Revolutionary LifestylesRevolutionary Lifestyles
In a power structure similar to country-versus-town, Brooklyn played second to New York in terms of economics and social considerations. Thus, Brooklynites sought to reconcile the difference by identifying themselves with the larger city
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Darryl Heller Dissertation Proposal Draft April 7, 2008 Law, Labor, and Politics: Street Railways in Brooklyn and New York, 1884-1904Darryl Heller Dissertation Proposal Draft April 7, 2008 Law, Labor, and Politics: Street Railways in Brooklyn and New York, 1884-1904
Despite widespread calls for municipal ownership of the street railways and to control their use of city streets for benefit of the municipality, this would not take place for another half centur
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April 13, 2009 The DigestApril 13, 2009 The Digest
Two happenings in May will turn Kalamazoo into “The Animation Capital of the Midwest.”
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1. 1 Why Launch!1. 1 Why Launch!
This text was adapted by The Saylor Foundation under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share-Alike 0 License without attribution as requested by the work’s original creator or licensee
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The Nation That Fell To EarthThe Nation That Fell To Earth
City and Washington. How well did America respond to that day, when viewed with the benefit of hindsight? How has history judged our leaders' actions?
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Escaping the trap: the simplified application of eu lawEscaping the trap: the simplified application of eu law
Court”, national law, international law and at times also European Convention on Human Rights and Strasbourg case law. Presumably
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Hand Out 03: apt programming NotesHand Out 03: apt programming Notes
Apt stands for Automatically Programmed Tool. It is a language that defines the tool path with respect to the part geometry, and often forms the basis for post-processor generated nc files
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A perspective on supercomputing: three decades of changeA perspective on supercomputing: three decades of change
These problems have made equal demands upon the disk and tape storage systems, to save the data generated, and upon scientific visualization systems, in order to translate that data into scientific understanding
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The erotic ontology of cyberspace by michael heim chapter 7 of The Metaphysics of Virtual RealityThe erotic ontology of cyberspace by michael heim chapter 7 of The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality
Cyberspace is more than a breakthrough in electronic media or in computer interface design. With its virtual environments and simulated worlds, cyberspace is a metaphysical laboratory, a tool for examining our very sense of reality
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Chapter 3 Radical Teaching and Social Movements: Historical LegaciesChapter 3 Radical Teaching and Social Movements: Historical Legacies
It speakes of resistance, indignation, the just anger of those who are deceived and betrayed. It speaks, too, of their right to rebel against the ethical transgressions of which they are the long-suffering victims”
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Publicity contactsPublicity contacts
Remember is a compelling thriller in which the darkest chapter of the 20th century collides with a contemporary mission of revenge
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The Unbearable Humanness of Drone Warfare in fata, PakistanThe Unbearable Humanness of Drone Warfare in fata, Pakistan
Pakistani territory. In this sense, the continued violence waged by robots in Pakistan’s tribal areas is a result of the deadly interaction between law and technology. The paper concludes by noting the proliferation of drones in everyday
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Hand Out 03: apt programming NotesHand Out 03: apt programming Notes
Apt stands for Automatically Programmed Tool. It is a language that defines the tool path with respect to the part geometry, and often forms the basis for post-processor generated nc files
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Homo Connecticus: Implications for Life in a Connected PlanetHomo Connecticus: Implications for Life in a Connected Planet
It is a pleasure for me to speak at this symposium honoring Shimon Peres, one of the great leaders the world has produced. I came all the way from us to celebrate his vision
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The myth of the superuserThe myth of the superuser
Superuser has led to confusing and ambiguous laws and has been used to justify infringements on individual rights such as the privacy of online communications
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