Chapter 1 U. S. Naval Tradition

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Chapter 1 - U.S. Naval Tradition

Chapter 1 covers the striking forces of the US Navy, “Triad”, weapon systems, and readiness training.

• The elements of sea power enable a sea dependent nation to protect and maintain its political, economic, and military strengths seaward and beyond.

• National Military Strategy rests on three basic pillars:
- deterrence
- forward defense
- alliance solidarity

• The TRIAD is a US strategic nuclear force that consists of:

- Ballistic Missiles
- Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)
- Long-range bomber
• The long-range bombers are the most flexible element of the TRIAD.

• Trident submarines carry 24 ballistic missiles (SLBMs)

• The TRIAD has been developed and maintained to deter nuclear attack.

• The Navy has four American fleets.

Second-Atlantic fleet
Third- West Coast
Sixth- Mediterranean
Seventh- Western Pacific and Indian Ocean regions

• The primary mission of submarines is to seek and destroy enemy submarines.

• The George Washington SSBN-598, launched in June 1959 was the first fleet ballistic missile submarine.

• The George Washington SSBN 598 had 16 launching tubes equipped with Polaris A-1, 1200-natutical-mile-range missiles

• The following are Fundamental Warfare Tasks
1. Antiair Warfare (AAW) is the destruction of enemy aircraft and airborne weapons.
2. Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) is the destruction or neutralization of enemy submarines.
3. Antisurface Ship Warfare (ASUW) is the destruction or neutralization of enemy surface ships
4. Strike Warfare is the use of nuclear weapons to destroy or neutralize enemy targets.
5. Amphibious Warfare consists of attacks launched from sea by naval forces and by land forces embarked on ships or crafts.
6. Mine Warfare is the use of mines and counter measures to control sea or harbor areas.

• The Harpoon antiship cruise missile is a medium-range, rocket boosted, turbo-sustained cruise missile.

• The Phalanx Close-in weapons system is the first all-weather, automatic controlled gun system. The gun fires 20mm high density penetrating projectiles at 3,000 rounds per minute.

• Phoenix air-to-air missile can destroy hostile targets with conventional warheads in all weather. The system can simultaneously track 24 hostile air targets and launch six missiles against six different targets.

• Tomahawk Cruise missile is a long-range, subsonic cruise missile. The Tomahawk is a highly survivable weapon. Radar detection is difficult because the missile has a very small cross section and flies at a very low altitude.

• To meet the sea power challenge, the US Navy continually conducts readiness training. This readiness training includes refresher training, routine drills, exercises, and inspections.

• Refresher training is designed to turn a materially ready and manned ship into a ship that is fully capable of performing its assigned mission.

• The Navy operates two refresher training groups. One on each coast. The Atlantic Group is located at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Pacific Group is located in San Diego, CA.

• Refresher training normally takes about 5 weeks to complete. The training consists of inspections, exercises, drills, and battle problems. Upon completion of refresher training, the ship is ready for deployment.

• To ensure ships and crews are prepared to meet operational commitments, higher authority holds several inspections.

• Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI): One of the most important inspections ships receive is the ORI. Unit commanders normally perform these inspections while the ship is underway with the crew at battle stations or with conditions watches set.

• Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) based on Navy Regulations the Board of Inspection and Survey examines each naval ship at least Once every 3 years if practical. The inspection determines the ship's material condition. Higher authority schedules these inspections without the knowledge of the commanding officer.

Chapter 2 - Leadership and Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter two covers leadership responsibilities, work center schedules, work center tasks, responsibility of signature by authority, and naval correspondence and messages. Chapter 2 also covers the “old” enlisted performance evaluations (pages 2-10 through 2-15). This system is obsolete. I recommend not spending any time studying this material. You can find information on the current evaluation in the correspondence course.

• The most important resource within your division are the personnel

• To effectively interact with your personnel do not confine yourself to your office. Spend a little time there in the morning to complete administrative duties, then spend the rest of your time in the work area.

• You should assess your division’s personnel and material readiness daily.

• Make a daily inventory of material being used. Also make a weekly inventory to order supplies.

• When you assess your workers’ performance, you will need to look at three areas:

- Attitude
- Knowledge
- Work Habits

• Each division or department uses the operating target (OPTAR) log to make formal supply inventory.

