Contracts Outline

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Ryan Preston Dahl; Tel. 917 687 7146

DRAFT current 5.10.05

Contracts Outline
Allegheny, again, is a battle between this sort of restrictive formalism and attempts to expand such liability (and Cardozo uses every trick in the book ever devised)

  • Allegheny should not be used as precedent. Rather, it is a signpost case where the court is at the precipice of change but has not quite gotten there

  • Allegheny really brings out the absurdity of reliance as a form of consideration rather than an independent theory of recovery



L. “He undertook it.” An express or implied promise, not under seal, by which a person undertakes to do some act or pay something to another. An action of assumpsit is a common law action for a breach of a contract (e.g., a creditor’s assumpsit against a debtor)

Parol-evidence Rule

The common-law principle that a writing intended by the parties to be a final embodiment of their agreement cannot be modified by evidence of earlier or contemporaneous agreements that might add to, vary, or contradict the writing. • This rule usu. operates to prevent a party from introducing extrinsic evidence of negotiations that occurred before or while the agreement was being reduced to its final written form.

Performance bond

Bond given by a surety to ensure the timely performance of a contract. • In major international agreements, performance bonds are typically issued by banks, but sometimes also by insurance companies. The face amount of the bond is typically 2% of the value of performance, but occasionally as much as 5%.

Qui tactet consentire videtur

L. “He who I ssilent is considered as assenting, when his interest is at stake.” Normally used to infer assent when a party is asked to admit or deny liability. Used in Canton v. Day, infra, to infer acceptance of an offer


An obligation; a promise.

"[A]n obligation, or in English a 'bond,' is a document written and sealed containing a confession of a debt; in later times 'contract' is the genus, 'obligation' the species." 2 Frederick Pollock & Frederic W. Maitland, The History of English Law 207 (2d ed. 1899).


An agreement between parties for the exchange of promises or performances. • A bargain is not necessarily a contract because the consideration may be insufficient or the transaction may be illegal.
"A bargain is an agreement of two or more persons to exchange promises, or to exchange a promise for a performance. Thus defined, bargain is at once narrower than 'agreement' in that it is not applicable to all agreements, and broader than 'contract' since it includes a promise given in exchange for insufficient consideration. It also covers transactions which the law refuses to recognize as contracts because of illegality." Samuel Williston, A Treatise on the Law of Contracts § 2A, at 7 (Walter H.E. Jaeger ed., 3d ed. 1957).


Something (such as an act, a forbearance, or a return promise) bargained for and received by a promisor from a promisee; that which motivates a person to do something, esp. to engage in a legal act. • Consideration, or a substitute such as promissory estoppel, is necessary for an agreement to be enforceable. Broadly speaking, consideration is simply a collective term for all the various separate elements that can make a promise legally enforceable. Bargain is one such element. Narrowly speaking, consideration is equated with the single element of bargain (often referred to as the “bargain theory of consideration”)


A contract is an agreement which creates an obligation. Its essentials are competent parties, subject matter, a legal consideration, mutuality of agreement, and mutuality of obligation (Corpus Juris Secundum, §2)

Liquidated damages

An amount contractually stipulated as a reasonable estimation of actual damages to be recovered by one party if the other party breaches. • If the parties to a contract have properly agreed on liquidated damages, the sum fixed is the measure of damages for a breach, whether it exceeds or falls short of the actual damages. -- Also termed stipulated damages; estimated damages.

Contract implied in law

An obligation created by law for the sake of justice; specif., an obligation imposed by law because of some special relationship between them, or because one of them would otherwise be unjustly enriched. • An implied-in-law contract is not actually a contract, but instead a remedy that allows the plaintiff to recover a benefit conferred on the defendant. -- Also termed contract implied in law; quasi-contract; constructive contract. See UNJUST ENRICHMENT.


