B. Complete the following words and word combinations.
The judge left it to counsel to submit suggestions for appropriate relief for the limited i ______ of c ______.
Johnson has f______ suit against her.
The l______ will probably drag on for years.
The information is not currently in the p______ d______.
Good independent journalism u______ a free, democratic society.
James was s______ as a witness.
Some manufacturers see the current labeling regulations as l______ to mislead shoppers.
Rodman met with Kreeger to try and s______ the dispute over his contract.
It is hard to say this about biography, but at some point there is such a thing as i______ of p______.
A s______ l______ or reporters’ privilege is legislation designed to provide a news reporter with the right to refuse to testify as to information and/or sources of information obtained during the news gathering and dissemination process.
He’s being kept in jail until the trial so that he can’t i______ any of the witnesses.
According to the d______, the heroin was destined for the New York City area.
Any films that are shown here have to pass government c______.
Lady Chatterley’s Lover was banned as an o______ book.
Someone at the Pentagon l______ a letter from the Secretary of Defense.
Ten p______ are suing the companies for damages from the blast.
In due course, she was charged with and c______ of obstruction of a police constable in the execution of his duty.
Are people with criminal records allowed to sit on a j______?
The Prime Minister pledged to do everything possible to p______ those who carried out the bombing.
Riney countersued her for s______, and the two settled out of court.
Religious leaders say the novel d______ Islam.
He was vindicated when he successfully sued the tabloid that broke the story for l______.
The judge in the case has clamped a g______ o______ on all participants and seems very serious about it.
C. Give the derivatives of the following words.
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VI. Translation
A. Translate the following words and word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
Нарушение авторских прав; всеобщее достояние; укреплять свободы; получить лицензию; заключать в тюрьму и запугивать журналистов; свобода слова; авторитарная модель; коммунистическая или государственная модель; модель социальной ответственности; четвёртое сословие; цензура; предварительный запрет; раскрыть результаты исследования; деликатные сведения; осудить; преследовать в судебном порядке; устная клевета; оклеветать; письменная клевета; возбудить иск о клевете; ответчик; истец; злой умысел; вынести постановление; вмешательство в личную жизнь; порнографическое произведение; открытый судебный процесс; беспристрастные присяжные заседатели; распоряжение о неразглашении; закон об охране конфиденциальности; разрешить спорную ситуацию в суде; судебная тяжба; вызывать в суд.
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