Contents I-XIII introduction 1-17 Division A: The Bible and Its World 18-56 Division B: History of the Jewish People 57-79 Division C: Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Law 80-93 Division C: Jewish Thought 94-154 Division D: Literatures

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Michal Shahaf (H)

Inside/Outside Her Four Walls: Abigail Lindo, an Anglo-Jewish

Authoress of the Mid-Nineteenth Century

Yael Ohad-Karny (H)

A Room of One's Own – A Woman's Private Space: Anzia Yezierska's

Novels and Their Cinematic Representation

Nitza Keren (H)

The Torah Curtain Weaver Who Stands at the Podium: A New Feminist

Discourse As Presented by Michal Govrin

Yael Shenker (H)

Keeping the Readers Safe: Feminine Literature within the Religious-

Orthodox Community in Israel

Irit Koren (H)

The Voice of the Bride: How Religious Women Challenge the Wedding




623 The Mandate Period and the Early Years of the State of Israel

Chairperson: Haim Genizi

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5817

Nimrod Hagiladi (H)

Israeli Society and the Black Market: From World War II to the First Year

of the State of Israel

Orit Rozin (H)

The Austerity Policy and the Rule of Law: Relations Between the

Government and the Public in the Early Days of the State of Israel

Tamir Goren (H)

The Judaizing of Haifa During the British Mandate Period

Isaiah Friedman (H)

How Trans-Jordan was Severed from the Territory of the Jewish National


624 From Yishuv to State (The Chaim Weizmann Institute for the

Study of Zionism and Israel, Tel-Aviv University)

Chairperson: Moshe Lissak

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 5818

Zvi Zameret (H)

A Critical Look at the Opponents of the “Melting Pot”

Aviva Halamish (H)

The Zionist Left in the First Years of Statehood

Yosef Gorny (H)

From Ideological Autonomism to Yishuv Autonomism

Moshe Lissak (H)




625 Judaism and Zionism in Israel and the Diaspora

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)

Julien Bauer (E)

Rabbinical Seminaries, Yeshivot and the Training of Rabbis for a Public


Theodore Sasson (E)

One People Divided Under God: American and Israeli Jews' Discourse

Regarding Religious Rights and Equality in Israel

Alla Zakharchenko (E)

In Search of the Effective External Mediation: Israel's Position toward the

US and EU Priorities in the Resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Herbert M. Druks (E)

Joseph P. Kennedy, His Sons, the Jewish People and Israel

626 Israeli Society and Attitudes to Jewish Culture

Chairperson: Allon Gal

Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)

Sharon Lev-Tzur (E)

Factors Affecting the Decision of Non-Religious Israelis to Prefer

Alternative Marriage Ceremonies to the State Rabbinate

Rina Hevlin (H)

Jewish Cultural Literacy in Israel in the Last Decade: Just an Intellectual


Gideon Katz (H)

Jewish Culture and Israeli Anti-Utopianism

Gad Ufaz (H)

Between the Appraoches of the "Canaanite"'s and "Shdemot Circle" to the

Jewish Sources



507 The Jerusalem Syndrome: Fantasy and Reality

Chairperson: Tamar Alexander

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 202

Eliezer Witztum and Moshe Kalian (H)

The "Jerusalem Syndrome" – Fantasy and Reality – Historical Survey

Sarina Chen (H)

The Temple Mount: From Absolute Prohibition ("Karet") to Positive


Moti Inbari (H)

Religious Zionism and the Temple Dilemma: Major Trends

Maria Leppהkari

Drunken by Jerusaelm

501 Orientals, Orientalism and Oriental Culture

Chairperson: Yotam Hotam

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2718

Dalia Cohen-Vital

The Representation of the Mizrahi [Oriental Jew] in the Canonical

Theatrical Repertoire

Dalya Markovich (H)

Matters of Memory: On Contemporary Israeli Mizrahy Identity in Modern


Ktzia Alon (H)

Father-Daughter Conflict in Mizrahi Poetry: Miri ben Shimhon and Vicky


627 Characteristics of Haredi Society in Israel

Chairperson: Kimmy Caplan

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2605

Sima Zalcberg

Shaving the Head Among Women in the Ultra-Hasidic Sector: The

Significance Women Attribute to It and How They Deal with It

M. Avrum Ehrlich (E)

The Future of Ultra-Orthodoxy in Israel: From Stagnation to Eminence

Roberta Sands (E)

The Spiritual Transformational Processes of Baalei Teshuvah

Yitzhak Kraus (H)

The Transformation of the Myth of Satan in the Zionist Ethos



628 Haredi Education in Israel

Chairperson: Benjamin Lau

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2605

Nurit Meyrav (H)

Literacy Studies in a Habad Girls' Elementary School: Different Worlds

Come Together

Kimmy Caplan (H)

