Curriculum vitae prof. Gwendolyn Sasse

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Prof. Gwendolyn Sasse

Permanent Address: Nuffield College, University of Oxford, OX1 1NF, United Kingdom;

Address until June 2016: Liselotte-Herrmann-Strasse 8, 10407 Berlin, Tel.: 01525 138 1308

Personal website:

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Personal link on the Carnegie Europe website:

Professor in Comparative Politics, University of Oxford & Professorial Fellow, Nuffield College

Non-resident Associate at Carnegie Europe

Since 2014 Professor in Comparative Politics, Department of Politics and International Relations & School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies

Since 2007 Professorial Fellow, Nuffield College & University Reader in the Comparative Politics of Central and Eastern Europe, Department of Politics and International Relations & School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, University of Oxford (Maternity Leave 2012-13)

2005 Promotion to Senior Lecturer in Comparative European Politics, European Institute and Department of Government, London School of Economics

1999 Appointment as Lecturer in the European Institute, LSE

1998-1999 Assistant Professor, International Relations and European Studies Programme, Central European University (CEU), Budapest

1995-1999 PhD ‘Bringing the Regions Back In: The Crimean Issue in Post-Soviet Ukraine’, LSE, Department of Government (Viva: April 1999, passed without revisions; awarded the LSE Robert McKenzie Prize for the best dissertation)

1994-1995 MSc ‘Russian and Post-Soviet Studies’, LSE, Department of Government (passed with Distinction)

1991-1994 Hamburg University, MA courses in History, Russian Language and Literature and Political Science (average score of credits: 1.0)

2015-2016 Visiting Professor, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

2010 Visiting Professor, CERI, Sciences-Po, Paris (April-May 2010)

2009 Visiting Fellow, Robert Schuman Institute, European University Institute, Florence (September-December 2010)

2009 Alexander Nove Prize 2007 (annual book prize of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies) for The Crimea Question: Identity, Transition, and Conflict, Harvard University Press 2007.

2009 Teaching Excellence Award, University of Oxford

    1. Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre

    1. Visiting Fellowship, Institute for East European Studies, Free University Berlin

1999 LSE Robert McKenzie Prize for PhD dissertation

1996-1998 LSE Graduate Studentship Award

1996-1999 ESRC Studentship (Fees only Award for EU Students)

1996-1998 Ph.D. Scholarship, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation)

1991-1995 Full Scholarship by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation)
2015-2016 John Fell Fund OUP Research Fund, Small Awards Scheme: ‘Using new computerised techniques for the social science analysis of historical texts: Building a database of letters sent by German immigrants in the US (19th/20th centuries)’ (£7,500)

2013-2016 Large Leverhulme Trust Grant on ‘Political Remittances: Understanding the Political Impacts of Migration’ (£200,000) (Start-date postponed from 2012 due to maternity leave)

2011-14 John Fell Fund OUP Research Fund, Small Awards Scheme: ‘Drawing Inferences from Migrant Voters to Migrants’ (£7,000) (extended until 2014 due to maternity leave)

2012 ESRC Knowledge Transfer Award ‘Linkage and Leverage: The External Actors in Post-Soviet Conflicts’ (£10,000) (Workshop held on 11 May 2012)

2010-2011 John Fell Fund OUP Research Fund, Small Awards Scheme: 'Engaging with the Homeland: A Survey of Ukrainian Migrants' (£5,700)

2010-2012 British Academy Small Grant: ‘Understanding Political Voices from Abroad: Polish Migrants in the UK’ (£7,500)

2009-2010 John Fell Fund OUP Research Fund, Small Awards Scheme: 'Migration and the Politics of Time: What is Temporary Migration? What are its Implications' (£7,500)

2006-2008 Partner in EU Framework Six project (Specific Targeted Project) ‘Human and Minority Rights in the Life-Cycle of Ethnic Conflicts’ (overall budget: EUR 1.186 million; see

2003-2005 Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (£20,000): ‘Minorities in the “New” Europe’

