Contents I-XIII introduction 1-17 Division A: The Bible and Its World 18-56 Division B: History of the Jewish People 57-79 Division C: Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Law 80-93 Division C: Jewish Thought 94-154 Division D: Literatures

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I-XIII Introduction

1-17 Division A: The Bible and Its World

18-56 Division B: History of the Jewish People

57-79 Division C: Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Law

80-93 Division C: Jewish Thought

94-154 Division D: Literatures, Languages, and Arts

155-183 Division E: Contemporary Jewish Society

184-217 Index of Lecturares



World Union of Jewish Studies


Justice (ret.) Prof. Menachem Elon

Executive Committee:

Prof. Tamar Alexander (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), Prof. Gershon

Bacon (Bar-Ilan University), Prof. Menahem Ben-Sasson (The Hebrew

University of Jerusalem), Prof. Itamar Grunwald (Tel-Aviv University), Prof.

Ora Limor (The Open University), Prof. Yeshayahu Maori (Haifa University),

Prof. Eliezer Schweid (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Prof. Judith

Baskin (President of the AJS), Prof. Rashid Kaplanov (President of the EAJS).

Congress Secretary:

Mr. Haim Weiss

Administrative Manager:

Mr. Noam Starik

Academic Committees:

Division A: (The Bible and Its World)

Prof. Ed Greenstein, Prof. Devora Dimant, Prof. Avraham Horowitz, Prof.

Zipora Talshir, Prof. Rimon Kasher, Prof. Yeshayahu Maori, Dr. Baruch J.

Schwartz, Prof. Lawrence H. Schiffman.

Division B: (History of the Jewish People)

Dr. Ram Ben-Shalom, Prof. Menahem Ben-Sasson, Prof. Gershon Bacon, Prof.

Ora Limor, Prof. Dina Porat.

Division C: (Rabbinic Literature, Jewish Law)

Prof. Menachem Elon, Prof. Yaakov Zussman, Prof. Gideon Libson, Prof.

Berachyahu Lifshitz, Prof. Chaim Milikowsky, Dr. Paul Mandel, Prof Eliav


Jewish Thought:

Prof. Moshe Idel, Prof. Itamar Gruenwald, Prof. Zeev Gries, Prof. Eliezer




Division D: (Literatures, Languages, and Arts)

Prof. Shulamit Elizur, Prof. Tamar Alexander, Prof. Dvora Bregman, Prof.

Galit Hasan-Rokem, Dr. Nathan Cohen, Prof. Dan Laor, Prof. Aharon Maman,

Prof. Edwin Seroussi, Prof. Ziva Amishai-Maisels, Prof. Mahya Fruchtman,

Prof. Fredie Rokem, Prof. Yigal Schwartz.

Division E: (Contemporary Jewish Society)

Prof. Sergio DellaPergola, Dr. Jonathan Cohen, Prof. Hagit Lavsky, Prof. Amia

Lieblich, Dr. Shalom Ratzabi.

Assistants to the Congress Secretary:

Yochi Kahana, Rivka Topf-Mazeh, Yael Frendales, Tali Melchior.

Graphic Designer:

Esti Cohen

The Congress Secretariat:

Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Rabin World Center of Jewish Studies

POB 24020, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem, 91240

Telephone: 972-2-5325841

Fax: 972-2-5325910


Web site:



The Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies is

held under the auspices and with the support of:

· The Ministry of Culture & Sport – Culture Directorate

· The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

· The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

· Bar-Ilan University

· Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

· Haifa University

· The Open University of Israel

· Tel-Aviv University

· Hanadiv Charitable Foundation

· Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

· The Federmann Family and the Dan Hotels Corporation L.T.D

· The Friedberg Project for Genizah Research

· The Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion


· Yad Vashem – The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance


· Shalom-Aleichem House

· The Mandelbaum Trust

· The Jewish Agency for Israel

· Elul Foundation



The Program of the Fourteenth World Congress of

Jewish Studies

Below is a list of instructions for your convenience:

The program of the Congress is arranged according to the main Congress

divisions: The Bible and Its World, History of the Jewish People, Rabbinic

Literature, Jewish Law and Jewish Thought, Literatures, Languages and Arts,

and Contemporary Jewish Society. Some of the divisions have sub-divisions

(for example: Folklore is a subdivision of Division D – Literatures, Languages

and Arts).

The Plenary session of each division or subdivision appears at the top of the list

of sessions. The remaining sessions follow in order of presentation.

For the sake of simplicity, each session has been assigned a three-digit number.

The first number represents the division:

1 = The Bible and Its World (Division A)

2 = History of the Jewish People (Division B)

3 = Rabbinic Literature, Jewish Law and Jewish Thought (Division C)

4 and 5 = Literatures, Languages and Arts (Division D)

6 = Contemporary Jewish Society (Division E)

The last two digits represent the session relative to the remaining sessions of

the division.

