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Prosperity Essences

Prosperity 101

In order to receive the full abundance of the Universe we often need to clear any negative beliefs about money and prosperity such as Money is the root of all evil or that money is unspiritual. This blend takes us back to where our beliefs about money and prosperity were first developed so we may more easily clear them and replace them with positive beliefs and expectations which leads us to greater experiences of money and abundance as our birthright!

Prosperity 202

Once the old has been cleared, we are now ready to begin developing our own personal financial magnetizing and guidance system. This blend helps us to use our resources wisely, to learn through a variety of methods how to draw an ever increasing flow of money and prosperity for the collective good of all. The more you have, the more you can share with others!

Prosperity Is My Birthright

The Universe does not pick and choose who should or should not be prosperous, all of us are entitled to as much Money Energy as we desire. Yet many of us have been taught that we have not been born into this life to be happy and have the things that enhance our joy of living, but to struggle and eschew money except for what we require for our basic needs. The Universe sees everything as energy and we are indeed particles of energy ourselves. Money is simply another form of energy that IS as much OURSELVES as is any other form of energy in the Universe! When we deny the right to have money in our lives, we are denying a portion of our own being. This essence supports the process of fully grasping that Money is our birthright as well as understanding that it is simply a part of who we truly are as energy beings.

It's Okay To Have Money

Many people feel that Money is "The root of all evil". Its the lack of understanding the purpose and intent of money on a spiritual level, that of equal energy exchange, that has caused the problems and issues we see around money today. Money has become the scapegoat that all the world's problems and ills are blamed upon. Yet it is not money itself, but the unequal flow of money energy that has caused the "evils". The choices we all make help to determine whether money energy is used constructively or destructively. Other people fear that to have money says they are "greedy, selfish, unethical" and certainly not spiritual. Money energy is a gift from Spirit/ God/ All That Is and like any other gift of energy, we can refuse it or we can accept it and work to help others allow more Money energy flowing into their own lives as well. What ever your own personal beliefs around money that say its not okay for you to have it, this essence will address.

I Release Worrying About Money

This one was difficult to name as I wanted to get the point across and yet not encourage people to continue worrying about Money every time they looked at the bottle! Worrying is an intense energy that puts the focus squarely on what you don't want, more problems with "not enough". Worry has never produced any solutions to any problems, instead, it siphons off valuable energy that could be directed into finding ways of attracting Money. Worrying about Money also repels the attraction of more Money to you.

I Enjoy My Money!

Many people really do enjoy having money, attracting it, spending it, sharing it with those they love. Yet at the same time, many of us feel guilty about enjoying the Money we have already attracted or even worse, feeling guilty about desiring even more Money to enjoy! Money goes to those that love it, that enjoy having it in their lives, that enjoy sharing it with others or using it to bring more pleasure and joy into their own lives. Learning to love and enjoy to the fullest the Money you already have in your life, automatically attracts more to you. Its just like a person who is cheerful, enjoys other people's company, is a delight to be around. Everyone wants to flock to that person! So too does Money flock to those that appreciate it, that see and value the good it can create in the world and who delight in having more of it to spread around.

I Am Able To Allow More Money

Some folks are afraid of allowing more Money into their lives for a wide variety of reasons. They may fear they won't be able to handle it wisely. They may fear that others may try and take their money from them if they have more. They may fear that if they have more, others will feel jealous of them or start to dislike them. Some folks may fear that having more Money may make them uncaring or less compassionate towards others. Each of us has our own personal fears that block our ability to allow the flow of Money to increase in our lives. Working with this essence can help to release the fears that block this flow.

I Create A Channel For More Money

There are always things we can do both on the physical and spiritual levels to attract more Money into our lives. Sometimes when I have talked to people about different things they can do to increase their prosperity, they respond with "don't have enough time, energy, someone else won't allow me to, afraid to try that, I just want to win the Lotto!" What the Universe hears is "I am not really wanting more money because I am not willing to take action on my own behalf". Even to win the Lotto, you have to be willing to take the time to buy the ticket! Taking the actions one does feel guided to take is one of the most important things one can do to attract more money into our lives. Even just having the willingness to create a channel through which more Money can flow will start the process of attracting to us the guidance and wisdom needed as to which steps to take.

Positive Money Beliefs

In order to develop a great relationship with Money, we must also have and affirm the most positive beliefs we can create around it. Think of someone you love. They blossom when you hold high and loving thoughts about them. When you think of that person in negative ways, so too do they begin to act out more and more in that way. Your energy and beliefs attract to you what you expect to experience in your life. The more you work to establish positive beliefs and expectations around Money, the more Money will respond by flowing in ever increasing amounts into your life.

I Am Grateful For My Money Flow

Gratitude is a very important component in the attraction of more Money energy. When we give thanks and celebrate the Money energy as well as other forms of energy that in our lives, we are also saying to the Universe that we desire more of what we are feeling thankful for!

I Open My Heart To Money

Everything in the Universe responds to Love and Money is no exception! Most often, when people think of Money they certainly don't think of it in loving terms. Instead we need to shift the energy to a feeling of opening one's heart when one thinks of Money. When working with this essence, take a few moments to sit quietly and think of something you love. It can be anything. Next, allow yourself to begin thinking about Money and as you do, feel your heart opening as wide as it can, see if you can open it just a little more, then a little more, keep going, then whe you feel you can't possibly open it a smidge further, feel that Love energy flowing from your heart to all the Money that is circulating in the world. Can you feel the Money energy responding to you? Keep this feeling for as long as you can, sense that Money Energy is now responding to your love and acceptance of it.

I Am Magnetic To Money

Everything in the Universe responds to Love and Money is no exception! Most often, when people think of Money they certainly don't think of it in loving terms. Instead we need to shift the energy to a feeling of opening one's heart when one thinks of Money. When working with this essence, take a few moments to sit quietly and think of something you love. It can be anything. Next, allow yourself to begin thinking about Money and as you do, feel your heart opening as wide as it can, see if you can open it just a little more, then a little more, keep going, then when you feel you can't possibly open it a smidge further, feel that Love energy flowing from your heart to all the Money that is circulating in the world. Can you feel the Money energy responding to you?

Money Flows Freely From Every Direction

It's important never to limit the sources and directions from which money can flow to you. You may tend to think that money can only come from your job or your spouse or your parents/family. There are an infinite number of ways and channels through which Money energy can flow to you if you are open and receptive to it coming from a wide variety of sources.

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