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Diversity Drives Differentiation
THE 2015 VECAP National Issues Forum and

The NCVEWAA & NCVECAP Fall Training Conference
OCTOBER 28 to 30, 2015
Atlantic Beach, NORTH CAROLINA

A Professional Conference for:
Vocational Evaluators

Career Assessment Professionals

Rehabilitation Counselors

Substance Abuse & Clinical Counselors

Work Adjustment Specialists

Private Sector Rehabilitation Case Managers

School-Based Assessment Specialists

Mental Health Specialists
Sponsored By:

Vocational Evaluation and Career Assessment Professionals Association

NC Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Association and

NC Vocational Evaluation and Career Assessment Professionals Association

Wednesday October 28, 2015
8:00 - 8:45 Registration and Informal Networking Bogue Sound Room

Continental Breakfast

Posters open

Exhibit tables open Breezeway
8:45 - 9:00 Greetings & Housekeeping: Steve Sligar, President of NC VEWAA

Betty Beacham, Certification Officer
9:00 - 10:00 Opening: With a Nod to Charles Dickens and Vocational Evaluation

Steve Thomas, EdD, Catherine Burzio, MA, and Stephanie Morell, MS
10:00 - 10:30 BREAK
10:30 - 12:00 Selection in the Special Forces Bogue Sound Room

Bruce Moyer, PsyD

Dr. Moyer will discuss the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School and the procedures used to select personnel for the Special Forces.
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch on Your Own (NC VEWAA and VECAP Board meeting)
1:30 - 3:00 The Impact of Non-Exertional and Psychiatric Limitations on Gainful Employment

Bogue Sound Room

Craig Johnston, PhD, CRC

Understanding the impact of non-exertional limitations on employability is critical to working with individuals with cognitive and psychiatric impairments. This presentation identifies the impact of functional impairments on the base of occupations within the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, provides techniques for identifying suitable job goals, and discusses results of an employer validation study.
3:00 - 3:30 BREAK with drinks and cookies
3:30 - 5:00 The Career Decision State Survey Bogue Sound Room

Stephen Leierer, PhD.

Conceptually, the career decision state is a subjective state of being in the moment regarding a career goal or career aspiration and is composed of both cognitive and affective components. This existential state raises such questions as “Who am I? (Identity), “To what goal am I headed? (Direction)” “What are my feelings regarding my goal?” (Satisfaction, Confusion), and “Do I believe in myself to make an appropriate choice and to attain a goal? (Self-confidence, Self-efficacy). When individuals enter a career center seeking career counseling they are in a subjective state of being referred to as the Career Decision State. The question is raised, are individuals ready to make important career or training decisions? This presentation will examine the Career Decision State Survey (CDSS), which is a brief inventory that takes a snapshot of one’s readiness for such efforts according to three constructs, certainty about a career goal, satisfaction with a goal, and vocational clarity regarding one’s career and life goals.
5:00 - ? Exhibits close

Dinner on your own, explore the beach, relax, network, chill, wear flip-flops
Thursday October 29, 2015
8:00 - 8:25 Registration and Informal Networking Bogue Sound Room

Continental Breakfast

Exhibit tables open Breezeway
8:25 - 8:30 Greetings & Housekeeping: Steve Sligar, President of NC VEWAA

Betty Beacham, Certification Officer
8:30 - 10:00 A Vocational Evaluation Crosswalk – Effective Tool Application to Empower Providers Bogue Sound Room

Regina Raffaele, EdS, PVE and Catherine Burzio, MA, PVE

Building collaboration between school-based Vocational Evaluators and Transition Teachers may bridge the gap in creating effective transition plans for youth with disabilities. This collaboration provides added value in the Transition process by identifying assessment instruments, triangulating and applying collected data, and identifying the crosswalk between assessment and IEP plan development.
Triangulation of Cognitive Factors in Vocational Evaluation – More Authentic Assessment Downstairs Room

Samuel Castiglione, EdD, PVE, NCSP (retired)

This updated presentation re-emphasizes the need for triangulated verification in vocational assessment and focuses on neglected elements in cognitive abilities. It covers: 1) The importance to current state of affairs; 2) Description of triangulated verification; 3) Relevant types and sources of cognitive abilities; and 4) Illustrative report formats that might help to incorporate triangulated cognitive data into a more authentic assessment.
10:00 - 10:30 BREAK
10:30 - 12:00 Tips for Interviewing Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Employment

Ed Dunbar, MS, LCAS, LPCA, CSI Bogue Sound Room

Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) are challenging to service providers in multiple settings. Symptoms of APD such as manipulation, violence, and deceitfulness can often sabotage the interview process and result in poor service provision for clients with this disorder. Interviewers can better serve these clients by tailoring their approach to better address disordered symptomatology. This presentation will include how to identify the disorder and interviewing techniques to better serve this population.
Looking Back and Focusing Forward: Technology and Innovative Approaches for Differentiating the VE practice Downstairs Room