• Maintain a daily power tool log. Keep a list of out of commission tools.

• Ensure all hand and power tools are assigned serial numbers. Use the serial number to log tools in and out.

• Every division should have a log that describes deficiencies and missing equipment. That log is called the equipment deficiency log.

• Your command maintains an inventory of personnel. This report is called the enlisted distribution verification report. (EDVR).

• The EDVR is a computer printout of the number of personnel in each rate at the command.

• Temporary addition duty (TAD) requirements are usually divided throughout the various departments based on the ship’s overall manpower.

• Use your work center schedule to plan for personnel training, work stoppages, logistics problems, and losses in manpower.

• Every afloat command in the Navy has an operational schedule called the annual employment schedule. It lists the planned operations, assist visits, inspections, and ports of call for the fiscal year. From that schedule other schedules are issued.

• The quarterly employment schedule (shown on Page 2-4) shows changes in the ship’s operations that could alter each department’s long range plan.

• Before making your work center schedule refer to the command’s annual and quarterly employment schedules.

• See page 2-5 for a sample of a work center schedule and quarterly training plan. See page 2-6 to see the monthly training plan.

• When setting task goals, include your junior petty officers as part of the planning process. This will help prevent misunderstandings between you and your subordinates.

• Remember when you delegate authority to your subordinates, you still have the final responsibility for that task.

• Delegation of authority develops leadership skills.

• Always delegate authority to the lowest competent level.

• Counseling subordinates is the most effective way to inform them of their standing in the division.

• Counseling on performance and military bearing identifies both the good and bad perfomers, and provides a means to correct problems

• You can use three methods of counseling:

- Counseling sheet/letter of instruction
- Page 13 entry (service record)
- Document the positive/ negative marks on the evaluation report.

• Counseling sheets and letters of instruction are not entered in a members service record. They can be retained in the member’s training jacket or division officer’s notebook.

• Page 13 entries can be both good or bad. Figure 2-7 on page 2-9 gives examples of page 13 entries

• One of the easiest and most rewarding tasks given to you will be to give rewards. Yet it is often neglected.

• You can recognize good performance with rewards such as special liberty, late sleepers, extra time off at lunch, etc.

• Other types of recognition:

- Sailor of the Quarter/Year
- Letter of Appreciation
- Letter of Commendation
- Navy Achievement Medal
- Meritorious advancement

Keep in mind these awards are recommendations. They need to be written strong and convincing to be approved by the chain of command.

• There are two types of authority.
- general
- Organizational

General authority is given to officers and petty officers so they can fulfill their duties and responsibilities.

• Individuals have organizational authority needed to fulfill duties and responsibilities by virtue of their positions within the Navy organization.

• The commanding officer may delegate signature authority to military and civilian subordinates and these subordinates may be authorized to delegate signature even further.

• The CO must have all delegated signatures in writing.

• Delegated signatures are delegated to titles rather than names.

• When subordinates sign documents under delegated authority, they usually sign “by direction”

• The CO or OIC must personally sign the following documents (they cannot authorize delegation of authority):

- documents that establish policy
- Those which center on changes to the command’s mission and are addressed to a higher authority
- Those which deal with certain aspects of military justice (unless a staff legal officer finds that the CO’s signature is unnecessary.
- Those required by law or regulation(ie, ship’s deck log)

• If you are authorized to use a facsimile stamp of someone else’s signature, you must pen you initials next to each signature you stamp, to authorize the facsimile.

• Note: Pages 2-30 through 2-54 cover Routine Naval Correspondence and messages. I will cover the basics, if you need more information you will have to refer back to pages 2-30 through 2-54.

• The organization of a message is the authority (command or activity) in who’s name the message is sent.

The originator is responsible for the functions of the message drafter and message releaser.

The Releaser is responsible for validating the contents of the message. Usually the CO is the releasing officer, but the CO can delegate releasing authority.

• Messages are divided into four common precedence categories:
- Routine (prosign R)
- Priority (prosign P)
- Immediate (prosign O)
- Flash (prosign Z)

See page 2-32 (fig. 2-13) for detailed information on message precedence.

• Pages 2-34, 2-40, 2-41, and 2-43 show various letters that you may want to review as a reference.