2002 LSE STICERD Grant (£7,000)

1999-2003 One of three principal researchers on the ESRC project 'Elites and Regional and Local Governance in Eastern Europe' (£160,000), ESRC Programme 'One Europe or Several?' (see for output).
Since 2014 Non-resident associate at Carnegie Europe ( )

Since 2010 Member of the International Advisory Council of the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)

2010-2011 Member of the International Academic Advisory Council of the Academic Fellowship Program, Open Society Institute (supervises projects on university reform in Eastern Europe)

2008-2012 Member of the International Sub-Board of the Open Society Institute’s Think-Tank Fund (provides financial support and advice to think tanks in Eastern Europe)

2007-2012 Region head (Eastern Europe) and Contributor to Daily Brief, Oxford Analytica

2006-2009 International Scholar, Academic Fellowship Programme, Open Society Institute (attachment to two political science departments in Sofia, regular visits and involvement in teaching, curriculum design, research profile)

2005-2010 Deputy Editor of the UNDP newsletter ‘Development and Transition’ (

2000-2006 Economist Intelligence Unit, Regular Contributor to the Quarterly Reports and Country Forecasts on Ukraine

1997-2009 Enterprise LSE, Regular Contributor to Eastern Europe Today (Emerging Markets Analysis)

1995-1997 Royal Institute of International Affairs, Research Assistant on Eastern Europe

Native German, fluent Russian, intermediate Ukrainian, French and Italian


I have just secured a contract with Oxford University Press for my new book on ‘The Political Remittances of Migrants: Voice through Exit’ (to be completed by September 2017).


1. The Crimea Question: Identity, Transition, and Conflict, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007 (published in paperback 2014).

2. Europeanization and Regionalization in the EU’s Enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe. The Myth of Conditionality, London: Palgrave, 2004 (co-authored with James Hughes and Claire Gordon).

3. Ethnicity and Territory in the Former Soviet Union: Regions in Conflict, London: Frank Cass, 2001 (co-edited with James Hughes).

Published articles in refereed journals:

1. ‘Empowering to Engage with the Homeland: Do Migration Experience and Environment foster Political Remittances?’, Comparative Migration Studies, forthcoming (with Anar Ahmadov).

2. The Maidan in Movement: Diversity and the Cycles of Protest’, Europe-Asia-Studies, forthcoming in Vol. 68, No. 3, 2016 (with Olga Onuch).

3. ‘Power ideas and conflict: ideology, linkage, and leverage in Crimea and Chechnya’, East European Politics, forthcoming in Vol. 32, No. 3, 2016 (with James Hughes).

4. ‘International Linkages and the Dynamics of Conflict: Revisiting the Post-Soviet Conflicts’, Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Linkages and Conflict in the Post-Soviet Conflicts’, East European Politics, forthcoming in Vol. 32, No. 3, 2016 (Special Issue edited by me)

5. ‘A Voice Despite Exit: The Role of Assimilation, Emigrant Networks, and Destination in Migrant Transnational Political Engagement’, Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 78-114 (with Anar K. Ahmadov).

6. ‘Migrant regional allegiances in homeland elections: evidence on voting by Poles and Ukrainians’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2015, pp. 1769-1793 (with Anar K. Ahmadov).

7. 'Linkages and the Promotion of Democracy', Democratization, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2013, pp. 553-591.

8. 'The Foundations of Ethnic Politics, or a House Built on Sand?', Nations and Nationalism Debate 2010, Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2011.

9. 'Ukraine: The Role of Regionalism', Journal of Democracy, Vol. 21, No. 3, July 2010, pp. 99-106.

10. 'Stabilität durch Heterogenität: Regionale Vielfalt als Stärke der Ukraine', Osteuropa, Nos 2-4, 2010, pp. 105-122.

11. The European Neighbourhood Policy and Conflict-Management: A Comparison of Moldova and the Caucasus', Ethnopolitics, 8, 3-4, 2009, pp. 369-386.

12. ‘The Politics of Conditionality: The Norm of Minority Protection before and after EU Accession’, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 15, No. 6, 2008, pp. 842-60.

