TRUE if a successful save of a session’s cryptographic operations state always contains all keys needed to restore the state of the session
TRUE if token has its own hardware clock
TRUE if token has a “protected authentication path”, whereby a user can log into the token without passing a PIN through the Cryptoki library
TRUE if a single session with the token can perform dual cryptographic operations (see Section )
Exactly what the CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED flag means is not specified in Cryptoki. An application may be unable to perform certain actions on a write-protected token; these actions can include any of the following, among others:
Creating/modifying/deleting any object on the token.
Creating/modifying/deleting a token object on the token.
Changing the SO’s PIN.
Changing the normal user’s PIN.
Note: The fields ulMaxSessionCount, ulSessionCount, ulMaxRwSessionCount, ulRwSessionCount, ulTotalPublicMemory, ulFreePublicMemory, ulTotalPrivateMemory, and ulFreePrivateMemory can have the special value CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION, which means that the token and/or library is unable or unwilling to provide that information. In addition, the fields ulMaxSessionCount and ulMaxRwSessionCount can have the special value CK_EFFECTIVELY_INFINITE, which means that there is no practical limit on the number of sessions (resp. R/W sessions) an application can have open with the token.
These values are defined as
It is important to check these fields for these special values. This is particularly true for CK_EFFECTIVELY_INFINITE, since an application seeing this value in the ulMaxSessionCount or ulMaxRwSessionCount field would otherwise conclude that it can’t open anysessions with the token, which is far from being the case.
The upshot of all this is that the correct way to interpret (for example) the ulMaxSessionCount field is something along the lines of the following:
if ((CK_LONG) info.ulMaxSessionCount
/* Token refuses to give value of ulMaxSessionCount */
} else if (info.ulMaxSessionCount == CK_EFFECTIVELY_INFINITE) {
/* Application can open as many sessions as it wants */
} else {
/* ulMaxSessionCount really does contain what it should */