• You will use Navy Mailed Message (NAV-GRAM) for urgent communications between Department of Defense (DoD) addressees only

Chapter 3 - Programs and Policies

This chapter covers the Navy’s Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) program, The Command Assessment Team (CAT), the Command Training Team (CTT), and the Navy’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program.

Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO)

• Equal Opportunity is an integral part of each command’s leadership and management activities. All Navy Units must have a CMEO program.

• The CMEO Program is controlled primarily at the command level.

• All hands need to support the Navy’s equal opportunity program, by evaluating and resolving discrimination complaints at the lowest level possible.

Enforce Equal Opportunity- Any person committing an act of discrimination based on race, religion, color, gender, age, or national origin is subject to the following disciplinary action from the commanding officer:
1. Counsel individuals concerning their responsibilities.
2. If counseling is not effective, or if further action is warranted he following actions can be taken:
- Give warning
- Lower evaluation marks
- Award non-judicial punishment (NJP)
- Submit a recommendation for separation for the best interest of the service.

• Commands have two teams that evaluate and assess its equal opportunity status.

• The Command Assess Team (CAT) evaluates how much command members actually know about equal opportunity.

• The Command Training Team (CTT) assesses the command’s compliance with the Navy’s equal opportunity objectives as a whole.

• Non-judicial punishment is better known in the Navy as Captain’s Mast. Based on article 15 of the UCMJ commanding officers may award punishment for minor offenses without the intervention of a court martial. Punishment must be imposed within 2 years of the offense.

Mast Procedures

• Report Chit-NAVPERS 1626/7 which lists the offense(s). This states that you have been advised of your rights under article 31, it records and pre-mast restraint, it serves as a preliminary inquiry report, and it records the action of the executive officer at XO screening.

• If the commanding officer is convinced you are guilty of the offense(s), they may impose nine types of punishments. 1. Restriction- which is the least severe form of denying liberty.

2. Arrest in Quarters- commissioned or warrant officer only.
3. Correctional Custody- Can only be awarded to nonrated persons. This is a physical restraint of the person
4. Confinement on bread and water- nonrated personnel (E-3 and below). Maximum duration is three days.
5. Admonition and reprimand
6. Reduction in grade- a reduction in grade or “bust” is considered the most severe form on NJP. Can only be reduced one grade, per single mast appearance.
7. Extra Duty- is performed after hours. Normally extra duty cannot exceed two hours a day. Extra duty is not performed on Sundays.
8. Forfeiture of Pay permanent loss of entitlement pay.
9. Detention of Pay is less severe than forfeiture of pay. Detention of pay cannot exceed one year. All detained money will be paid back at the end of the detention period.

Fines are not authorized punishment at NJP.

• Effective dates of punishments- Commanding Officers can defer punishment up to 15 days.

• Appeals Procedures- You have five days to file an appeal.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

• The Navy has a zero tolerance policy on drugs.

• The Navy has taken a firm stand against drug abuse. The Navy will process for immediate separation from any officer, chief, or petty officer identified as a drug user.

Urinalysis Testing has become the most valuable detection and deterrence tool used by the Navy. Laboratories test for six different types of drugs. Each sample is tested three times.

Drugs and Their Effects

Narcotics- (ie opium, heroin, codeine, and morphine) Drug abuser under the influence of narcotics usually appears lethargic and drowsy or displays symptoms of deep intoxication. Pupils are often constricted and fail to respond to light. Some abusers may drink paregoric or cough medicines containing narcotics.

Heroin is a white or brown powder. It produces an intense euphoria resulting in an easing of fears and relief from worry. However, a state of inactivity bordering on stupor often follows. User develops a tolerance and must ingest larger quantities to get a “kick”.

Morphine is used as a medical drug for the relief of pain.

Codeine is used in cough preparations and is less addictive than morphine or heroin.

Methadone was invented by German Chemists in 1941, when the morphine supply ran low. It relieves pain and is highly addictive. It is taken orally.

Stimulants stimulate the central nervous system. The most common in this country is caffeine. The more potent synthetic stimulants are: amphetamines, methyl phenidate, and phenmetrazine. Stimulants produce increased activity and the ability to go without sleep for extended periods.