2. Broadly, a threat of harm made to compel a person to do something against his or her will or judgment; esp., a wrongful threat made by one person to compel a manifestation of seeming assent by another person to a transaction without real volition. • A marriage that is induced by duress is generally voidable. 3. The use or threatened use of unlawful force -- usu. that a reasonable person cannot resist -- to compel someone to commit an unlawful act. • Duress is a recognized defense to a crime, contractual breach, or tort.

Economic duress

An unlawful coercion to perform by threatening financial injury at a time when one cannot exercise free will. -- Also termed business compulsion. "Courts have shown a willingness to recognize the concept of 'economic duress.' For instance it has been held that a defense on these grounds may be available to the purchaser of a ship from a shipbuilder, if the latter extracts a promise of extra payment as a condition of delivery of the ship." P.S. Atiyah, An Introduction to the Law of Contract 230

Detrimental reliance

Reliance by one party on the acts or representations of another, causing a worsening of the first party's position. • Detrimental reliance may serve as a substitute for consideration and thus make a promise enforceable as a contract. See promissory

Donative/gratuitous promise

A promise made in exchange for nothing, is not bargained for, is generally altruistic on the part of the promisor. A gratuitous promise is, ordinarily, not legally enforceable.


The act or process of enticing or persuading another person to take a certain course of action. ~2. Contracts. The benefit or advantage that causes a promisor to enter into a contract.

Mesne assignment

A transfer of intellectual-property rights through an intermediary, usu. an assignee, rather than directly from the property's creator.


Failure to discharge a contractual duty or obligation


The successful completion of a contractual duty


The manifestation of an intention to act or refrain from acting in a specified manner, conveyed in such a way that another is justified in understanding that a commitment has been made; a person’s assurance that the person will or will not do something. A binding promise – one that the law will enforce – is the essence of a contract

Quantum meruit

1. The reasonable value of services; damages awarded in an amount considered reasonable to compensate a person who has rendered services in a quasi-contractual relationship. 2. A claim or right of action for the reasonable value of services rendered. At common law, a count in an assumpsit action to recover payment for services rendered to another person. • Quantum meruit is still used today as an equitable remedy to provide restitution for unjust enrichment. It is often pleaded as an alternative claim in a breach-of-contract case so that the plaintiff can recover even if the contract is unenforceable.

Quasi contract

Contract implied in law


An agreement that no promisor with any sense, and not under a delusion, would make, and that no honest and fair promisee would accept.

Unjust enrichment

The retention of a benefit conferred by another, without offering compensation, in circumstances where compensation is reasonably expected. 2. A benefit obtained from another, not intended as a gift and not legally justifiable, for which the beneficiary must make restitution or recompense. 3. The area of law dealing with unjustifiable benefits of this kind.

Want of consideration/failure of consideration

A seriously deficient contractual performance that causes a contract's basis or inducement to cease to exist or to become worthless. Scholars disapprove of this term as misleading, since failure of performance is more accurate.

Bases of Recovery

  1. Breach of Contract (promise supported by consideration)

    1. Promises and contract law. The primary concern, it seems, is to distinguish between contracts and gifts

      1. A promise in a contract as the law conceives a promise is not a promise to do something. Rather, it is a promise to

        1. Do the thing you promised to do or

        2. Answer by payment of money damages if you fail in the obligation created

        3. Note: Equitable relief is not the ordinary remedy in the incidence of a breach of contract (though it does occur)

      2. The basic underlying idea behind contract is to promote the knowing and voluntary exchange of goods and/or services

    2. What is the basis for legally enforceable promissory obligations:

      1. Formalist school: A promise supported by consideration creates a legally enforceable obligation

      2. Per Fuller, the purpose of Consideration is:

        1. Cautionary Function (let you know you’re making a contract)

        2. Channeling Function (channels the desire to create such obligations into a recognizeable form)

        3. Evidentiary Function (the most obvious)

        4. “The thing which characterizes the law of contracts and conveyances is that in this field forms are deliberately used, and are intended to be so used, by the parties whose acts are to be judged by the law.”

