Masarykova univerzitaMasarykova univerzita
I hereby declare that I worked on this thesis independently using only the sources listed in references
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Masaryk university in brnoMasaryk university in brno
I declare that I have worked on this thesis on my own and have only used the sources listed in the bibliography
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Masaryk university faculty of educationMasaryk university faculty of education
Bellová, Hana. "Political Crisis Speeches of American Presidents: 1861-2011." Master's Thesis. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, English Language and Literature Department, 2012. 181 pp. Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Adam Ph. D
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Declaration: I declare that I wrote this thesis by myself and that I used only the sources listed in the bibliography section. Brno, April 2012 Adela Pilátová AcknowledgementsDeclaration: I declare that I wrote this thesis by myself and that I used only the sources listed in the bibliography section. Brno, April 2012 Adela Pilátová Acknowledgements
I would like to thank Mgr. Radek Vogel, Ph. D. for his guidance and professional advice he provided to me during my work on this bachelor thesis
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Masaryk UniversityMasaryk University
African Americans. Stern confirms that “civil rights and race relations were the most passionate, obstinate and irrational issue in American history and politics”
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Masaryk universityMasaryk university
Gone with the Wind: Changes in the Southern Society Brought by the Civil War, especially Changing the Role and Status of Women
3.04 Mb. 6
B. A. Major Thesis Supervisor: Mgr. Jan Chovanec, PhB. A. Major Thesis Supervisor: Mgr. Jan Chovanec, Ph
I declare that I have worked on this thesis independently, using only the sources listed in the bibliography
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Masaryk university brno faculty of educationMasaryk university brno faculty of education
I would like to express my thanks to PhDr. Alena Kašpárková, who kindly assisted my effort as the supervisor of this bachelor thesis
3.57 Mb. 14
Boundary Work In Psychology: The Uneasy Relationship Between Scientific and “Pop” Psychology Barbara Lusk, Department of Psychology IntroductionBoundary Work In Psychology: The Uneasy Relationship Between Scientific and “Pop” Psychology Barbara Lusk, Department of Psychology Introduction
Boundary Work In Psychology: The Uneasy Relationship Between Scientific and “Pop” Psychology
82.06 Kb. 1
The British Broadcasting, bbc radio 4 – Afternoon PlayThe British Broadcasting, bbc radio 4 – Afternoon Play
Bbc itself or in a production of dramas for the Afternoon program. It offers a survey concerning the number of repetitions of each play and also the number of Afternoon plays per playwright during specific period of time
241.84 Kb. 9


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