Preliminary staff assessmentPreliminary staff assessment
This document has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources Board. Publication does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources Board
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Bill analysisBill analysis
All of these alternative fuel programs will expire in 2017 and 2018 if they are not renewed this session. The remainder of terp will expire in 2019 if it is not extended
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The design of a comprehensive microsimulator of household vehicle fleet composition, utilization, and evolutionThe design of a comprehensive microsimulator of household vehicle fleet composition, utilization, and evolution
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Section 2 county-specific vehicle age distribution and population matricesSection 2 county-specific vehicle age distribution and population matrices
Emfac2000. Accurate estimates of vehicle population are necessary for calculating ton per day emission estimates for exhaust and evaporative emissions while vehicle age distributions are important for calculating reliable average fleet
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Namas Proposal – nama seeking Support for Preparation Title of Mitigation ActionNamas Proposal – nama seeking Support for Preparation Title of Mitigation Action
A lack of public acceptance can limit government action in this sector, indicating the need for awareness campaigns
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Aida climate change working party and aida motor insurance working party questionnaire on Motor Insurance and Climate ChangeAida climate change working party and aida motor insurance working party questionnaire on Motor Insurance and Climate Change
Law arising out of discussions held at the XIII aida world Congress in Paris in May 2010. Since then much has happened. The Aida climate Change Working Party has been formed. It has already held five meetings
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Parking crashes and Parking Assistance System Design: Evidence from Crash DataBases, the Literature, and Insurance Agent Interviews Paul GreenParking crashes and Parking Assistance System Design: Evidence from Crash DataBases, the Literature, and Insurance Agent Interviews Paul Green
This paper (1) summarizes previous human factors/safety research on parking
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