    3. Mills v. Wyman, 3 Pick. (20 Mass.) 207 (Mass. 1825). The necessity of consideration

      1. Past act followed by a promise to pay is not consideration (holding per Bernstein)

      2. Facts:

        1. P had cared for the son of D in the two weeks prior to the son’s death

          1. Son was in his majority at the time

          2. Son was not connected with his family (estranged)

          3. P had no agreement to care for the son in this manner

        2. After his son’s death, D sent P a letter stating that he would pay the fees incurred by the care of his son.

        3. D subsequently refused to pay.

      3. Importance of Mills:

        1. Suppose that Mary, a 16-year old with an avid interest in gardening, Mary mows the neighbor’s lawn. The neighbor subsequently promises to pay Mary for her efforts. Is this a binding promissory obligation?

        2. No: Un-induced prior unmotivated acts do not support consideration for a subsequent promise. Mills v. Wyman.

      4. Exceptions to the Doctrine of Past Consideration:

        1. Promise to pay a debt barred by statute of limitations

        2. Promise by an adult to pay a debt incurred when the adult was under legal age

        3. Promise to pay a debt that has been discharged in bankruptcy (this is now limited by 11 U.S.C. §524)

    4. Formalist theory of Consideration

      1. Hamer v. Sidway, 124 N.Y. 538 (N.Y. App. 1891). Formalist school

        1. Was a valid consideration paid to the promisor of $5,000 to promisee, who agreed to refrain from drinking, tobacco, swearing, and gambling for the required period of time when the promisee’s fulfilled those obligations?

        2. Promisee’s forebearance constituted valid consideration

          1. “A valuable consideration, in the sense of the law, may consist either in some right, interest, profit, or benefit accruing to the one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss, or responsibility given, suffered, or undertaken by the other.”

          2. Bernstein: A peppercorn would have been good enough for the Hamer court

            1. The court notes that the court does not care whether or not the consideration would constitute any value to any independent party

            2. “Courts will not ask whether the thing which forms the consideration does in fact benefit the promise or a third party, or is of substantial benefit to anyone.”

        3. But see Dougherty v. Salt, 227 N.Y. 200 (N.Y. Ct. App. 1919)

          1. Aunt made out a Note to her young nephew for $3,000 payable on her death. Accompanying the Note she included a message stating that the nephew ought to hold on to the Note and that someday it might be valuable

          2. Appellate held that there was no valid consideration for the aunt’s promise.

            1. Given the intent of the aunt (testified to by P’s guardian who helped make the note) the aunt did not consider her nephew’s activity to have been consideration for the note

            2. Thus, the nephew’s behavior was not the impetus behind a voluntary and unenforceable promise of an executory gift.

          3. Bernstein: the court is taking a rational look at the value of “consideration” in relation to the promise within the context in which the promise was made

            1. There is a certain reluctance on the part of the court to get involved in the familial element (see, Miller v. Miller) as opposed to typical arm’s length transactions

            2. Court is irritated by the false pretext of consideration (consideration viewed in a substantive perspective, as opposed to the purely formal perspective of Hamer)

      2. Mier v. Hadden, 111 N.W. 1040 (Mich. 1907). Ps are land dealers. As part of their occupation, they purchase land on option and then contract to sell that land to 3rd parties at a profit. P’s purchased a call option from the Ds for their farm for the consideration of $1.00. Contract contained a clause allowing Ps to recover damages from P in the event of non-performance by Ps upon the exercise of the option. Ds refused to sell the land

        1. A promise to sell at a specified price in the future (or engage in some future transaction) is binding if the promise is made in consideration of valuable consideration

      3. Batsakis v. Demotsis, 226 S.W.2d 673 (Tex. Civ. App. 1949)

        1. Promise to pay $2,000 plus accrued interest in exchange for 500,000 drachmae was a promise supported by consideration giving rise to a legally binding obligation to pay the debt

