Curriculum document state board of education howard n. Lee, C

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Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.02: Trace major events of the Civil Rights Movement and evaluate its impact.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

The Civil Rights Movement

  • De jure and

  • De facto Segregation

  • Affirmative Action

  • Turning points

Changes in state and federal Legislation

Montgomery bus boycotts

Rosa Parks

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Malcolm X

Black Panthers

Black Power Movement

Stokley Carmichael



March on Washington

James Meredith

Little Rock Nine

George Wallace

Brown v Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas, 1954

Thurgood Marshall

Earl Warren

24th amendment

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Voting Rights Act of 1965

11.02a Describe how these terms are applied to the Civil Rights Movement: civil disobedience, urban riots, Dixiecrats, Freedom Riders, Greensboro sit-ins.
11.02b Research leadership of the Black Revolution. Compare their goals, strategies, and results. How did Malcolm X and Stokley Carmichael justify the use of violence?

“Letter from a Birmingham Jail” by MLK

Brown v Board of Education decision

“I Have A Dream” speech

Audio &Visual Resources:

Eyes on the Prize” PBS series

Separate but Equal” movie

“The Blackboard Jungle: movie

“Corina, Corina” movie, excerpts

Suggested Websites:

Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.02: (continued) Trace major events of the Civil Rights Movement and evaluate its impact.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Executive actions

  • Harry S. Truman

  • Dwight D.

  • Eisenhower

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon Johnson

11.02c Create a chart with these headings: Human Costs of Civil Rights Movement, Role of Ordinary People, Effects of the Media.
11.02d Hold seminar sessions with topics such as “Letter from a Birmingham Jail, I Have A Dream Speech, etc.

Literature Connections:

Eric Goldman: The Crucial Decade 1965

David Habersham: The Fifties

Elizabeth Kytle: Willa Mae 1993

Fine Arts Connections:

Norman Rockwell: “The Problem We All Live With” 1964

John Biggers: “Shotgun, Third Ward”, 1966, NMAA

Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.03: Identify major social movements including, but not limited to, those involving women, young people, and the environment, and evaluate the impact of these movements in the United States’ society.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Cultural Movements

  • Feminists

  • Indian

  • Latino

Labor Movements

Environmental Movements
Social Movements

  • Pop Culture

  • Counter Culture

Women’s Liberation

National Organization for Women

Gloria Steinem

Phyllis Schafly

The Feminine Mystique

Equal Rights Amendment

Roe v. Wade, 1973

British Invasion-Beatles

Elvis Presley


11.03a Using these terms, describe the social movements of the decades: feminist’s hippies, Rock ‘n roll, beatniks.
11.03b Compare leaders of the feminist movement and the American Indian Movement. How were each successful? What problems were unique to each?

Roe v Wade decision

Excerpts from The Feminine Mystique

Excerpts from Jack Kerouac’s On the Road

Excerpts from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Audio &Visual Resources:

The Fight In the Fields, Cesar Chavez and the Farm Workers Struggle”: PBS video

The Sensational 70’s”

1975: Year After the Fall”

Elvis ‘56”. Music Media Documentary, 1987

Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.03: (continued) Identify major social movements including, but not limited to, those involving women, young people, and the environment, and evaluate the impact of these movements in the United States’ society.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Socio-economic Status: Jobs:

  • White collar

  • Blue collar

  • Pink collar


Cesar Chavez

American Indian Movement

Clean Air Act

Clean Water Act

Environmental Protection Agency

Betty Friedan

11.03c Analyze the effects of Roe v. Wade on the political climate of the U.S. from 1973 to the present.
11.03d Create multimedia presentations demonstrating the differences in youth culture in the 50’s and 60’s: focusing on literature, music, fads, slang, etc.

Suggested Websites:

Literature Connections:

Ralph Nader: Unsafe At Any Speed, 1965

Henry Louis Gates, Jr: Behind the Color Line in America, 2004 (PBS series too)

Fine Arts Connections:

Romare Bearden: “Empress of the Blues”

1974, NMAA

William Wiley: “Portrait of Radon”, 1982, NMAA

Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.04: Identify the causes of the United States’ involvement in Vietnam and examine how this involvement affected society.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Significance of the domino theory
U. S. Involvement in Vietnam:

- Eisenhower

- Kennedy

- Johnson

- Nixon

- Ford
Vietnam’s effect on U. S. politics and society

Role of the media

Tet Offensive

Robert McNamara

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

War Powers Act 1973

Ho Chi Minh

My Lai Incident

Agent Orange



Pentagon Papers

26th Amendment

General William Westmoreland

Kent State


Fall of Saigon, 1975

Paris Peace Accords

Operation Rolling Thunder

11.04a Prepare a description of the decades and concepts using the terms: escalation, Hawks and Doves, containment, student protest movements, and “living room war”.