Cocaine is a white or colorless crystalline powder. It can be inhaled or injected. It can induce euphoria, excitation, anxiety, a sense of increased muscular strength, and talkativeness. An overdose can depress the heart and breathing, causing death.

Crack is a street cocaine mixed with baking soda and water. Crack can cause the heart and arteries to burst and can cause massive heart attack.

Amphetamines often called “uppers’ and used in weight loss.

Depressants depress the central nervous system. Barbiturates and some tranquilizers can cause the user to have symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Overdoses, particularly when taken with alcohol can result in unconsciousness and death without proper medical treatment.

Hallucinogens are chemicals extracted from plants or synthesized in labs. LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, psilocin, and PCP are all examples of hallucinogens. These drugs distort the user’s perception of reality. The effects of LSD may recur days or even months after someone has taken it. These drugs have very unpredictable mental effects on the person taking them.

Volatile Chemicals include airplane glue, lacquer thinner, gas, fingernail polish remover, and lighter fluid. Abusers usually inhale from rags, plastic or paper bags.

Marijuana is a greenish tobacco-like material consisting of leaves, flowers, small stems, and seeds.

Urinalysis testing is done by all members, regardless of rank, rate, or age

• Drug Detection dogs-Commands can request through the security department to use drug detection dogs (DDD). The only persons needing prior knowledge of a DDD inspection or an authorized search are the commanding officer and the dog handlers

Alcohol Abuse

• Alcohol is the number one drug problem in the United States today. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down the central nervous system. Alcohol can cause physical and psychological dependence. This is called alcoholism. Blood-alcohol levels can be taken to detect the alcohol levels in a person’s blood stream.

• Chronic Heavy Drinking reduces the brain’s sensitivity to the alcohol. Therefore a person must drink more to feel the effects. But later in the chronic stage their tolerance can decrease to the point that they may become drunk on relatively small amounts of alcohol.

• Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA) is the command representative responsible to the commanding officer for carrying out the Navy Drug and Alcohol Counseling (NADAP)

Chapter 4 - Professional Responsibilities

Chapter 4 explains the responsibilities of a petty officer, types of authority, EMI, watch, quarter and station bill, PQS, and paths to a commission.

• There are two types of authority:

1. General
2. Organizational

• General responsibilities and duties of all officers and petty officers in the Navy are listed in article 141-4 of the Standard Organization and Regulations of the United States Navy OPNAVIST 3120-32B

Article 1020 gives all persons in the naval service the right to exercise authority over subordinate personnel.

• Organizational authority held by officers and petty officers is derived from each person’s assigned billet within a particular command.

Extra Military Instruction
(Know this!)

EMI is NOT extra duty.

• EMI is a lesson in a phase of military duty, designed to correct a deficiency of performance. EMI is non-punitive

• It will normally not be assigned for more than two hours per day.

• It may be assigned at a reasonable time outside normal working hours, but it will not be used to deprive a person of normal liberty.

• The duration of EMI will be limited to the period of time required to correct the training deficiency.

It should not be assigned on the individual’s Sabbath.

• Withholding of privileges is a non-punitive measure. A privilege is a benefit (not a right) provided for convenience or enjoyment of an individual.

• Examples of privileges that may be withheld are:
Special liberty, exchange of duty, special pay, special command programs, base of ship library use, base or ship movies, base parking, and base special services events.

• The final authority to withhold a privilege (however temporary), rests with the level that grants the privilege.

• Extension of working hours- Depriving an individual of liberty or privileges as a punishment for any offense or substandard performance of duty is illegal, except as specifically authorized under the UCMJ.

• However personnel can be required to stay on board to complete work assignments that should have been completed, or to complete additional essential work, or to maintain a required level of operational readiness. Petty officers may have the authority delegated to them to extend working hours as needed.

• Division Officer’s duties, responsibilities, and authority are outlines in SORN.

• Assigning Division Responsibilities: Make sure the person assigned is qualified to do the job. When assigning a big job, delegate one person to be held responsible for the job.

• Watch, Quarter and Station Bill (WQS) is the commanding officer’s summary of personnel duty assignments and stations. This bill will display your duties for each emergency and watch condition.

• The WQS bill shows name, rate, billet number, bunk, and locker number of each person in the division. It also indicates each person’s battle station.

• The executive officer (XO) is responsible for maintaining a master WQS Bill for the ship.