13. ‘The European Neighbourhood Policy: Conditionality Revisited for the EU’s Eastern Neighbours’, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 60, No. 2, 2008, pp. 295-316.

14. Review Symposium: ‘Kymlicka’s odyssey – lured by norms into the rocks of politics’, Ethnicities, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2008, pp. 265-70.

15. ‘A Research Agenda for the Study of Migrants and Minorities in Europe’, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2005, pp. 655-71 (with Eiko Thielemann).

16. ‘Securitization or Securing Rights? Exploring the Conceptual Foundations of Policies towards Minorities and Migrants in Europe’, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2005, pp. 673-93.

17. ‘Monitoring the Monitors: EU Enlargement and National Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe’, Journal of Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, 1, 2003, pp.1-38 (with James Hughes).

18. ‘Saying ‘Maybe’ to the ‘Return to Europe’: Elites and the Political Space for Eroscepticism in Central and Eastern Europe’, European Union Politics, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2002, pp. 327-355 (with James Hughes and Claire Gordon).


1. An End to Patience? The Great Recession and Economic Protest in Eastern Europe', in Nancy Bermeo and Larry Bartels (eds) Mass Politics in Tough Times. Opinions, Votes and Protest in the Great Recession, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 334-370 (with Mark Beissinger).

2. 'The Council of Europe as a Norm Entrepreneur: The Political Strengths of a Weak International Institution', in Neil Walker, Jo Shaw & Stephen Tierney (eds), Europe's Constitutional Mosaic, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2011, pp. 171-204.

3. 'The ENP and the EU's Eastern Neighbours: Ukraine and Moldova as Testcases', in Richard Whitman & Stefan Wolff (eds), The European Neighbourhood Policy in Perspective: Context, Implementation and Impact, Palgrave, 2010, pp. 181-205.

4. 'Minority Protection and EU Enlargement: Tracing the Construction and Effects of EU Conditionality', in Bernd Rechel (ed), Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe, Routledge, 2009, pp. 17-31.

65 'How Deep is the Wider Europe? Elites, Europeanization, and Euroscepticism in the CEECs', in Aleks Szczerbiak & Paul Taggart (eds), Opposing Europe? The Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism, 2008, pp. 181-207 (with James Hughes and Claire Gordon).

6. ‘Conditionality-lite: The European Neighbourhood Policy and the EU’s Eastern Neighbours’, in: Costanza Musu and Nicola Casarini (eds), The Road to Convergence: European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2007, pp. 163-180. 

7. ‘The Political Rights of National Minorities: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe’, in: Wojciech Sadurski (ed), Political Rights under Stress in 21st Century Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press (Academy of European Law Series), 2007, pp. 239-282

8. ‘National Minorities and EU Enlargement: External or Domestic Incentives for Accommodation?’, in John McGarry and Michael Keating (eds), European Integration and the Nationalities Question, London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 64-84

9. ‘Sub-National Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: Between Transition and Enlargement’, in Wojciech Sadurski et al. (eds), Spreading Democracy and the Rule of Law? The Impact of EU Enlargement on the Rule of Law, Democracy and Constitutionalism in Postcommunist Legal Orders, Springer, 2006, pp. 121-47 (with James Hughes and Claire Gordon)

10. ‘Minority Rights and EU Enlargement: Normative Overstretch or Effective Conditionality’, chapter in Gabriel von Toggenburg (ed), Minority Protection and the EU: The Way Forward, Budapest: LGI, Open Society Institute, 2004, pp. 61-84

11. ‘EU Enlargement, Europeanisation and the Dynamics of Regionalisation in the CEECs’, in Michael Keating and James Hughes (eds), The Regional Challenge in Central and Eastern Europe: Territorial and European Integration, Brussels: Peter Lang, 2003, pp. 69-88 (with James Hughes and Claire Gordon).

12. ‘Die Autonome Republik der Krim zwischen Einheitsstaat und Separatismus’, in: Gerd Simon (ed.), Die neue Ukraine. Gesellschaft - Wirtschaft - Politik (1991-2001), Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2002, pp. 127-47.

