Global Temperatures in 2012 The year was characterized by unusual warmth across most of the globe’s land areas and a weak-to-moderate La Niña at the beginning of the year 60.45 Kb. 1
Curriculum vitae howard bruce bluestein Research and/or teaching severe convective storms, mesoscale meteorology, and synoptic meteorology, especially using advanced radar systems 275.7 Kb. 3
Eastern United States Winter Storm of 14-15 December 2013 Utc 14 December (Fig. 1b). The system followed a Miller-b type (Miller 1946, Kocin and Uccellini 1990, Mote et al. 1997) of evolution with a secondary cyclone developing along the coast around 0000 utc 15 December 38.75 Kb. 1
Poorly Forecast Winter Storm of 2-3 March 2014-draft Stuart et al. 2013, despite a convergence of solutions of several models and ensemble forecast systems, the event proved to be difficult to forecast 50.3 Kb. 1
January 2002 1st-5th… Texas, while a mix of rain and snow fell over middle Texas and northern Louisiana. The West Coast had heavy cloud cover, and rains fell from western Washington through central California 18.98 Kb. 1