• Division officers are responsible for updating and changing the WQS bill for the personnel in the division. These changes must be approved by the executive officer(XO).

Emergency Bills are probably the most important of all shipboard bills because they spell out where to respond for emergency situations, ie General Quarters, Man Overboard, CBR, emergency destruction, collisions, etc.

Man Overboard: Anyone who sights a person overboard should immediately

1. call out (yell) “Man Overboard Port (or starboard) side.”
2. Notify the ODD in the quickest manner possible, ie lookouts or phone.
3. Toss over a life ring or life jacket.

Emergency Destruction Bill-All commands located outside the United States and its territories, as well as all deployable commands and all commands holding communications security (COMSEC) must have an emergency destruction bill. The plan calls for the highest degree of classified matter to be destroyed first. For combustible materials, oil or chemicals may be used to aid in the burning. All equipment must be smashed beyond all recognition.

• The (PQS) Personnel Qualification Standards program is a way you can qualify to perform your assigned duty. PQS is a written list of knowledge and skills. It is a qualification system for personnel to perform certain duties.

• Most PQS standards are divided into three sections. Fundamentals, Systems, and Watch Stations.

• PQS Coordinator is another key individual in PQS matters. Some of their duties include:
- Maintain PQS software. - Order sufficient supplies. - Advises the executive officer (XO) and planning board for training on all PQS matters.

• Department Head:

- Sets standards and monitors their department’s PQS program.
- Designates in writing those individuals who are authorized to sign off qualifications.
- Recommend interim qualification of watch standards, as necessary.
- Serves as chairman of the department examining board.

• Executive Officer/Training Officer:

- Acts as an overall training supervisor.
- Maintains and updates the unit’s instruction on PQS and the unit’s notice designating the qualifiers.
- Reinforces command emphasis on PQS.

• Commanding Officer:

- Establishes a PQS organization. - Serves as final qualification authority for the command (final sign may be delegated, but no lower the department head level.)
- Designates in writing those individuals authorized to act as qualifiers.
- Establishes an appropriate means of recognizing the achievement of qualification goals.

Enlisted Service Records

• Service records are both official and unofficial papers.

• The left side of the folder contains official and unofficial papers that are required for records purposes or for safe keeping. The actual service record is on the right side of the folder.

• There are 15 different forms.
Page 1 is your enlisted contract.
Page 2 is your dependency application/Record of Emergency data. (reservists take a copy of their Page 2 with them when they go on two week AT) Update your Page 2 whenever you have a change in your family status.
Page 4- This is your enlisted qualifications, i.e., education level, ASVAB test, off duty education, training courses, Navy schools, Awards, PQS, standards.
Page 13: Administrative remarks form, NAVPERS 1070/613. Contains miscellaneous entries.

Officer Programs

LDO & CWO- These you will want to remember, you may see them on an exam sooner or later.

• CWO & LDO programs do not require a college education.

• For CWO you must be an E7, E-8, or E-9. You must have at least 12 years of service but no more than 24 years of service.

• For LDO you must be en E-7 or E-8 with at least 8 years of service but no more than 16 years of service. Please note: E-6s that have completed all the requirements for CPO and have taken the E-7 exam and have a final multiple equal to or greater than the final multiple to pass are eligible for the LDO program.

• Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP): Open to all male/female US Citizens on active duty. ECP selectees will have a 6 years active service obligation. Must have at least 4 years but no more than 11 years of active service as of 1-September of the year of enrollment.

• Officer Candidate School (OCS) The OCS program provides 16 weeks of officer indoctrination training for enlisted personnel who posses a baccalaureate degree or higher. Must be at least 19 and no more than 29.


• Depending upon the ship and its operating schedule, quarters for muster and inspection are held each work day before 0800. Quarters can be held:

- Fair weather parade
- Foul weather parade
- Personnel Inspections
- Muster on station.

• Locker and Seabag Inspections: US Navy Uniform Regulations states:

Commanding officer shall require the clothing of all nonrated (E-3 & below) personnel to be inspected by division officers at regular intervals to ensure that each person has a full seabag. Petty Officers may be inspected on an individual basis, if appropriate.

Chapter 5 - Military Requirements

Chapter 5 covers proper watch standing, deck logs, and security procedures for visitors.