Fran Smith, EdD, CVE and Pam Leconte, EdD, CVE

This presentation will focus on exploring some of the historical points in our profession that have paved the way for VEs to be well suited for technology transformations. Participants will also explore current technology trends that have emerged or are forecast for the immediate future and how these will transcend the practice and profession.
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch on Your Own OR pre-order lunch and attend the VECAP Membership Meeting
1:30 - 3:00 Career Exploration: The Reality Check of the Assessment Process

Bogue Sound Room

Deb Culbertson, MA, CVE

This presentation examines the rationale for Career Exploration as an integral part of the assessment process. Exercises and demonstrations will be presented to demonstrate the points at which Career Exploration exercises are utilized to educate and empower clients throughout testing, and allow for planning of occupation-specific testing and exploration.
The Study Club Technique for Ethical and Clinical Skills Development

Downstairs Room

Steven Sligar, EdD, CVE, PVE and Matt McClanahan, MEd, CRC

This presentation will focus on the often overlooked need for clinical supervision of vocational evaluators. A brief review of the history, development, and process of peer-based continuing education will be provided. The participants will learn and practice how to present a case for review that includes both practice and ethical implications. Along with a case presentation, the participants will learn and practice how to give constructive feedback on practice and ethical issues.
3:00 - 3:30 BREAK with drinks and cookies
3:30 - 5:00 Functional Capacity Evaluation – Interpretation and Application for the Vocational Evaluator Bogue Sound Room

Jeff Bruno, MA, OTR/L, PVE, VRC, CFCE

Functional capacity evaluation (FCE) results are used as criteria on which to base considerations of vocational potential. Updated FCE methodologies provide a valid assessment of not only materials-handling and positional/activity tolerances, but of work-related cognitive, sensory, and psychosocial abilities. Current FCE methodologies produce results of relevance to the Vocational Evaluator.
Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques When Working with Clients who are Resistant or Ambivalent Downstairs Room

Stephanie Morell, MS, LPCA, LCAS, CRC, PVE

Learn how to utilize Motivational Interviewing techniques while working with clients throughout all stages of vocational evaluation or career counseling. These skills are effective when used with nearly all client populations, and become particularly beneficial when working with clients who present with resistance, discord, and/or ambivalence to change.
5:00 Exhibits close
6:30 – 8:30ish Banquet with Awards, Networking and a genuine, scrumptious

Eastern North Carolina Pulled Pork and Fish Buffet

FRIDAY October 30, 2015
7:30 - 8:25 Registration and Informal Networking Bogue Sound Room

Hot buffet breakfast Restaurant Meeting Room
8:25 - 8:30 Greetings & Housekeeping: Steve Sligar, President of NC VEWAA

Betty Beacham, Certification Officer
8:30 - 10:00 Has Technology Outpaced the Work Sample Assessment Tool?

Bogue Sound Room

John Banks, MS

This presentation provides a historical view of the development of the work sample tool in use today. With changes in technology, current work sample tools remain the product of the twentieth century and are outdated. Examples of available technology for use in work sample development will be presented.
10:00 - 10:30 BREAK
10:30 - 12:00 A Panel Discussion on the Future of the Profession and Professional Organizations Bogue Sound Room

Shawn L. Zimmerman, MS, CRC, CVE, PVE, Moderator representing the Registry of Professional Vocational Evaluators (RPVE).

After a review and update of RPVE, Ms. Zimmerman and invited panelists will reflect upon the current practice of vocational evaluation and examine trends within the profession. Discussion will also center on the two professional organizations, their current situation and future. Feedback from audience members will be encouraged.
12:00 – 12:05 DOOR PRIZES

See you spring 2016 for the NC VEWAA & NC VECAP training conference.