          1. Note: P alleged that the 500,000 drachmae was worth around $25 at the time (i.e., WWII shortages in Greece)

        2. The court specifically refused to consider the “adequacy” of the consideration:

          1. “The plea of want of consideration was unavailing. A plea of want of consideration amounts to a contention that the instrument never became a valid obligation I nthe first place. Mere inadequacy of consideration will not void a contract.” (Emphasis RPD)

          2. Hamer formalism in extremis

        3. But see Schnell v. Nell, 17 Ind. 29 (Ind. 1861)

          1. D agreed to pay each of 3 Ps $200 in monthly installments in consideration of:

            1. Love of Ds wife (as she had attempted to make a similar provision in her will that turned out to be invalid)

            2. Wife’s services rendered

            3. Consideration of $0.01

          2. Court held that:

            1. The court will consider the adequacy of value of consideration when the value of that consideration is fixed as with currency

              1. Therefore, consideration of $0.01 is insufficient to create a binding obligation upon a promise to pay $600

            2. “As it is, the mere promise to pay six hundred dollars for one cent … is an unconscionable contract, void, at first blush, upon its face, it if be regarded as an earnest one. The consideration of one cent is, plainly, in this case, merely nominal, and intended to be so.”

    5. Bargain Theory of Consideration. Bernstein: Generally speaking, the presence or absence of a contract in the bargain sense will force you construe the contract similar either to Fischer (absence) or Meier (presence) of a contract

      1. Note: Distinction between “bargain”, “inducement” and “gratuity”

      2. Generally speaking, bargains are bilateral (though there are unilateral contracts). Bargains are the exchange of promises or performances.

        1. “A bargain is an agreement of two or more persons to exchange promises, or to exchange a promise for a performance. Thus defined, bargain is at once narrower than 'agreement' in that it is not applicable to all agreements, and broader than 'contract' since it includes a promise given in exchange for insufficient consideration. It also covers transactions which the law refuses to recognize as contracts because of illegality." Samuel Williston, A Treatise on the Law of Contracts § 2A, at 7

        2. Contracts require a “bargain” and “consideration” under the bargain theory

          1. An inducement is merely “The benefit or advantage that causes a promisor to enter into a contract.”

          2. Hence, if a promisee relies on a promise to their detriment than the promisor is estopped from claiming that it was a gift as the promise functioned as an inducement

          3. “The commencement of performance may by itself constitute a ‘return promise’ that is sufficient to create a bilateral contract” (Chirelstein at 14)

      3. The Restatement of Contracts adopts the Bargain Theory of Consideration: § 71. Requirement Of Exchange; Types Of Exchange

        1. However, do not cite to the Restatement in Bernstein’s exam

        2. To constitute consideration, a performance or a return promise must be bargained for.

        3. A performance or return promise is bargained for if it is sought by the promisor in exchange for his promise and is given by the promisee in exchange for that promise.

        4. The performance may consist of

          1. an act other than a promise, or

          2. a forbearance, or

          3. the creation, modification, or destruction of a legal relation.

          4. The performance or return promise may be given to the promisor or to some other person. It may be given by the promisee or by some other person.

      4. Notes to the Restatement § 71: Consideration is generally used to express the legal conclusion that a promise is enforceable

        1. i.e., a promise is enforceable only if there is consideration

          1. Thus, consideration can also refer to reliance on a gratuitous promise

          2. Also see it with the use of “consideration” in contracts to state that that legal requirement for an enforceable bargain has been met

        2. “Bargained for”: In the typical bargain, the consideration and the promise bear a reciprocal relation of motive or inducement

          1. You have to have both elements for a bargain to be present: there must be both promise and consideration

          2. “Mere pretense of bargain does not suffice, as where there is a false recital of consideration or where the purported consideration is merely nominal”

            1. RPD: this seems to be the case in Dougherty. The consideration paid (the behavior of the boy) was nominal at best. A promise made on the basis of such small consideration cannot really be said to be an actual bargain

        3. A “false recital” is when a promisor writes out a false statement that he had received some consideration in exchange for his promise

          1. E.g., A falsely claims that B sold him a car for $1,000 and A promises to pay B that amount

          2. No consideration has been made for A’s promise

          3. Similarly, if A promises to pay B $1,000 in exchange for a book worth $1, there is no consideration paid, as the purchase is mere pretense.