• Setting the watch occurs with a change of watch conditions within the ship such as getting underway.

• Relieving the watch- Experience has shown that the ability to handle casualties and tactical decisions is significantly reduced during the transition period between watches.

• Both the relieved watch and the relieving watch are responsible for seeing that the relieving watch is aware of all unusual conditions.

• When relieving the watch:
The relief reports, "I am ready to relieve you, sir/ma'am." Then, the relieved gives a status report and answers any questions. When the relief is satisfied that all information has been passed on, they relieve the watch by saying, "I relieve you, sir/ma'am." The person being relieved will state, "I stand relieved."

• The log is completed (for that watch) for the off-going ODD before leaving the watch station. Note: see pages 5-7 and 5-8 Ship's Deck Log.

• ODD in Port- The ODD is primarily responsible for the safety and proper operation of the unit.

• The ship's bell indicates time. The bell is struck once for each half hour, with a maximum of eight bells. For example, at 0830 the bell is sounded once, at 0900 two bells are sounded, then so on until 1200 when 8 bells are struck. This is normally restricted during the times between taps and reveille.

• Apprehension is the equivalent of an arrest in civilain life.

• The Deck Log (in Port): Information in the ship's deck log is For Official Use Only. The ship's deck log is prepared in duplicate. The original copy is submitted monthly to the Chief of Naval Operations. The copy is retained on board for 6 months and then destroyed.

• Visitor Control: all Navy ships are required to have a general visiting bill.

• General Visiting: Refers to specifically authorized occasions when the ship acts as a host to the general public. The visiting hours will normally be the hours of 1300-1600. One person should be assigned to each group of visitors (15 people per group).

• One half hour before the scheduled commencement of general visiting, sentry and tour guides will be mustered by the Chief Master-At-Arms for inspection and instruction.

• The CDO should be notified whenever a visitor is injured or requires first aid.

Entertaining Guests

• Officers are permitted to have personal guests during visiting hours. These visiting hours will be between the hours of 1600 and 2200 daily, and at other times with the approval of the executive officer (XO).

• Chief Petty Officers are permitted to entertain personal guests in their messroom and lounge after 1100 and until the expiration of visiting hours on Sundays and during general visiting.

• Enlisted members may entertain members of their families in the crew's lounge and messing spaces when general visiting is permitted.

• Visits by Foreign Nationals: Unclassified controlled visits by foreign nationals may be authorized by the commanding officer, subject to local restrictions established by higher authority. Classified visits should be authorized by the CNO, and then only with the approval of the commanding officer.

• The ODD is directly responsible to the commanding officer for the posting of all security watches and sentries. • Pier Security Patrol stand a four hour watch armed with a rifle. They patrol that portion of the pier between the bow and the stern of the ship.

• Forecastle and Fantail Security- When these watches are posted they are armed with a rifle, a belt, 30 rounds of ammunition, a whistle, and a flashlight. Should a boat or person(s) approach, attempt to board, they should challenge the boat or person(s) and try to positively identify them. If the challenge is not answered it should be repeated, and then if no answer is received, the whistle should be sounded for assistance.

• The use of deadly force should be thoroughly understood by all personnel under arms as outlined in SECNAVIST 5500.29A

• Arrest: is restraint of a person, oral or written, not imposed by punishment

• Confinement: is physical restraint imposed by order of a competent authority.

• Granting Asylum and Temporary Refuge:
The following is paraphrased from article 0939 of United States Navy Regulations
High Seas and US Territories-under exclusive United States jurisdiction, persons should be received on board at their request. Under no circumstances should the person be surrendered to foreign jurisdiction or control, unless directed to foreign jurisdiction or control by the Secretary of the Navy or higher authority.
Foreign Territories In territories under foreign jurisdiction, refuge should be granted for humanitarian reasons only in extreme or exceptional circumstances where life or safety of the person is in imminent danger. Once protection is granted it should only be terminated when directed by the Secretary of the Navy or higher authority. If foreign authorities request return of the person, it should be reported to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO).

Chapter 6 - Safety and Survival

Chapter 6 covers safety and mishap prevention. Respiratory protection, heat stress, sight conservation, tag out log, and survival situations.

