Radioactivities n ewsletter of the a rgonne a mateur r adio c lubRadioactivities n ewsletter of the a rgonne a mateur r adio c lub
Vanity fee stays the same • Logo sought for the new arec program • Net activates but Debby's a dud • fcc takes correct action on cb issue • and more!
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School Health Advisory Council (shac) Meeting September 17School Health Advisory Council (shac) Meeting September 17
The September meeting of the Student Health Advisory Council (shac) was called to order on September 17th, 2014 at 11: 34am by Sally Finn at the dcps building, Room 307 in Jacksonville, Florida
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Our Lady of the Valley Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2015 PresentOur Lady of the Valley Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2015 Present
Present: Fr. Doug, Tom Gallivan, Peg Graham, Billy Labrie, Joan Marek, Jay Oelrich, Tom Neill, and George Zoltowski
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15th May 2015, The Atrium, University of South Wales Cardiff Minutes15th May 2015, The Atrium, University of South Wales Cardiff Minutes
Council members present were asked to indicate any direct or indirect conflicts of interest in the proposed agenda items no interests were recorded. Im introduced the proceedings of the day
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Minutes of asce automated people mover standards committeeMinutes of asce automated people mover standards committee
Meeting held at the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel, 210 Peachtree Street, Atlanta
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Atlanta professional fire fightersAtlanta professional fire fighters
This organization shall be known as the atlanta professional firefighters, international association of fire fighters, local 134
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Casino revenue advisory commission regular meeting on june 21, 2013Casino revenue advisory commission regular meeting on june 21, 2013
The regular monthly meeting of the Casino Revenue Fund Advisory Commission was held on Friday, June 21, 2013 at the State House Annex. Those in attendance were
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