John Banks, MS has worked in the public, private, for-profit, not-for-profit, and corporate business sectors. Mr. Banks has a BS in Industrial Technology and Testing Psychology and an MS in Vocational Evaluation from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. He has national work experience in vocational evaluation in public and private sectors. Mr. Banks has served as a member of the New Hampshire Governor’s Commission for the Handicapped, Executive Director of the National Rehabilitation Counseling Association, Director of Rehabilitation for the U.S. Territory of American Samoa and as a design consultant in the emerging computer technology human performance testing industry for the last 25 years. He developed protocols for the ERGOS®, the industry’s most sophisticated technology based work simulator. He is currently working on a number of human performance testing innovations in patent process. Mr. Banks currently consults with a variety of rehabilitation and human performance testing organizations in the United States and Canada.
Jeff Bruno, MA, OTR/L, PVE, VRC, CFCE, graduated with his Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California in 2010. Mr. Bruno conducts evaluations of damages in order to determine the functional as well as the economic implications of physical and cognitive injury, for plaintiff and defense. Services include disability analysis, earning capacity assessment, and life care planning. He has completed over 160 Functional/Work Capacity Evaluations and 3,000+ Clinical Evaluations with clients ranging from 8 weeks to 100+ years.
Catherine Burzio, MA earned her master’s degree in Transition Special Education – Collaborative Vocational Evaluation Training from The George Washington University. She is the current president of national VECAP and is employed as a vocational evaluator in Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia. Ms. Burzio is the former transition coordinator for a nationally recognized transition program funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration, Department of Education, which partnered with the National Community of Practice on Transition and NSTTAC to support states and territories providing technical assistance on transitioning youth and their families. Using both personal and professional experience, Ms. Burzio encourages collaborative partnerships among families, students, educators, and service providers, leading to more effective transition outcomes for youth.
Sam Castiglione, D.Ed., PVE, NCSP (retired), is a retiree from Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), who still provides independent career assessment and consulting services, and is Membership Co-Coordinator for National VECAP. Dr. Castiglione was a licensed psychologist and school psychologist in PA for ten years before spending 18 years as a vocational evaluator for DORS. His next venture is teaming up with his brother, who has been in the forefront of manufacturing for 38 years, to make joint presentations on the connections between manufacturing, education, and vocational evaluation.
Deb Culbertson, MA, CVE, completed a master’s degree from The George Washington University, in Education and Human Development, with emphasis in Collaborative Vocational Evaluation, in 1991. Since that time, she has worked as a vocational evaluator at such sites as: Centers for the Handicapped, Inc., in Silver Spring, MD; The National Rehabilitation Hospital in Washington, DC; HealthSouth in Scottsdale, AZ; and Jewish Vocational Service in Los Angeles, CA. She is currently the manager of a 10 person assessment unit.
Edward T. Dunbar Jr., MS, LCAS, LPCA, CSI, graduated from East Carolina University in 2012 with dual master’s degrees in Rehabilitation Counseling and Substance Abuse and Clinical Counseling. He has worked for five years in public and private clinical settings. He is currently pursuing his PhD. in Rehabilitation Services and Administration through East Carolina University’s Department of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies. His areas of interest focus include Antisocial Personality Disorder, spirituality, and addictions.
Dr. Craig Johnston is a practicing vocational evaluator and expert witness, and a professor of rehabilitation counseling at Northeastern Illinois University. He is a graduate of The Ohio State University, where he received his doctorate in rehabilitation services and has been a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor for the past 18 years. For the past decade, he has taught Masters level coursework pertaining to the impact of physical, psychosocial, and psychological disability on employability. Over 250 practicing rehabilitation counselors in the United States have been students of Dr. Johnston. His private practice includes conducting vocational evaluations and providing expert testimony in state and federal court in a variety of cases pertaining to personal injury, workers compensation, social security, and employment discrimination. Dr. Johnston is an avid researcher and frequent publisher of evaluation- and forensic-related studies. He currently serves as an editorial board member for both The Rehabilitation Professional and VECAP Journals and holds memberships in various education- and practice-related organizations.
Pamela Leconte, EdD., CVE - Professorial Lecturer/Retired Assistant Research Professor from The George Washington University (GWU). Dr. Leconte earned her Master’s degree in Special Education from Loyola University and her doctorate from GWU. She has authored numerous articles and presented on vocational evaluation and transition, Universal Design for Learning, and other topics over her career as well as training and mentoring many graduate students in vocational evaluation.
Stephen Leierer, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of Doctoral Studies in the Department of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies at East Carolina University. Dr. Leierer received his PhD from Florida State University, and was employed by LSU and University of Memphis prior to joining the faculty at ECU. After earning his Master’s degree in Physical Education from The University of Iowa, he worked as a Peace Corps volunteer at the National Teachers College of Honduras for two years. Dr. Leierer has expertise in research design and statistical evaluation of data from surveys, focus groups, marketing research, archival data, field, and laboratory experiments.
Matthew L. McClanahan, MEd, CRC, graduated with his Master’s degree from Auburn University. Mr. McClanahan has worked as a vocational rehabilitation counselor and as a journalist. He is currently enrolled in the Rehabilitation Counseling and Administration PhD program at East Carolina University.
Stephanie Morell, MS, LPCA, LCAS, CRC, PVE, graduated in 2012 from East Carolina University’s Department of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies with MS degrees in Rehabilitation Counseling, Substance Abuse and Clinical Counseling, and Vocational Evaluation. Since graduation, Ms. Morell has been practicing as a licensed clinical therapist for clients with mental health and substance use issues. She actively incorporates vocational/career counseling into her practice. She is also an active thespian in the community.
Bruce Moyer, PsyD, Deputy Command Psychologist, Ft. Bragg, NC and adjunct instructor in the Department of Psychology at East Carolina University.