• Mishaps are unplanned events. Proper safety knowledge and corrective actions can prevent the unplanned mishap Since people cause mishaps, such preventative actions must be directed at individuals. Investigate each mishap no matter how minor, to determine its cause.

• As a senior petty officer your task is to train personnel to recognize and understand mishap causes and how to prevent them.

Division Safety Petty Officer One of your primary responsibilities is to train each person in your division to notice violations. Also must increase your own safety awareness. In addition you also maintain records of safety training within your division. As a division safety officer you must help conduct safety investigations as directed as a technical advisor about mishap prevention within your division.

Safety Information

• The following manual and instructions will help guide you in making your duty station a safer place to work:

- Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program manual OPNAV-INST 5100-23B
- NAVOSH Manual for Forces Afloat 5100.19B Provides general shipboard safety precautions.
- Standard Organization and Regulations of the US Navy Chapter 7, OPNAVINST 3120.32B Outlines the safety program and the safety organization.

• Mishap Prevention Education & Training- remember, One person cannot ensure safe working conditions. An all-hands effort is required to achieve mishap-free working conditions.

• Safety Observations: you can use three kinds of safety observations: Incidental, Deliberate, and Planned

Incidental Safety Observations- This occurs when you notice safety hazards without deliberately taking time to look for them. You generally notice them as you go from place to place during your daily routine.

Deliberate Safety Observations This is when you deliberately observe your surroundings for safety violations. You intentionally pause in whatever you are doing, to see if a person does some part of a job safely. You watch strictly from a safety standpoint

Planned Safety Observations When you deliberately schedule a time to watch for safety violations by a person performing a specific job. It is designed to check regularly on how safely all hazardous jobs are performed.

• To do a good job of detecting unsafe practices, you need to use all three types of safety observations.

• Job Safety Analysis- JSA is the study of a job to 1) Identify possible hazards or potential mishaps and 2) to develop solutions to eliminate, nullify, or prevent them.

• Fill out a workplace Monitoring Plan OPNAV 5100/14 when making safety observations and your job analyses, or make your own appropriate form.

MAA/Safety Force This is another vital link in the safety program. They act as roving inspectors for unsafe working practices.

• The best safety enforcement is a self-policing safety program

Personnel must report to their supervisor all observed workplace hazards injuries, occupational illnesses, or property damage resulting from accident.

• Industrial Equipment- Ensure personnel have a practical knowledge on all equipment before they are allowed to operate or repair that equipment.

• Pneumatic Tools- Only allow authorized and trained personnel to operate pneumatic tools. Ensure safety equipment is worn. Do not allow personnel with arthritis, neuritis, or circulatory diseases to use and vibrating equipment or tools.

Hazardous Materials Review page 6-8 for a list of some hazardous materials that are prohibited from ships (except if authorized in medical, pharmacies, chemical labs, and cargo spaces.)

• Asbestos insulation cannot be removed except for an emergency as approved by the commanding officer.

Asbestos rip out teams will consist of three qualified persons, including one supervisor each member will wear a continuous-flow air line respirator with full faceplate. For more info see NSTM Chapter 635.

Respiratory Protection-The commanding officer of each unit designates a program manager for respiratory protection, usually the units safety officer or gas free engineering officer.

• Use the oxygen breathing apparatus (OBA) only in emergency situations. Never use a surgical mask in place of a filter respirator.

• Cartridge Color-Coding:

Here is a list of some of the cartridge color codes. (see page 6-13 for more info)
Black…………Organic Vapors
Green…………Ammonia Gas
Purple……….Radioactive materials except tritium and noble gases.

• Hearing conservation- if your personnel must work in a hazardous noise areas or with equipment that produces sound levels greater than 84 db, hearing protection must be worn. If sound levels are greater than 104 db double hearing protection must be worn.

• Heat Stress-Conduct a heat stress survey when the watch or work station’s dry bulb temperature exceeds 100 degrees F.

• Sight Conservation- Personnel must wear eye protection while performing any eye-hazardous operations. To establish an effective sight conservation program, the safety officer must identify eye-hazardous areas and post appropriate warning signs.

• The Navy considers any person with vision in one eye of 20/200 or worse to be visually impaired. You cannot assign anyone with a visual impairment to duties that present a hazard to their remaining eye. Make certain these personnel wear eye protection at all times, regardless of their job assignment or work station.

