| Hegel and Institutional Rationality by Philosophy of Right, and freedom is “the worthiest and most sacred possession of man. In his account of the nature of this all-important freedom, Hegel makes two well known claims 92.54 Kb. 3 | read |
| Bar-Ilan University Parshat Yitro 5774/January 18, 2014 Parashat Hashavua Study Center Studies, Paul and Helene Shulman Basic Jewish Studies Center, and the Office of the Campus Rabbi. Published on the Internet under the sponsorship of Bar-Ilan University's International Center for Jewish Identity 20.55 Kb. 1 | read |
| Goals and Objectives for the Exploration and Investigation of the Solar System’s Small Bodies Assessment Group (sbag) Goals and Objectives for the Exploration and Investigation of the Solar System’s Small Bodies 187.8 Kb. 4 | read |
| E sccr/33/7 original: english date: february 1, 2017 Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights Thirty-third Session Geneva, November 14 to 18, 2016 The Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”, or the “sccr”) held its Thirty-Third Session in Geneva, from 0.55 Mb. 9 | read |
| Grant and Sherman A companion volume to Headley’s "Grant and Sherman". Comprising the early life and public services of the prominent naval commanders who, with Grant and Sherman and their generals 1.1 Mb. 23 | read |
| Table of contents introduction 1 Welcome to the University of Massachusetts/Amherst Dance Program. This handbook is designed to answer questions you may have about the dance major, course requirements, performing opportunities and other aspects of the program 115.14 Kb. 1 | read |
| Welcome to eng 101: Writing About Cities Instructor name: Molly Slavin Contact information I strive to answer all emails within 24 hours; most times, I will answer more quickly than that, but sometimes (with travel, reduced availability, etc), it might take me 48 49.75 Kb. 1 | read |
| American Concrete Pavement Association 9450 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Suite 150 Rosemont, IL 60018 Rosemont, ILL. (August 17, 2017) – The American Concrete Pavement Association (acpa) has named recipients of its 24rd Annual “Excellence in Concrete Pavements” awards 92.85 Kb. 1 | read |
| Treasure of the Inca: Sacsayhuaman and the Ancient Tunnels of South America I learned is that Sacsayhuaman is an ancient Incan ruin that is at the center of an incredible story of lost treasures, secret cities, underground tunnels, mysterious beings, underworlds 419.71 Kb. 3 | read |
| The atlantic coast Official reports have been carefully, examined, and, indeed, form almost wholly the basis of what is presented 1.74 Mb. 12 | read |
| The enigmatic "Tartessian" Monuments of South Portugal. G. J. Boekschoten One of the most intriguing theories is that the language may be some form of Celtic, and even that the Celtic culture originally spread from this southwestern part of Europe to elsewhere 1.52 Mb. 3 | read |
| Brazilian biodiversity fund funbio annual report Fund’s objectives, 2000 was a take-off period for the two main promotional programs, both focused on developing relations with the private sector 296.84 Kb. 4 | read |
| Proposed pebble bed modular reactor Draft environmental impact report for the proposed pebble bed modular reactor (pbmr) demonstration plant at koeberg in the western cape 3.96 Mb. 17 | read |
| The War Between the Children of Light and the “them” of the Dark Kingdom Note Note: Here are two brief studies: This article, and my supplement research material on “Shades and Rephaim,” found below in Appendix A 84.23 Kb. 1 | read |
| The case for regulation, part 2 some the politics of auto safety regulation Cover Story by Gareth G. Cook The case for regulation, part 2 some the politics of auto safety regulation Cover Story 40.99 Kb. 1 | read |