**Fiscal Discipline da 2**Fiscal Discipline da 2
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South Korea’s Economic Future: Industrial Policy, or Economic Democracy?South Korea’s Economic Future: Industrial Policy, or Economic Democracy?
This paper argues that neither industrial policy nor economic democracy are in the best interest of Koreans. Rather, a laissez faire policy of minimal government interference will provide the best environment to foster South Korea’s continued
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No scenario for escalation inevitable incentives for conflict minimizationNo scenario for escalation inevitable incentives for conflict minimization
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When trying to choose a topic to research I tried to find one that interests me. I decided that I wanted to look at nhl players\When trying to choose a topic to research I tried to find one that interests me. I decided that I wanted to look at nhl players' statistics in some way
There was possibly some sampling bias in the information I gathered because it is from the 2009/2010 season, which is after the salary cap was implemented
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Vietnam War References Vietnam War Chronology 2 III corps Tactical Zone 11Vietnam War References Vietnam War Chronology 2 III corps Tactical Zone 11
This chronology is based on the more detailed chronology in Harry Summers Vietnam War Almanac supplemented by First Division information from J. S. Wheeler The Big Red One
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Women Scientists By: Cleopatra S. NikolaouWomen Scientists By: Cleopatra S. Nikolaou
Annie is known for being a clever, computer scientist. She worked for National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nasa) as one of the top computer programmers. She is one of the first African American women to work in the computer field
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U. S. and Global Media Perspectives on AfghanistanU. S. and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan
Evaluating the Roles of the United States and the United Nations in Preserving World Peace
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1ac cascade effect advantage1ac cascade effect advantage
Plan: The United States Federal Government should deploy systems to remediate space debris
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U. S. Proposal on negotiating ntbs related to the automobile sectorU. S. Proposal on negotiating ntbs related to the automobile sector
The following communication, dated 28 January 2005, has been received from the Delegation of the United States
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ST. louis urban debate league 2012-2013 1ac 2 Inherency Extensions 14 Solvency Extensions 18 hegemony extensions 21ST. louis urban debate league 2012-2013 1ac 2 Inherency Extensions 14 Solvency Extensions 18 hegemony extensions 21
A lack of charging outlets is the major barrier for ev market penetration only 3,300 exist and they are unevenly distributed
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Reconsideration packet for the army board of corrections of military records captain lawrence m. Liss contents include evidence, new points of considerationReconsideration packet for the army board of corrections of military records captain lawrence m. Liss contents include evidence, new points of consideration
Contents include evidence, new points of consideration and clarification from the previous review completed by the army awards branch. Ending in a declination in 2011
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Introduction: a new world orderIntroduction: a new world order
The Vietnam War, in which the United States failed to prevent the establishment of a communist regime in Southeast Asia, came to a painful end
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The Iraq Crisis and the Future of the Western Alliance Marc TrachtenbergThe Iraq Crisis and the Future of the Western Alliance Marc Trachtenberg
Atlantic Community, dependent on America and under American control,” and this France would not permit. 1[1] The German government seemed to share de Gaulle’s sentiments
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Biological warfare threat the understanding of its history and science for deterrence, detection, containment, treatment and mitigationBiological warfare threat the understanding of its history and science for deterrence, detection, containment, treatment and mitigation
David N. Rahni, Ph. D. Professor of Chemistry, Adjunct Professor, Environmental Law & Dermatology
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Duelling Honors: Power, Identity and the Russia-Georgia DivideDuelling Honors: Power, Identity and the Russia-Georgia Divide
The case of Russia-Georgia divide is important for demonstrating benefits and limitations of traditional foreign policy explanations and for learning possible ways to de-escalate dangerous bilateral conflicts
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