11.04b Prepare a time line of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Note each president and the number of U.S. deaths per year. Include at least 3 protest events like Kent State, Democratic National Convention riots, and the trial of Dr. Benjamin Spock.

26th Amendment

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Johnson’s State of the Union 1966

Excerpts from Westmoreland’s The Vietnam War

Excerpts from McNamara’s In Retrospect

Political cartoons and photographs

Audio &Visual Resources:

Vietnam: A Television War”, PBS series

Return with Honors” PBS, American

Experience series

Battlefield Vietnam: 1954-1968” Battlefield Vietnam, CNN Cold War Series Episode II

Excerpts from “Forrest Gump”

Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.04: (continued) Identify the causes of the United States’ involvement in Vietnam and examine how this involvement affected society.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

11.04c Analyze the relationship between the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the War Powers Act.
11.04d Conduct a debate based on research notes with “Doves and Hawks” on the issue of Vietnam.
11.04e Identify the common themes in War Protest songs of the era.

Suggested Websites:

Literature Connections:

Vietnam Comic Books

Stanley Karnow: Vietnam. 1983

Philip Caputo: A Rumor of War, 1977

Walter Dean Myers: Fallen Angels

Fine Arts Connections:

Pulitzer Prize Photos: 1968: “Dream of Better Times”, 1971: “A God-awful Scream”, 1973: “The Day It Rained Fire”, 1974: “Burst of Joy”

Photographs of the Vietnam Wall in


Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.05: Examine the impact of technological innovations that have impacted American life.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

The Impact of the Space Race on education
Technological Changes:

  • Mass media

  • Communication

  • Military

  • Science

  • Medicine

  • Electronics

  • Data storage

  • Transportation

  • Energy

Radio in 1950’s



National Defense Education Act

Space Programs

Neil Armstrong

John Glenn



Silicon Valley


Hydrogen bombs

Color television

Microwave technology

Nuclear power

Commercial jet travel

11.05a Compare job possibilities for women in the 1950’s and today. Where are the “glass ceilings” now?

11.05b Create multimedia presentations that demonstrate how technology has changed the way U.S. citizens live their everyday lives.

11.05c Design a “Moon” backdrop for the class and reenact the MAN ON THE MOON initiatives. Include all missions tried.

National Defense Education Act

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address

Audio &Visual Resources:

David Halberstam’s, “the 1950’s” video series and book

Footage from the moon landing July 1969, The History Channel

Movie: “October Sky”

The Pill” PBS American Experience series

“Apollo 13” MCA Video, excerpts

Suggested Websites:

Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.05: (continued) Examine the impact of technological innovations that have impacted American life.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Connection of population shifts to technological changes in society

11.05d Create a collage wall of all the medicines and machines developed in this time period; include polio vaccines, birth control pills, and artificial hearts, etc.
11.05e Create an artwork that represents the differences in the sunbelt, rustbelt, frostbelt of the U. S.

Literature Connections:

Jeffrey Kluger and James Lovell: Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13. 1994

Robert Woodward and Carl Bernstein: All the President’s Men, 1974

Fine Arts Connections:

NASA Photographs of earth from out of space

NASA Photographs of man in space

NASA Photographs of moon rock and moon crystals

Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.06: Identify political events and the actions and reactions of the government official and citizens, and assess the social and political consequences.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Actions and reactions to political platforms:

  • New Frontier

  • Great Society

  • Law &Order

Voter Apathy


  • Election

  • Tet Offensive

  • Robert Kennedy

  • Martin Luther King, Jr.


Head Start



Peace Corps

National Endowment for the Humanities

New York Times v U.S. 1971

United States v Nixon 1974

Sam Ervin/Senate Watergate Committee

John Dean

Bob Woodward/Carl Bernstein

Democratic National Convention 1968

25th Amendment

Students for a Democratic Society (SD

11.06a Debate: Resolved: The U.S. government should provide, at no charge, minimum necessities for each of its citizens living below the poverty level.

11.06b Write headline articles about the protests that occurred outside the Democratic National Convention in 1968.

11.06c Compare LBJ’s Latin American policy with that of FDR’s “Good Neighbor” policy.

Transcripts from the Senate Watergate Committee

Medicare Act

Woodward and Bernstein articles from the Washington Post

25th Amendment

Audio &Visual Resources:

All the Presidents Men” video and book

The Democrats in Chicago” August 26-29


Nixon”, movie, excerpts

Suggested Websites:

Competency Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Objective 11.06: (continued) Identify political events and the actions and reactions of the government official and citizens, and assess the social and political consequences.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Watergate Scandal
Changing relationship of the federal government
Urban renewal programs

11.06d Discuss the impact of the assassinations of the period on U.S. citizens.
11.06e Analyze the image of the United States after the Vietnam years.