A number of sessions pertain to more than one division, and these will be listed

in all divisions to which their topics relate. For example: the session on

“Holocaust Literature” will be listed in Division C (Literatures, Languages and

Arts) as well as in Division B (History of the Jewish People – Holocaust


The language of each lecture is indicated by a letter in brackets (after the

lecture title):

(H) Hebrew

(E) English

(Y) Yiddish



(S) Spanish

(R) Russian

(P) Portuguese

If the language is not indicated, the lecture will be in Hebrew.

Attached please find an alphabetically arranged index of speakers listing their

country of residence, the session number in which their lectures are

incorpordated, and the program page number where the session details are


The Congress Venue

All Congress discussions and scheduled cultural events will be held at the Mt.

Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Session rooms are

situated in four major locations:

· Blocks 5-8 in the Faculty of Humanities

· The Senate Building

· The Truman Building and Pre-academic school (Buber Auditorium and

rooms 104 and 105 in the Truman Building)

· The Rabin World Center for Jewish Studies

Bilingual signs (Hebrew and English) will be posted in the Congress area with

directions to the session rooms.

Registration Fees

Congress participants are required to pay a registration fee. Lecturers and

auditors alike must register before entering discussion rooms.

On the first day of the Congress, however, they will be allowed to enter the

rooms before they pay, in order to avoid crowding at the registration stands.

The price for weekly admission is US$150 (660 NIS)

The price for daily admission is US$30 (132 NIS)

The registration fee includes all Congress sessions and social and cultural

events (with the exception of the guided tours of Jerusalem on Tuesday), and

the Congress kit with two vouchers per day for coffee and cake.

Teachers, students, and senior citizens are eligible for a 50% discount on the



Soldiers may enter without paying a fee.

Accommodation in Jerusalem:

The Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, in cooperation with the

Issta Lines Travel Agency, offers participants various lodging arrangements: at

the Hebrew University of Jerusalem dormitories On Mt. Scopus, at the

Maiersdorf Faculty Club, and at a number of Jerusalem’s leading hotels. For

more information, please contact Issta at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Mt. Scopus:

Telephone: 972-2-5358600

Fax: 972-2-6073901



A coffee shop will be set up for participants in the inner courtyard of the

Faculty of Humanities where the vouchers provided in the Congress kits can be

used to purchase coffee and cake. Lunch and supper can be purchased at the

following coffee shops:

· “Rachel’s” – Block 1 (Faculty of Humanities) – lunch and supper.

· The “Frank Sinatra” – (at the Frank Sinatra Building) – lunch only.

(Business meals available).

· Maiersdorf Faculty Club – lunch only, with discounts for Congress


· The Coffee Shop in the Faculty of Social Sciences – lunch only.

(Business meals available).



Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony will take place at the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall, on Sunday,

31.07.2005 in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Moshe Katsav, President of

the Sate of Israel, Justice (Ret.) Prof. Menachem Elon, President of the World

Union of Jewish Studies, and Prof. Menachem Megidor, President of the

Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Opening Ceremony 19:00

Reception in the foyer of the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall, hosted by the President of

the Congress and the President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Opening Session 20:00

Chairperson: Prof. Ora Limor, Vice President for Academic Affairs, the

Open University of Israel, and member of the Executive Committee of the

World Union of Jewish Studies

Opening Remarks:

Justice (Ret.) Prof. Menachem Elon, President of the World Union of Jewish



· His Excellency Mr. Moshe Katsav, President of the State of Israel

· Prof. Menachem Megidor, President of the Hebrew University of


· Prof. Ephraim Kanarfogel, Yeshiva University, Vice President of the

Association for Jewish Studies

· Prof. Rashid Kaplanov, President of the European Association for

Jewish Studies

Opening Lecture:

Prof. Menahem Ben-Sasson, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Member of

the Executive Committee of the World Union of Jewish Studies:

Jewish Studies and Jewish Creativity – Past and Present

Musical Interlude: The Efroni Choir- Emek Hefer, conducted by Yishai


Simultaneous translation, Hebrew to English, will be available during the entire




The General Assembly of the Members of the World Union of Jewish

Studies and the Union Council will take place on Monday, 1.8.2005, between

13:30-15:00 in the Dan Wassong Auditorium (Rabin building).

The Closing Session: The Place of the Institute of

Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem –

Past, Present, Future

The closing session of the Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies will

take place on Thursday, 4.8.2005, at 17:30 in the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall on Mt.