History Books in Israeli Haredi Ashkenazi Society, 1944-1970

Mati Dombrowsky (H)

Educational Aspects of Separation and Seclusion in Contemporary

Religious Zionism

Anat Feldman (H)

Women’s Ultra-Orthodox Vocational Education: The Case of the Shas


274 The Holocaust and Haredi Jewry

Chairperson: Hava Eshkoli

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2505

Gershon Greenberg (E)

Kabbalah in the Land of Israel: Mordekhai Atiyah on Holocaust and


Chaim Shalem (H)

Rabbi Sadagora's Reaction upon Receipt of the News of the

Extermination of European Jewry, 1942-1943

Ruth Ebenstein (E)

"Believing Jews could never sell their souls to the devil": Reactions to the

Kapo Trials and the Kastner Affair in the Israeli Haredi Press

Michal Shaul (H)

Haredi Holocaust Survivors’ Testimonies: “Private” or “Public” Memory?



276 Religious Zionism in the Holocaust and After

Chairperson: Dan Michman

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2712

Mordechai Friedman (H)

The Religious Units in the Hagana and in the Palmah

Hava Eshkoli (H)

The Uniqueness of the Religious Zionist Response to the Holocaust in


Menachem Weinstein (H)

Religious Zionist Activity Among the Holocaust Survivors

Haim Genizi (H)

The Rehabilitation of the Religious Zionist Movement in Hungary After

the Holocaust, 1945-1949

629 Jews and Non-Jews in a Changing Quebec: Conflict and


Chairperson: Julien Bauer

Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)

Morton Weinfeld (E)

Anti-Semitism in Quebec Today

Ira Robinson (E)

Jewish Studies in French Canada

Pierre Anctil (E)

The Image of French Canada in the Works of Montreal's Yiddish Writers

630 American Jewish Women: The Perspective of Three Generations

Chairperson: Carole S Kessner

Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)

Sara R. Horowitz (E)

Keeping Secrets: Mothers, Daughters and Shoah Memories

Janet Burstein (E)

Uncertain Jew, Committed Feminist: Carolyn Heilbrun on Autonomy

Carole S Kessner (E)

Marie Syrkin: The Formation of an Exemplary Life



Special Sessions

The general assembly of the members of the World Union of Jewish

Studies and the Union Council

Monday, 1.8.2005, between 13:30-15:00 in the Dan Wassong Auditorium

(Rabin building)

Ephraim E. Urbach International Fellowship Winners

Chairperson: Anita Shapira

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium

(Rabin building)

Elisheva Baumgarten (H)

Piety and Gender: Toward an Outline of the Spiritual Lives of Medieval

Jewish Women

Benjamin Brown (H)

Halakha and Religious Ethics: Creating a Conceptual Research Model

Manuela Consonni (H)

Deportation and Extermination: the Becoming and Representation of


Magda Teter (E)

Jewish Law and Canon Law: Dealing with the Other

Closing Ceremonies: The Institute of Jewish Studies and Its Role in the

Jewish Studies Department of the Hebrew University, Past and Present

(Special Session Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Institute of Jewish


Chairperson: Sara Japhet

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Atzmaut-Mexico Hall

Martin D. Goodman, Oxford University

Joshua Schwartz, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University

David Berger, Brooklyn College

Yeshayahu Gaffni, Chair, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, the

Hebrew University of Jerusalem




640 Social Research on American Jewry

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2714

Lilach Lev Ari (H)

Israeli Immigrants to the U.S: Absorption and Identity

Gerald Cromer (E)

Intermarriage Handbooks

Allen Glicksman (E)

The Lives of Holocaust Survivors in Very Old Age

641 The Process of Social Change in American Haredi Communities

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2714

Barry Trachtenberg (E)

Mixed Blessing: Insularity and Accommodation in Kiryas Joel

David N. Myers (E)

Between Segregation and Integration: An Historical Prespective on

Kiryas Joel

Roberta Farber-Rosenberg (E)

The Changing Response to Wife Abuse within American Ultra-Orthodox

Jewish Communities

642 Contemporary American Orthodoxy: Sociological and Historical


Chairperson: Judy Tydor-Baumel

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2714

Samuel Heilman (E)

"Go See What the People Do": How Orthodox Rabbis Gauge Community


Adam Ferziger (E)

Charles S. Liebman's American Orthodoxy: A Reexamination After Forty


Ailene Cohen-Nusbacher (E)

The Religious and Spiritual Life of Orthodox Jewish Women in America

Chaim I. Waxman

Changing Perspectives on the United States Among American Haredim



643 Aspects of Identity in American Jewish Society

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2714

Mervin Verbit (E)

Communal Correlates of Individual Religiosity

Carmel Chiswick (E)

Jewish and General Education

Gail Glicksman (E)