        4. Mixture of bargain and gift

          1. Generally speaking, courts will not inquire into the adequacy of consideration (due respect for the free market). Even when a bargain is part gift, the element of the bargain will be sufficient to supply consideration for the entire transaction

          2. e.g., a promise by A to purchase from a book from B for $10 even though such books are only worth $5 could be considered valid consideration

      5. Miller v. Miller, 42 N.W. 641 (Iowa, 1889)

        1. Contract b/t H and W for good behavior was not enforceable since the contract required “just what is demanded by her marital relations”.

        2. Note the general unwillingness of courts to enforce contracts in a family setting (even when all of the requirements for a valid contract – as opposed to a gift – appear to have been met

        3. See also, Balfour v. Balfour, 2 K.B. 571 (1919)

          1. No legally binding contract can exist between a husband and wife as regards the arrangement of their relationship even though certain elements found in contracts might exist within those arrangements because they parties did not intend that they should be attended by legal consequences.

          2. “In respect of these promises each house is a domain into which the king’s writ does not seek to run, and to which his officers do not seek to be admitted.”

        4. See also, White v. Bluett, 23 L.J.Ex. (N.S.) 36 (1853)

          1. Son’s forbearance from complaining in exchange for father’s agreement to forgive a previously made loan was not valid consideration

          2. Since the son had no right to complain, his forebearance cannot compose compose valid consideration to the contract

      6. Fischer v. Union Trust, 101 N.W. 852 (Mich. 1904)

        1. $1 paid by incompetent daughter to father did not constitute valid consideration for title to their residence.

          1. Note: Transaction occurred on Christmas

          2. Bank subsequently foreclosed

        2. Compare to how the Hamer court was concerned with separating gifts from exchange. This convoluted transaction would have met the formal requirements of Hamer and yet totally undermined the theory at work behind Hamer’s ruling

          1. Yet the $1 at work in Fischer does seem to meet some of Fuller’s definitions of the purpose/function of a contract – it indicates a clear intent on the part of the promisor to have the law enforce his transaction

          2. But this flouting of the formal requirement really seems to irk the Fischer court

          3. The Fischer court treats the dollar as “just” a formality, and yet (from a formalist point of view) this is precisely the point

        3. Note: The Fischer v. Union Trust rule is the operative theory at work in Restatement § 71

    6. Analysis:

      1. When dealing with a problem in contract:

        1. Identify the promise at issue

          1. Subject matter of the promise

          2. The form of the promise

        2. What was given in return?

        3. Does (1) + (2) = consideration?

          1. The Hamer leaves out all analysis of fairness as regards the consideration

          2. Consideration defined as Benefit to promisor/detriment to promisee?

            1. But: A past act followed by a promise to pay does not create a binding contract (Mills v. Wyman)

        4. If the Hamer requirements are satisfied, you move into §71 of the Restatement and the Bargain Theory of consideration. Did the promisor’s act induce some response by the promise? Did the response induced bear any relation to the original promise?

          1. Here the social context matters

            1. E.g., a professional transaction as opposed to Fischer

            2. Requires you to know something about the norms of the relevant commercial context

            3. E.g., Meir v. Hadden: the real estate option was a well-accepted, often used instrument. Hence Meir becomes much more similar to a commercial practice than a Fischer-type situation

        5. However, what do we do if there is no consideration either through bargain theory or Hamer?

  2. Promissory estoppel. RPD: Essentially, promissory estoppel presents an exception to both the formal and a consequence of bargain theory of consideration. Promissory estoppel is grounded in justifiable reliance and inducement.