Literature Connections:

Biographies about Barbara Jordon, Henry Kissinger, John Glenn, Andrew Young, Neil Armstrong

Fine Arts Connections:

Photographs of Nixon’s final days, AP/Wide World Photos

Song: Billy Joel: “We didn’t start the fire” lyrics

Competency Goal 12: The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) – The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.

Objective 12.01: Summarize significant events in foreign policy since the Vietnam War.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Problems in the Third World
Modern-day genocide
AIDS and Pandemics
Politics of Oil
Rise of Religious and Political Radicalism

Yasser Arafat-Palestine Nationalism (PLO)

U.S. invasion of Lebanon

Yom Kipper War

Camp David Accords

Anwar el-Sadat

Menachem Begin

Shah of Iran

Ayatollah Khomeini

Iranian Hostage Crisis

Jimmy Carter

Famine/Somalia and Ethiopia

Foreign debt


Nelson Mandela

Helsinki Accords

Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)

12.01a Create multimedia presentations on the Cold War after Vietnam, up through the decline of the Soviet Union. Chronicle major foreign policy events in this period.
12.01b Write a position paper using primary sources, regarding the history of the Middle East peace processes since 1973. Develop and defend arguments regarding the role of the U.S. in these agreements.

Camp David Accords

Executive Order 11828

Inaugural addresses of recent presidents

Helsinki Accords

Sample pieces of the Berlin Wall

Audio &Visual Resources:

Footage from ABC’s Nightline during the Iran Hostage Crisis

Jimmy Carter” PBS, The American Experience series

The Gulf War” PBS Frontline series.

Colin Powell: A Soldier’s Campaign”, A& E Home Video, 1995.

Suggested Websites:

Competency Goal 12: The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) – The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.

Objective 12.01: (continued) Summarize significant events in foreign policy since the Vietnam War.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Collapse of Communism
European Union
Changing roles of International Organizations

Iran-Contra Affair

INF Treaty

Mikhail Gorbachev

Saddam Hussein

Persian Gulf Wars

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Tiananmen Square

12.01c Create a chart comparing and contrasting apartheid in South Africa to what happened in the U.S. during segregation and the civil rights movements.
12.01d. Explain the decline of the Soviet Union using these terms: glasnost and perestroika.

Literature Connections:

Gregory Alan-Williams: “A Gathering of Heroes”

Studs Terkel: The Great Divide, 1988

Maya Angelou: “On the Pulse of Morning

Fine Arts Connections:

Photographs of U.S. soldiers around the globe. AP.

Frank Ramiros: “The Death of Reuben Salazar” 1986, NMAA

Competency Goal 12: The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) – The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.

Objective 12.02: Evaluate the impact of recent constitutional amendments, court rulings, and federal legislation on United States’ citizens.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

Role of lobbyists and special interest groups
The Supreme Court:

  • Minority rights

  • Privacy rights

  • Conservative judges

Sandra Day O’Connor

Clarence Thomas


27th Amendment

Flag burning

Americans with Disabilities Act

Political Action Committees

Geraldine Ferraro

Title IX

Texas v Johnson

Swan v Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools

William Rehnquist

12.02a Compare the U.S. government’s case against Microsoft to anti-trust cases in the late nineteenth century.

12.02b Debate whether or not students agree that flag burning or other anti-patriotic acts should be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

12.02c Chart the names and number of cases that Title IX has brought to the courts.

27th Amendment

Americans with Disabilities Act

Audio &Visual Resources:

Judge O’Connor Nominated for Supreme

Court” ABC Best of Nightline (1981)

Suggested Websites:

Competency Goal 12: The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) – The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.

Objective 12.02: (continued) Evaluate the impact of recent constitutional amendments, court rulings, and federal legislation on United States’ citizens.

Major Concepts


Thinking Skills and Suggested Activities for Students

Resources: Primary, Secondary, Technology Audio/Visual/Documents for listed activities

12.02d Check to see what businesses or agencies in the community have political action committees. Invite a speaker to explain what they do and why.

Literature Connections:

Christopher Buckley: Thank You For Smoking, 1995

John J. Sirica: To Set the Record Straight, 1979

John Heller: Catch 22.

Fine Arts Connections:

Bob Dylan or Phil Ochs’ songs

Andy Warhol: “Lavender Disaster”, 1963 private collection

Idelle Weber: “Cooper Union Trash”, 1975. N.Y.

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