Scopus, in celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Mandel Institute of

Jewish Studies:

Chairperson: Prof. Sara Japhet, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Martin Goodman, Oxford University

Prof. Joshua Schwartz, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University

Prof. David Berger, Brooklyn College

Prof. Yeshayahu Gaffni, Chair, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, the

Hebrew University of Jerusalem



Plenary Sessions by Congress Divisions

Division A: The Bible and Its World

100 Qumran Research at the Crossroads

101 How Do We Date the Bible?

102 Trends and Currents in Bible Scholarship

103 The Religion of Ancient Israel and Biblical Religion

Division B: History of the Jewish People

200 Historiography and Identity

201 Jews and Other Minorities: Legal Status and Mutual Reflections

202 The Structure and Organization of the Mishneh Torah (in Cooperation

with the Scholion: Interdisciplinary Research Center in Jewish-Studies)

270 Fifty Years after the Kastner Trial – A Public Discussion (in

Cooperation with the Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of

Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism, Tel-Aviv University)

Division C: Rabbinic Literature, Jewish-Law

300 Directions in Talmud Studies

301 Cha”zal: Philology, Language, History and Literature

302 A Treasury of Talmudic Manuscripts: A Catalogue of Manuscripts of

the Mishna, Tosefta, the Talmuds, and the [Rif] of the Israel Academy

of the Sciences and Humanities (in Cooperation with the Friedberg

Genizah Research Project and the Ben-Zvi Institute)

338 Mishpat Ivri- Whence and Whither? – Session A

339 Mishpat Ivri- Whence and Whither? – Session B

Jewish Thought

350 The Political Philosophy of Maimonides and Jewish Political


352 Teaching Mysticism in the Academy

353 Research in the Field of Magic and Its Academic Significance

354 The Friedberg Project for Genizah Research – Plans and Activities (in

Cooperation with the Friedberg Project for Genizah Research under the

Auspices of the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and the Ben-

Zvi Institute)

Division D: Literatures, Languages and Arts

400 Jewish Literature: Delineation



425 The Genizah Project for the Research of Hebrew Poetry of the Israel

Academy of the Sciences and Humanities (in Cooperation with the

Friedberg Genizah Research Project and the Ben-Zvi Institute)

450 Old Yiddish – New Aspects (in Cooperation with Beth Shalom


461 Plenary Session: Ladino Culture – Between Spanish Context and

Jewish Context (in Cooperation with the Moshe David Gaon Center for

Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

Division E: Contemporary Jewish Society

600 The Creation of a National Narrative

Private Conferences and Academic events before and

during the Congress

The Twelfth Conference of the Society for the Study of Medieval Judeo-

Arabic Culture on the subject “Maimonides and His World” will take

place between Monday-Thursday, July 25-28, 2005, at the Ben-Zvi Institute in

Jerusalem and Haifa University.

Pre-Congress Seminar of Latin-American Researchers on the Subject:

Spaniards in America”

The seminar is under the auspices of the Institute of Contemporary Judaism,

and will take place on Thursday, 28.7.2005, beginning at 9:00 at the Hebrew

University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus.

The Nineteenth Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic

Studies will take place on Sunday, 31.7.2005, at 9:00 in room 2713.

A symposium on “Introductions to Contemporary Jewish Theology of

World Religions” will be held in cooperation with The Elijah Interfaith

Institute for Research and Interfaith Dialogue. Participants include: Prof. Ruth

Langer, Prof. Allan Brill, Prof. David Berger, Prof. Yehudah Gelman, Dr. Avi

Elkayam, Prof. Menachem Kelner and Dr. Alon Goshen-Gottstein.

Sunday, 31.7.2005, 9:00-13:30, room 2718 of the Humanities Building, Mt.

Scopus campus.

The opening ceremony of the Latin American Studies Department will

take place on Sunday, 31.7.2005, at 17:00, in the Bronfman Auditorium (the

administration building).



The Seventh International Conference for the Study of Jewish Names, in

cooperation with Bar-Ilan University, will take place on Sunday and Monday,

31.7.2005-1.8.2005, in room 2720.

A special session of the Ephraim E. Urbach International Fellowship

Winners awarded by the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture will be

held at 15:00 on Monday, 1.8.2005, in the Dan Wassong Auditorium (Rabin

building), Mt. Scopus campus.

Conference for researchers participating in the Feminist and Gender

Studies Sector: Women’s Scholarship and Creativity.

Tuesday, 2.8.2005, at 13:30, in room 501, The Maiersdorf Faculty Club. The

conference is open to all researchers.

The documentary film "Adio Kerida” will be screened in cooperation with

the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture of Ben Gurion University of

the Negev.

Tuesday, 2.8.2005, at 17:30, in the Senate Hall, Mt. Scopus campus.

Presentation of Festschrift to Prof. Josef Dan on Tuesday, 2.8.2005, at 17:00,

in room 405 of The Maiersdorf Faculty Club.

