous ResourcesPrecision in Processing Data from Heterogeneous Resources
The certitude that any book exists on the shelves of the library first led to elation, but soon the realization that it was unlikely to be found converted the feelings to a great depression”, Luis Borges: The Infinite Library, 1964
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Obtaining Precision when Integrating Information. Gio WiederholdObtaining Precision when Integrating Information. Gio Wiederhold
Through the web we can be faced with more alternatives than can be investigated in depth. The value system itself is changing, whereas traditionally information had value, it is now the attention of the purchaser that has value
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The Psychology of Free WillThe Psychology of Free Will
This is a mistake. In this article I will briefly diagnose this mistake and then suggest avenues for correcting it by discussing four ways that psychological research is highly relevant to philosophical debates about free will
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Identity on the Internet Security, Traceability, Privacy and Anonymity W3C workshop Paris 25 march 2014Identity on the Internet Security, Traceability, Privacy and Anonymity W3C workshop Paris 25 march 2014
Uk and Internationally through Eurodig, the un igf and others. One of the major problems when discussing standards for identity on the Internet is different national views and legal requirements concerning: security, traceability
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Supplementary Information Genome-wide changes in lncrna, alternative splicing, and cortical patterning in autismSupplementary Information Genome-wide changes in lncrna, alternative splicing, and cortical patterning in autism
Neelroop N. Parikshak*, Vivek Swarup*, T. Grant Belgard*, Manuel Irimia, Gokul Ramaswami, Michael J. Gandal, Christopher Hartl, Virpi Leppa, Luis de la Torre Ubieta, Jerry Huang, Jennifer K. Lowe, Benjamin J
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South Carolina General Assembly 122nd Session, 2017-2018 H. 3933 status informationSouth Carolina General Assembly 122nd Session, 2017-2018 H. 3933 status information
House Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works
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Learner Autonomy and Learner Training At Tertiary Level In TurkeyLearner Autonomy and Learner Training At Tertiary Level In Turkey
Linguistics and tesol from the University of Leicester, uk. He is also pursuing his part-time PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Leicester
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