Physical Health Status and Jewish Communal and Ritual Life

Barry Kosmin and Ariela Keysar (E)

The Rise in Attachment to Israel Since 2000 Among a Cohort of North

American College Students

644 The Former Soviet Union: Demographic Aspects

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2717

Mark Tolts

Demographic Trends Among the Jews in the Three Post-Soviet Slavic


Natalia Daragan (E)

Jewish Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union to North Rhine-


Barry Chiswick (E)

Soviet Jews in the United States Labor Market, 1980-2000

645 Demographic Aspects of European Jewry

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2717

Dieter Josef Hecht (E)

"Mutterland-Vatersprache": A Documentary about Jews from Austria in


Yaakov Lattes (H)

Assimilation and Marginal Groups in the Italian Jewish Community

Yosef Govrin (H)

The Jewish Community in Austria at the End of the 20th Century

Doris Bensimon (E)

Juifs Dans L'union Europeenne



646 Israeli Society: Demographic Aspects

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2717

Ephraim Tabory (E)

Factors Affecting the Decision of Non-Religious Israelis to Prefer

Alternative Marriage Ceremonies to the State Rabbinate

Sergio DellaPergola (H)

First Data on Jewish Attitudes towards Family Size in Israel 2004

Shlomit Levy (H)

Changes Over Time in the Jewish Identity of Israeli Jews

Erik Cohen

Visits to Israel As an Indicator of Jewish Identification



Jewish Education

650 Historical Issues in Jewish Education

Chairperson: Marla Frenkel

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)

Asya Waisman (E)

Jewish Traditional Education and Family Relationship in the Memoirs of

G. Bogrov and P. Vengerova

Meir Hildesheimer (H)

Religious Education in Changing Times: Orthodox Schools for Religious

Instruction in the Nineteenth Century

Dan Porat (E)

The Nation Revised: Teaching the Jewish Past in the Zionist Present


Martin Wein (H)

The Czecho-Jews: A Double Portrait

Marc Silverman (E)

Janush Korczak's Implicit Religiosity: Its place in His Educational

Approch and Its Relevance to Education Today

651 New Developments in Contemporary Jewish Education

Chairperson: Zeev Mankowitz

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)

Joseph S. Lukinsky (E)

Bibliodrama, Its Relation to the Psychodrama of Jacob Levy Moreno and

Relevant Issues in Its Widespread Popularity in Jewish Education

Howard Dietcher

Where is God? A Missing Link in Teaching Bible in Israeli National


Reina Rutlinger-Reiner (H)

Theatrical Initiatives in the Israeli Orthodox Community: Implications

and Complications

Alick Isaacs (E)

A Hermeneutic Approach to Teaching Religious Tolerance



652 Jewish Studies in Israeli Education: The Teachers’ Dilemmas

Chairperson: Jonathan Cohen

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)

Asher Shkedi (H)

The Teacher As an Agent of the Jewish Tradition: Bible Studies and

Teachers Methodologico-Pedagogical Conceptions of the Hermeneutic


Michael Gillis (H)

Rabbi Akiva’s Beginnings: From Research to Curriculum Planning

Inbar Galili Schechter (H)

Rabbi Akiva’s Beginnings: From Research to Curriculum Planning

Inbar Galili Schechter (H)

Understanding and Meaning: Hermenuetic and Pedagogical Aspects

653 Jewish Education in the Diaspora

Chairperson: Howard Dietcher

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)

Erik H. Cohen (H)

Towards a Typology of Education Intervention in a Global Youth

Organization: The Case of Bnei Akiva

Alex Pomson (E)

Ideology and Idiosyncrasy in Jewish Day School Choice

Randal F. Schnoor (E)

Schools Are Not Only for Children: The Impact of Day Schools on the

Jewish Identities of Parents

Katka Hadar Reszke (E)

Alternative Identities and the Challenge of Authenticity: Young Jewish

Adults in Contemporary Poland



628 Haredi Education in Israel

Chairperson: Benjamin Lau

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2605

Nurit Meyrav (H)

Literacy Studies in a Habad Girls' Elementary School: Different Worlds

Come Together

Kimmy Caplan (H)

History Books in Israeli Haredi Ashkenazi Society, 1944-1970

Mati Dombrowsky (H)

Educational Aspects of Separation and Seclusion in Contemporary

Religious Zionism

Anat Feldman (H)

Women’s Ultra-Orthodox Vocational Education: The Case of the Shas




Latin-America Jewry


(Latin America, Israel and the Catholic Church)

Chairperson: Haim Avni

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5818

Mario Sznajder (S)

Identidades cambiantes: Israel y el escape de la Argentina en los '70

Raanan Rein (S)

El retorno de Perףn en la prensa hebrea 1973-1974 (The Return of Peron

in the Hebrew Press, 1973-1974)