    1. View the spectrum of promissory estoppel as between Ricketts and Bacardi (with § 90 of the Restatement falling somewhere in the middle)

    2. Bernstein: Promissory estoppel uses reliance as the basis for creating promissory obligations.

    3. Elements of Promissory Estoppel (in six easy steps):

      1. Promise

      2. Made without consideration

      3. Which the promisor knew or should have known would have induced some action or forebearance on the part on the part of the promise

      4. Which does in fact induce some action or forebearance on the part of the promise

      5. To the detriment of the promisee

      6. And injustice can only be avoided by enforcing the promise

    4. Restatement § 90

      1. (1) “A promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on the part of the promisee or a third person and which does induce such action or forbearance is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. The remedy granted for breach may be limited as justice requires.

        1. RPD: Note the condition of detrimental harm: “if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise”

      2. (2) “A charitable subscription or a marriage settlement is binding under Subsection (1) without proof that the promise induced action or forbearance.”

        1. E.g., A, knowing that B is going to college, promises B that A will give him $5,000 on completion of his course. B goes to college, and borrows and spends more than $5,000 for college expenses. When he has nearly completed his course, A notifies him of an intention to revoke the promise.

          1. A's promise is binding and B is entitled to payment on completion of the course without regard to whether his performance was "bargained for" under §71

      3. A promise binding under this theory is a contract, and all the remedies available for the enforcement of contractual rights and obligations are available to situations that fall under this section.

        1. Thus, relief may be determined by the extent of harm caused by an actor’s reliance rather than the character of the promise

        2. E.g., A applies to B, a distributor of radios manufactured by C, for a "dealer franchise" to sell C's products. Such franchises are revocable at will. B erroneously informs A that C has accepted the application and will soon award the franchise, that A can proceed to employ salesmen and solicit orders, and that A will receive an initial delivery of at least 30 radios. A expends $1,150 in preparing to do business, but does not receive the franchise or any radios. B is liable to A for the $1,150 but not for the lost profit on 30 radios.

        3. Note the problem attendant to promises to procure insurance. A promise to procure insurance, reasonably relied upon by a promise, can make the promisor the insurer of the promisee. This can result in tremendous liability.

          1. Thus, the promise is properly construed as a promise to use reasonable efforts to procure the insurance and reliance by the promise may be justified or unjustified only for a short period of time.

          2. Note the exception created, though, by promises to make charitable subscriptions and the like.

    5. Kirksey v. Kirskey, 8 Ala. 131 (Ala. 1845)

      1. P’s moved over 60 miles with children to move in with her brother-in-law based on his promise to “let [P] have a place to raise [P’s] family”

        1. Note: P did not sell her land in her old home (as D had recommended) before she left

        2. P was subsequently put out into a shack in the woods

      2. The “inconvenience” suffered by the P did not support consideration creating a legally binding obligation upon the D

        1. From a formalist p.o.v., it could be held that the “detriment” suffered by the P was in fact consideration

        2. However, it is not clear that the promisor was attempting to induce some behavior

    6. Ricketts v. Scothorn, 77 N.W. 365 (1898)

      1. P quit her job and claimed that she forebeared from seeking other employment after her grandfather induced her to quit her employment with the promise of a 6% $2,000 note. Grandfather paid the interest on the note and stated his intention to pay the full balance, but died b/f he could do so. P attempted to claim the full amount from his estate

      2. Court held that D was estopped from pleading want of consideration since P reasonably relied on her grandfather’s promise and “was led thereby to change [her] position for the worse” and, as a result, “acquired some corresponding right of remedy.”

    7. Note: Over time the theory of promissory estoppel shifts from being an element of consideration as opposed to an actual estoppel of failure of consideration

      1. Note: Promissory estoppel is never a substitute for consideration

      2. Feinberg v. Pfeiffer Co., 322 S.W.2d 163 (Missou., 1959)

        1. Plaintiff was employed by defendant starting in 1917. She worked her way up from a bookkeeper to assistant treasurer. In 1947, the Board of Directors voted to grant P a monthly pension of $200, starting when she retired. P retired in 1949 (18 months later), at which point she began to receive payments. P was 57 at this time. Payments were reduced in 1956 to $100. P was 63 at this time. P sued.