Special sessions of the Friedberg Genizah Research Project will take place

on Wednesday, 3.8.2005, 11:30, in the Dan Wassong Auditorium (Rabin

building), Mt. Scopus campus.

Presentation of the annual scholarship awards in memory of Prof. Shlomo


Wednesday, 3.8.2005, at 20:00, The Maiersdorf Faculty Club.

Special session on the publication of the 100th volume of the journal

Peamim” on Wednesday, 3.8.2005, at 20:00, at Yad Ben-Zvi.

The special closing session marking the 80th anniversary of the Hebrew

University of Jerusalem’s Institute of Jewish Studies will take place on

Thursday, 4.8.2005, at 17:00, in the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall.



Special Cultural Events at the Congress

All musical events are organized by the Jewish Music Research

Centre, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Opening Ceremony

Sunday, 31.7.2005, 19:00, at the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall.

Musical intermezzo with Assaf Shelleg

Monday, 1.8.2005, 14:15, in room 2715.

Piyyut Workshop

Same date and time, in room 2729.

Concert performance: “Jewish Music on the Stage – the Challenge of


An original production by the Jewish Music Research Centre in cooperation

with the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben Gurion

University, Artistic Directors: Judit Frigyesi, Walter Zeev Feldman and Esti-

Keinan Ofri,@ Monday, 1.8.2005, at 20:30, Atzmaut-Mexico Hall.

Musical Intermezzo with Sharon Bernstein

Tuesday, 2.8.2005, 14:15, in room 2715.

Piyyut Workshop

Same date and time, room 2729.

The Enchanted City – Evening tours of Jerusalem in cooperation with the

Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi Center

Tuesday, 2.8.2005, leaving at 20:00 from the Mt. Scopus campus.

Musical Intermezzo with Ensemble Tafilalt (Yair Harel, Yonatan Niv, and

Nori Jacoby)

Wednesday, 3.8.2005, 14:15, in room 2715.

Piyyut Workshop

Same date and hour, room 2729.



A Guided Tour of Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'

Remembrance Authority

Wednesday, 3.8.2005, 20:30. Organized transportation will be provided from

the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus campus at 20:00. The tour

will open with a lecture of the Director of Yad Vashem, Mr. Avner Shalev, and

then the participants will tour the museum.

Early registration to the tour is required.

Judaism and Art”

An exhibit of posters designed by young researchers in Jewish Studies will be

on display throughout the Congress at the entrance to the Rabin Building.

Screening of Documentary Jewish Films

Documentary films dealing with Jewish topics will be screened during the

congress at the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive (please use the elevator

at block 8 of the Humanities building).

Book Fair

A Book Fair attended by forty publishers from Israel and abroad will take place

in the corridors of the Humanities Department throughout the Congress.

Computers and the Internet

Throughout the Congress, a computer room connected to the internet will be

available to all Congress participants in the “language laboratories” of Block 3

in the Humanities Building.

Owners of lap-top computers with wireless internet connections may go online

in Blocks 3 and 8 of the Humanities Building.



Division A: The Bible and Its World

100 Qumran Research at the Crossroads (Plenary Session)

Chairperson: Lawrence H. Schiffman

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2713

Devorah Dimant (E)

The Aramaic Texts from Qumran and the History of the Yahad


Eibert J. C. Tigchelaar (E)

Why Is there Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls? A Survey

Gary A. Anderson (E)

Israel's Exile in Rewritten Biblical Narrative

Chazon Esther (E)

Shifting Perspectives on Jewish Prayer in the New Stage of Qumran


101 How Do We Date the Bible? (Plenary Session)

Chairperson: Avi Hurvitz

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2713

John A. Emerton (E)

The Problem of Criteria for Dating Biblical Books

David Talshir (E)

Phrases in Late Biblical Hebrew

Jan Joosten (E)

Historical Developments in Hebrew Syntax and the Dating of Biblical


Alexander Rofeh (E)

Not on Language Alone



102 Trends and Currents in Bible Scholarship (Plenary Session)

Chairperson: Ed Greenstein

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2713

Remon Kasher (H)

Old Testament Ethics in Recent Studies

Marvin A. Sweeney (E)

Reading Prophetic Books

Nahum Roselle (H)

The Impact of the Deuteronomistic School on the Book of Joshua

Sid Z. Leiman (E)

Torah, Prophets, and Writings: The Tripartite Biblical Canon Re-


103 The Religion of Ancient Israel and Biblical Religion (Plenary


Chairperson: Baruch J. Schwartz

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2713

Benjamin Sommer (E)

Gods' Bodies, Gods' Selves: On Some Constructions of Divinity in

Ancient Israel and Its Environment

Israel Knohl (H)

Was Freud Wrong? The Origins of Biblical Religion

Jonathan Klawans (E)

Ritual Studies, Religious Reform, and the Study of Sacrifice

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