Graciela Ben-Dror (S)

Los cambios de la iglesia catףlica hacia los judםos y el judaםsmo desde el

Concilio Vaticano II. El caso de Brasil, 1962-2000

Tullo Vigevani (S)

Las relaciones entre Israel y Brazil en el siglo XXI y la comunidad judeobrasileסa

661 Identities and Citizenship

Chairperson: Helena Lewin

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5818

Leonardo Senkman (S)

Ciudadanםa e identidad: la comunidad judםa organizada en la esfera

pתblica argentina, 1973-1995

Judit Bokser Liwerant (S)

Etnicidad, ciudadanםa e identidad: la comunidad judםa de Mיxico frente a

las transformaciones contemporבneas del espacio pתblico (1975-2000)

Yossi (Jorge) Goldstein (S)

Lugares de la memoria: pautas y dilemas en la conformaciףn de la

memoria colectiva del judaםsmo argentino en la תltima dיcada del siglo


Isaac Caro (S)

Un estudio contemporבneo de movimientos, comunidades e identidades

judםos en Amיrica Latina (Toward a Contemporary Study of Jewish

Movements, Communities and Identities in Latin America)



662 Sephardic History and Culture

Chairperson: Maritza Corrales Capestany

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5818

Abraham Gross (E)

The Phoenix and the Internet: The Return of "Bnei Anusim" to Judaism in

the 21th Century

Mario Cohen (S)

Sionismo sefardם en Buenos Aires, 1925-1926

Josי Menasce (S)

Agonםa y supervivencia del judeo espaסol en Argentina

Anita Novinsky (E)

The Jews and the Redemption of the World in the Eyes of a Catholic

Priest: Father Antonio Vieira

663 From the Colonial Period to Independence

Chairperson: Nancy Rozenchan

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 5818

Mordechai Arbell (E)

The" Fusion" Between Dominicans and Sephardi Jews

Maritza Corrales Capestany (S)

De libertades y exilios. Referentes judםos en la obra martiana y los

hebreos cubanos: el camino de una identidad

Libia Nancy Velבsquez (E)

Colombian Liberalism and Romanticism As Paradigms: Rewriting of

"National" Identity in Jorge Isaacs' "The Land of Cordoba"

Tania Kaufman (P)

O passado judaico presente em Pernambuco. Dimensדo antropolףgica da




664 LOS JUDIOS EN LA ECONOMIA (Jews in the Economy)

Chairperson: Tullo Vigevani

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5818

Yehuda Levin (S)

Justicia y arbitraje en los albores de la colonizaciףn judםa en la Argentina

Amaro Braga (S)

Los profesionales liberales judםos en Pernanbuco

Susana Brauner Rodgers (S)

Los judםos de origen Sirio y el cooperativismo de crיdito en Buenos Aires

Daniela Tonello-Levy (P)

Uma liberdade frustrada: Judeus e Cristדos novos no Brasil holandךs

665 The Image of Jewish Women in Latin America

Chairperson: Judit Bokser Liwerant

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5818

Haim Avni (E)

Argentina, the Country of Jewish Prostitution: the Image and some

quantitative data referring to the phenomenon in Buenos Aires

Marie Weinberg (P)

Histףrias Invisםveis: Imigrantes Judias e Empreendedoras em Sדo Paulo,


Paulette Kershenovich (E)

Stepping O ut of Bounds: Syrian-Jewish Women's Community

Roles in Mexico City



666 The Jews and Communism

Chairperson: Abraham Milgram

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5818

Esther Kuperman (P)

“Roite idn”: os judeos comunistas do Rio de Janeiro e suas instituiחץes

Alberto Kleinas (P)

Judeus progressistas paulistanos numa encruzilhada: a criaחדao do Estado

de Israel e o XX Congresso do PCUS

Silvia Schenkolewski-Kroll (S)

Las relaciones entre el Joint e instituciones comunistas y no sionistas en

Argentina, en el marco de la ayuda a las vםctimas de la Segunda Guerra


Margalit Bejarano (S)

Entre la revoluciףn y la comunidad judםa: la legaciףn de Israel en La


667 COMUNIDADES (Communities)

Chairperson: Jooseph Rozen

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 5818

Alicia Gojman de Backal (S)

Judםos estadounidenses en Mיxico. La creaciףn del "Yugent Gueselshaft"

y su revista "Nuestra Palabra"

Deby Babis (S)

De sinagoga ortodoxa a centro comunitario conservador – Cambios en la

organizaciףn comunitaria de los judםos en Buenos Aires

Shulamit Goldsmit (S)

Intentos de rescate del םdish en la comunidad ashkenazם de Mיxico

Helena Lewin (P)

Judeus portugueses no Brasil: a outra cara do sefaradismo ibיrico



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