OPNAVINST 3120.32 governs the Navy’s equipment tag-out bill.

• The purpose of the equipment tag out bill is:
- To provide a safe procedure for personnel to prevent the improper use of a component, system, or equipment.
- To provide a safe procedure for personnel to use when operating an instrument that is unreliable. This procedure uses labels instead of tags (ie, “out of calibration”)
- To provide separate safe procedures for personnel to accomplish PMS.

• The CO must ensure that all personnel know and comply with all applicable safety procedures of the tag-out system.

• The OOD keeps track of the systems being tagged out and the condition of the readiness of the ship.

• Engineering officer of the Watch (EOOW) keeps up with the status of the engineering plant and how the tag-out bill effects the readiness of the plant.

• Authorizing Officer signs the final authorization placing the equipment/system off line for repairs or maintenance. • Person attaching the tag: The person who attaches the tag (along with the person who will second check the tag) can make or break the tag-out system. The person hanging the tag actually shuts a valve or secures a switch that takes a piece of equipment off line for repairs or maintenance.

• The person checking the tag is also very important in the tag-out procedure. This process is called second-checking. The second checker examines the tag to ensure they are where they are supposed to be and the valve or switches are in the correct position.

• Tags, labels, and logs are used in the tag-out system to ensure personal safety and equipment from being damaged.

Danger- Red tags: means a certain danger exists if the system status is changed.

Caution-Yellow tags: these tags usually have specific instructions about the use of the equipment.

• The two labels that are associated with the tag out system are:

- Out of commission (RED): used to identify instruments that give incorrect measurements because they are unreliable.
- Out of Calibration (ORANGE): used on gauges and devices when their calibration is overdue.

• The number of tag-out logs depends on the size of the ship

• The tag-out log is used to control the entire procedure.

• A copy of the main instruction and any other amplifying directives are found in the front of the tag-out log.

• The tag-out log has three parts:
- main instructions
- DANGER/CAUTION tag out index and a record of audits
- CLEARED DANGER/CAUTION tag-out record.


• A normal reaction to the basic human fear can be very useful. When you become afraid your body becomes more alert, you hear better and see better.

The key to survival is your attitude

• Survival requires every person to give 100% toward group effort.

Navy Regulations and article IV of the Code of Conduct give the senior person in a survival situation the authority to take charge.

• Survival ashore becomes a personal struggle between the environment and the specific qualities people bring to the situation.

• Evasion- if you are captured, you have the problem of surviving the Prisoner-Of-War (POW) camp.

• There are two methods that the enemy uses to detect your presence:
1. Observation: by specially trained and equipped observation teams. They can use detection devices, such as binoculars, telescopes, and sound detection equipment.
2. The use of dogs, foot patrols, and mechanized units to patrol a given area.

Camouflage is a major evasion tactic used to hide an object, personnel, or equipment.

• If you are in charge of a large group hiding from the enemy, break your group into many small groups. Obviously small groups are easier to conceal.

• Conceal your self when moving from place to place. Use screens, backgrounds, and shadows to the fullest advantage.

• Under favorable conditions enemy observers can see as far as 100 yards in the open woods

• Prisoner-Of-War camp (POW) The Code of Conduct directs that you begin planning your escape the minute you are taken prisoner.

• While you are a POW, never accept special favors. Never help the enemy by identifying fellow prisoners who may have valuable knowledge.

• If the senior officer or noncommissioned officer is incapacitated or unable to command for any reason, the next senior person will assume command

• Survival at Sea- The senior person in an at-sea survival situation will take charge of the situation and remain calm. You will greatly increase your chances of survival by talking to your people and keeping their morale up. Sing, talk, tell jokes, tell stories, whatever it takes. Stick together and use group support.

Know each other’s special skills so you can utilize each person to the greatest benefit of the group.

• Emphasize that the group will not leave the injured behind

• Basic Elements of Survival:

Use the acronym S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L
Size up the situation
Undue haste makes waste
Remember where you are
Vanquish fear and panic
Improvise (adapt, overcome)
Value living
Act like the natives (fit in)
Learn basic skills

• If you ever find yourself in a survival situation remember: Never give up hope

Chapter 7 – Damage Control

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