Citibank Online Introduction In addition, his strategy and its subsequent execution needed to prepare Citibank for long-term competition with an increasing number of entrants with novel business models and strategies, many of whom lacked short-term profit expectations 72.61 Kb. 1
Christ In The Home: God’s Plan For His Family A question asked by many people in this new century is a complex and deeply felt one: is it possible to have a Christ centered home in today's world of trouble and sin? 1.16 Mb. 27
The Voyage of the Jaredites The Jaredites migrated to the New World from the great tower about 2800 bc. They journeyed a great distance and then crossed the ocean in 344 days. They developed a mighty nation in an area the Nephites called the Land Northward-Desolation 36.77 Kb. 1