Regina Raffaele, EdS, PVE, is Transition Specialist and member of Loudoun County Virginia Public School’s Transition Team.

Steven R. Sligar, EdD, CVE, PVE is an associate professor and coordinator of the graduate Certificate Program in Vocational Evaluation at East Carolina University. He has over 40 years of experience as a vocational evaluator, administrator, consultant, and professor. He has made over 250 presentations and has 50 publications on vocational evaluation, administration, and deafness rehabilitation.
Frances (Fran) G. Smith, Ed.D, CVE, Educator/Consultant,, has been following the collective fields of universal design for learning, instructional technology, assistive technology, and distance technologies for over 30 years. She completed her doctoral work at The George Washington University (GW) in higher education.  She is a Past-President of national VECAP and represents VECAP on the National Task Force on Universal Design for Learning.
Stephen W. Thomas, EdD, graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology from Texas Christian University, and Master’s and Doctoral degrees in rehabilitation from the University of Arizona. Dr. Thomas was department chair, professor, and a vocational evaluation graduate program director within the Department of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies at East Carolina University from 1980-2004 and Dean of the College of Allied Health until his retirement in 2014. Previous jobs included director of the vocational evaluation graduate program in the Department of Rehabilitation at the University of Arizona, development specialist and instructor in the Materials Development Center, Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute at the University of Wisconsin–Stout, and as a vocational evaluator in the rehabilitation center at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, beginning in 1970. Within his profession, Dr. Thomas has served as president of both the Arizona and North Carolina chapters of the Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Association (VEWAA) and of the national VEWAA. He is also the recipient of the Paul R. Hoffman award from VEWAA. In addition, Thomas served as the chair of the Commission on Certification of Work Adjustment and Vocational Evaluation Specialists.
Shawn L. Zimmerman, MS, CRC, CVE, PVE received her MS in vocational rehabilitation from the University of WI-Stout. She has been very active in the field of vocational evaluation with numerous presentations and service to the profession. She is employed as a vocational evaluator by the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services in the Washington DC area. Ms. Zimmerman is Past-President of national VEWAA and is a current board member of the Registry of Professional Vocational Evaluators.

13.5 hours of credit are available for the full conference.
Credits will be reduced accordingly for early departures.
Call Betty Beacham, 252-830-8560, if you have any questions regarding these credits.
Pre-Approved CRC, CVE, PVE, Credit: These credits are administratively sponsored by NCVEWAA.

Certificates of Attendance for the specific credit will be issued to those who need them.

LPC Credit: Licensed Professional Counselors may use the CRC pre-approved credit. The CRC form can be duplicated and used for CRC and LPC, CCM, CDMS, etc. requirements.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Bring all of your certification numbers with you. The numbers are required to complete certification forms.

The Clam Digger Inn

511 Salter Path Road

Pone Knoll Shores, NC 28512

*Request the conference room rate when making reservations by phone,

or you can register online at using the code 1510ISS.

Kate Kaegi
DRESS CODE: Casual, Comfortable, Closed toe shoes are optional.


Request change of duty station through current channels!


The 2015 Issues Forum
Name: Address:
Telephone: E-mail: _______________________
Membership: (please circle)











Student Organization:

If full-time student - University:

PRE-REGISTRATION FEES (DUE 9/15/2015) Registration after 9/15/2015

(Payment Must Be Received By: 9/15/2015)

Organization Member* $125 Organization Member $150*

Non-member** $210 Non-member** $235

Student (full time) $50 Non-member student (full time)** $85
Daily rate (does not include meals) $45
______Yes, I will attend the Banquet (cost included in the registration) on Thursday

Include additional $20 per person for guests

______ No, I will not be attending the Banquet
______Yes, I will attend the Hot Breakfast (cost included in the registration) on Friday

Include additional $15 per person for guests

______ No, I will not attend the Breakfast.
*Membership Number Must Be Provided: _________________________________

** Registration for non-members includes a one year membership to VECAP.
REGISTRATION FOR EXHIBITORS—contact for details and availability.
Send registration form and fees by September 15, 2015 to:
VECAP Home Office

9361 Barnescrest Drive

Mechanicsville, VA 23116

ACCOMMODATIONS: Please advise of any special accommodations you need for the conference by the earliest possible date (no later than October 1, 2015).

Issues Forum Agenda

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