Emergency Management in Denmark: Lessons Learned At Home and Abroad Joanne Stone Wyman, Ph. D. 1 IntroductionEmergency Management in Denmark: Lessons Learned At Home and Abroad Joanne Stone Wyman, Ph. D. 1 Introduction
Between the early 1990s and 2011 through a combination of special national commissions, lessons learned from incidents at home and abroad, and growing international collaboration Denmark has forged an effective, adaptive
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Children and adolescents, trauma and disastersChildren and adolescents, trauma and disasters
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Children and adolescents, trauma and disasters. A reference list compiled by dr philos. Atle Dyregrov Center for Crisis Psychology, Bergen, NorwayChildren and adolescents, trauma and disasters. A reference list compiled by dr philos. Atle Dyregrov Center for Crisis Psychology, Bergen, Norway
Abrahams, S., & Udwin, O. (2000). Treatment of post–traumatic stress disorder in an eleven–year–old boy using imaginal and in vivo exposure. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 5, 387–401
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Children and adolescents, trauma and disasters. A reference list compiled by dr philos. Atle Dyregrov Center for Crisis Psychology, Bergen, NorwayChildren and adolescents, trauma and disasters. A reference list compiled by dr philos. Atle Dyregrov Center for Crisis Psychology, Bergen, Norway
Abrahams, S., & Udwin, O. (2000). Treatment of post–traumatic stress disorder in an eleven–year–old boy using imaginal and in vivo exposure. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 5, 387–401
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Children and adolescents, trauma and disastersChildren and adolescents, trauma and disasters
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Draft international Meeting to Review the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (sids)Draft international Meeting to Review the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (sids)
General, and addresses the continued implementation of the bpoA, participation in the preparations for an international meeting with high-level segment
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