        2. Missouri law held promissory estoppel to be a valid element of (as opposed to exception to) the doctrine of consideration under three separate theories (In re Jamison’s Estate, 202 S.W.2d 879, 887)

        3. Plaintiff’s reasonably foreseeable retirement from a lucrative position in reliance upon the defendant’s promise to pay her an annuity or pension constituted an “act of forebearance” sufficient to constitute a consideration for the defendant’s promise.

      3. But see Hayes v. Plantations Steel Co., 438 A.2d 1091 (R.I. 1982). P not entitled to recover on a theory of promissory estoppel when the actions of the promisor “in no way” induced the P to leave the employ of D

        1. In January 1972, Hayes, then aged 65, announced his intention to retire in July. An officer and shareholder of the company, said the company would “take care” of Hayes without any mention of a specific plan

          1. Following retirement, Hayes made an annual visit to the plant to renew acquaintances and inquire about the payments so he could continue to plan his retirement. Four payments of $5,000 were made. The payments were discontinued.

          2. Hayes had given notice of his intent to retire 7 months before any promise was made

            1. It was assumed that Hayes would no longer work based on that stated intent (hence, no forebearance as in Feinberg)

            2. Hayes’ annual visits demonstrate uncertainty on Hayes’ part regarding the nature of the payments

      4. Note: Employer/employee law may fall into a unique social context (hence, cite only to other employment cases if at all possible)

    8. Damages and promissory estoppel

      1. Reliance damages: Object is to restore the victim of breach back to the position he would have been in if the promise had not been made

        1. Victim is equally well of whether or not there is no promise, or promise, breach, and damages

        2. Thus, compensation is the amount required to put the injured promise in a state just as good as if the promise had not been made

        3. Focus is in “out-of-pocket costs” (as opposed to opportunity costs)

      2. Expectation damages: Placing the victim of breach forward to the position he would have been in if performance.

        1. Victim is equally well of whether or not there is promise and performance, or promise, breach, and damages

        2. Focus in on opportunity costs (see Walters v. Marathon Oil Co.)

      3. Typically, promissory estoppel brings a lesser measure of recovery.

        1. When a contract is formed and then breach, the court will enforce expectation damages

        2. Put the party in the position they would have been in had the obligation been fulfilled

      4. On the other hand, when the cause of action is promissory estoppel, the typical (though not exclusive) remedy is reliance damages

        1. Reliance damages: Put the party in the position they would have been in had the promise never been made

        2. Bernstein, as a formalist, supports this distinction (albeit grudgingly). Why does a formalist support this distinction in damages?

      5. Purpose of contract (and higher damages for breach of contract) is to promote parties to be very clear in the obligations they want legally enforced

        1. After all, promissory estoppel is only designed to remedy injustice (Restatement § 90)

        2. Bernstein concedes the social realities sometime work against the sort of formal bargaining encouraged by this disparity in damage awards, but still thinks such difference in damages makes sense

      6. Also, breach of contract creates a very easy to measure damages. But, when you do have easy to measure damages (see Ricketts v. Scothorn) the court can be a bit more liberal on the question of damages

      7. Goodman v. Dicker, 159 F.2d 684 (D.C., 1948)

        1. Franchisor/franchisee context

          1. Very Posnerian: incentivizing franchisors not to be misleading and incentivizing franchisees from being naïve

        2. Reliance damages are the appropriate remedy in an action under promissory estoppel (as opposed to breach of contract)

        3. See also Hunter v. Hayes, 533 P.2d 952 (Colo.Ct.App.1975)

          1. D promised P a job as a “flagger” on a construction project, telling P she should terminate her employment with the Telephone company and that she was to begin work on a specified date

            1. She had been paid $350 a month by the Telephone Co.

            2. P quit work, but D failed to employ her

            3. P was unemployed for two months

          2. Court awarded reliance damages

            1. $700 (the two-months lost salary) compensated Hunter for the loss suffered:

            2. “[W]hen [recovery] is predicated on … a promise and detrimental reliance, there is no fixed measure of damages to be applied in every case. [The] damages should be tailored to fit the facts of each case and should be only that amount which justice requires.”

