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On large industrial plants with a large number of different pipe-lines there is a problem of a uniform control behind their state and well-timed replacement. The operating now system of scheduled repairs is ineffective, and its any alternative requires processing an enormous information quantity, and also technique of processing. We design the automized system, which will allow the user to inspect practically unlimited number of pipe-lines for necessity of holding of their repair. As base firm for implantation of the program we will use "Permnefteorgsintes". The nameplate data of each of inspected objects (length, diameter, performance parameters), and also data of regular inspections of width of walls of each of them are stored in the system. Through a original technique, designed on faculty of Process & Equipment, the program on the basis of data of thickness measuring evaluates with given probability residual life time of operation of the given object. In this process the system should exhibit flexibility and sometimes to utillize nonstandard methods of calculation, since in a reality of entered datas it happens unsufficiently for probability estimation or these data are apparently uncertain. On the basis of the obtained probable values of an output of objects out of operation program makes the most effective graph of repairs. Except for this main function in the system are included also set supplementary (operation with technical repair documentation, printing of the reports, review of delineations, etc.), that the mechanics converts it into the powerful tool.


In conditions of rigid economy of resources, industrial establishments go over from a scheduled -periodic repairs of the technological park regime to repairs based on consideration of a current state of park with the purpose of vehicles being completely worn out. Within the framework of this direction we work out a comprehensive program of automation of residual resources prediction, and according to these data, keeping of the electronic passports of technological equipment and optimization, making operations connected with repairs and substitution of the equipment. Such adoption of a system, together with the solution of classical problems of automated document circulation makes the management of three main resources of a modern enterprise, which are time, human and material ones, optimal at a level of repair and mechanical subdivisions. Actually, despite of the program operates on the principles of rigid algorithms, it will be a decision support system for the managers of an average section on scheduling subdivisions’ activity. The horizon of planning of the system, being logical depended on primary data, will extend with increasing of a number of calculated vehicles, and at a definite stage it will be possible to speak about coming off on a level of strategic planning.

The analogs of the similar complex system of technological calculations and optimization of planning repairs, which be localized with appreciation of standards and techniques of GOST, do not exist in the market. Spectrum of the problems solved by the system potentially is very wide, that makes the given product being out of frameworks of the classical concept of АWP. The calculations of strength and residual resource, based on design parameters and data of measuring the thickness, are the kernel of the system, or the basis for further planning and optimization. The techniques of calculations worked out by us are in accordance with the requirements of GOST. They have passed approbation on the local calculations for the majority of vehicles’ types.

T.M.Mansurov Procedure Of Solution Of Complicated Problems

On Free-Dimensional Homogeneous Computational Structures And Media

The purpose of development of computer engineering is the achievement of super high productivity, reliability and guarantee of realization of algorithms of solution of the complicated problems.

The required productivity is provided by maximum paralleling of algorithms of solution of problems and optimal representation of these algorithms in the free-dimensional homogeneous computational structures and media (CSM).

That's why, mathematical formulation and procedure of solution of problems on free-dimensional CSM are suggested in this work.

Spatially suppose that CSM is located on the first octant of Cartesian of coordinates XYZ. Let's take the poles O1(i=1, n) of algorithms Pi(i=1, n) of peak of the left bottom and angles of their bases.

Then a mathematical formulation of a problem will include:

  1. condition of the representation of algorithms P1(i, n) in the given part of three-dimensional CSM:

fi(xi, yi, zi)  0, i = 1, n,

  1. condition of mutual non-intersection of algorithms P1(i, n) to be represented:

fij(xi, yi, zi, xj, yj, zj)  0, i = 1, n; j = 1, n

  1. e
    ffectiveness function of representation:

where - operation, R - conjunction.

Thus the given problrm is brought to search

Min k(z): zG0

Where g0 is defined by systems of inequalities (1) and (2).

In view of the above given, it is neceserry to limit by not searching of min k(z): zG0, but by it's such value which is sufficient close to optimal one.

The solution of the given problem will apparently include the following procedures:

  • search of local extremum;

  • exhaustive search of the local extremum to be found.

To increase the speed of finding the local extremum becomes possible by the successive isolated representation method which can be represented by the following interactive formula:

Ki = Ki-1V1min zij  G0(zij + hij) (4)

The successive - isolated representation method to be defined by the formula (4) when applied to this problem is implemented by the following algorithm.

  1. Numbers from 1 to n are assigned to all algorithms Pj(i = 1, n) to be represented in accordance with the natural series of numbers.

  2. It is somehow chosen the number sequence A00, each number of which corresponds to the number of a definite algorithm.

  3. According to the sequence A00, we perform the optimal representation of algorithms Pij (i = 1, n) on the bases of Q0 which is implemented by the following interative formulae:

K1i = k1i-1V1 minxijq0(xij + aij), (5)

Where i = 1, k; k10 = 0. It is obvious that this formulae is analogus to (4). If k

Thus, the suggested procedure enables to represent optimally the three-dimenisional algorithms of solution of complicated problems into three-dimenisional CSM and better organize the functions process of computional structures and media.

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