          3. The court makes it clear that they have essentially unfettered discretion to do whatever they want in this respect (not unlike the Walters court)

          4. See Jarboe v. Landmark Community Newspapers of Indiana, infra. Damages for termination of an at will employee limited to reliance damages and would not include restoration of employment.

        4. Bernstein: Goodman is applicable in small business/franchisor/franchisee relationships

          1. Be leery of using Goodman in specialized transactions, particularly when lawyers are involved in transacting the deal

      8. But see Walters v. Marathon Oil Co., 642 F.2d 1098 (7th Cir. 1981)

        1. Remember: expectation damages in a § 90 claim is only a presumption! (which can be overcome)

        2. Franchisor/franchisee context

        3. Ps entered into negotiations with Marathon to distribute Marathon products at a convenience store/gas station. Negotiations continued apace, with Ps sending a signed contract to Marathon for their final approval. Meanwhile, Ps had purchased the station in question and made improvements. Marathon subsequently put a moratorium on new stations and refused to sign the contract

        4. Court held that P was entitled to expectation damages under a theory of promissory estoppel

          1. “Since promissory estoppel is an equitable matter, the trial court has broad power in its choice of remedy.”

          2. The easy manner of calculating damages figured heavily into the court’s decision to award expectation damages

      9. Promissory estoppel in specialized transactions

        1. D & G Stout, Inc. v. Bacardi Imports, Inc., 923 F.2d 566 (7th Cir. 1991)

          1. P refused to sell to a third party after assurances from D to continue to supply liquor brands to P’s wholesale liquor distribution business. D subsequently pulled the plug and P was forced to sell for $550,000 less than the original offer

            1. P had only an at-will agreement with D at all times

          2. Did the $550,000 claimed in damages by P constitute an injury suffered as a result from an opportunity forgone in reliance on D’s promise (as opposed to a loss attributable to expectations of future lost earnings) constitute an issue of material fact such that D is not entitled to judgment as a matter of law?

          3. Court held that the damages claimed by P are not for the recovery of lost profits, but injuries already received resulting from its reliance upon Bacardi’s promise. The “reasonableness” of that reliance is a material question of fact that should have been resolved at trial

            1. RPD: Remember: the court is not saying that D is estopped from claiming that there was no binding contract. P still has to demonstrate the reasonableness of its reliance at trial.

            2. In this ruling, the Court distinguished the lost opportunity from “lost wages”

              1. i.e., An at-will employee may not sue an employer for lost wages in the expectation of an unfulfilled promise of at-will employment. Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc. v. Woods, 440 N.E.2d 696 (Ind.App. 1982)

              2. Since Expenses incurred allegedly in reliance on a promise create an issue of fact such that summary judgment is inappropriate. Pepsi-Cola, 440 N.E.2d 696.

                1. The 7th Circuit looked at “expectation” in the sense of whether or not the damages claimed by P were in “expectation” of future revenues from its business partner, inasmuch as an aggrieved employee would claim “expected” future wages from an employer

                2. As opposed to “reliance” on the promise insofar as P felt itself able to function as an ongoing concern

        2. Bacardi’s interpretation of IN law was approved in Jarboe v. Landmark Community Newspapers of Indiana, Inc., 644 N.E.2d 118 (Ind. 1994).

          1. IN court held that in cases of discharge involving an at-will employee under a theory of reliance, damages were limited to reliance damages and not restoration of employment.

          2. RPD: Cf. Hunter v. Hayes, supra

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