13. ‘The EU Common Strategy on Ukraine: A Response to Ukraine’s “pro-European choice”?’, in Ann Lewis (ed.), The EU and Ukraine. Neighbours, Friends, Partners?, London: Federal Trust, 2002, pp. 213-21.

Selected Working Papers:

1. 'The European Neighbourhood Policy: Effective Instrument for Conflict-Management and Democratic Change in the Union's Neighbourhood?', EU FP 6 (MIRICO), Working Paper, EURAC, August 2008 (with C. Gordon);

2. 'EU Policies in the Stabilisation and Association Process', EU FP6 (MIRICO), Working Paper, EURAC, January 2008 (with C.Gordon & S. Sebastian);

 3. ‘EU Conditionality and Minority Rights: Translating the Copenhagen Criterion into Policy’, EUI Working Paper No. 2005/16, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence (

Other publications:
‘Constitution-Making in Ukraine: Re-Focusing the Debate’, Policy Outlook, Carnegie Europe, forthcoming March 2016
‘To be or not to be? Ukraine’s Minsk Process’, Strategic Europe blog, Carnegie Europe, 2 March 2016 ( - for other pieces published on this blog see here under ‘Latest Analysis’:
‘Writing home: how German immigrants found their place in the US’, The Conversation UK, 18 February 2016;
‘Whether Minsk holds or not, Ukraine has time to save itself’, The Conversation UK, 19 February 2015;

‘What does Ukraine’s Euromaidan teach us about protests?’;; ‘Crimean Autonomy: A Viable Alternative to War?’,; ‘What We’ll Learn from Crimea’s Vote’; New America Foundation:

UNDP newsletter 'Development and Transition' (Regular Contributor and Deputy Editor 2005-2010) http:

‘Where did it all go wrong?’, The Guardian Unlimited, 4 August, 2006 (,,1837596,00.html); 'The future's still orange', The Guardian Unlimited, 27 April 2006;  (,,1740833); 'Ukraine at the brink of break-up?', The Guardian Unlimited, 30 November 2004 (,,1362721,00html); 'So near, yet so far...', The Guardian Unlimited, 6 December 2004 (,,1367723,00html)

‘Power to the Regions: Making EU Enlargement Work’, in: Issues for the Transition Economies, The EBRD Annual Meeting and Business Forum, Bucharest, 19-20 May 2002, pp. 46-48.


I am frequently commenting on East European affairs (esp. on Ukraine) and have appeared on BBC television and radio, NPR, CNN, Deutsche Welle, ARD-SWR, Al Jazeera, France 24, Bloomberg News (among others).

I regularly review project applications for the ESRC, the British Academy, the AHRC and similar bodies abroad (e.g. Germany, Austria, Ireland). I have reviewed articles and books for many different journals, including World Politics, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Europe-Asia Studies, Slavic Review, Nations and Nationalism, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies.
I served as the external member on the selection panel for the Professorship in Social and Political Change in Eastern Europe (October 2015-January 2016).

I have been the external examiner for PhD theses, including at the University of Cambridge, University College London, King’s College London, Queen Mary University, the European University Institute and the University of Trondheim.

1.‘Foresight Ukraine’, Participant of Scenario Workshop hosted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (in cooperation with Russian, Ukrainian and British Think Tanks), First meeting in Berlin, 9-11 April. 2016.

2.‘The EU, Russia, and Ukraine: Managing the Stalemate and Moving Beyond’, Speaker at the Dahrendorf Forum ‘Russia and Ukraine’ (, London School of Economics, 21 March 2016.

3.‘Reforming Ukraine’, Speaker and Participant, Carnegie Europe, Brussels and Berlin, 7-10 December 2015.

4.‘The EU on the World Stage: Global Player or Occasional Power?’, Speaker at Workshop Dinner with high-level EU officials and Brussels-based diplomats and NGO representatives, Brussels, 10 November 2015.

5.‘Protest Experience as a Factor in Homeland Political Engagement’, Paper presented at the Workshop ‘Exit and Voice: The Dynamic Relationship between Migration & Protest’, Nuffield College, Oxford, 8-9 June 2015 (with Anar Ahmadov).

6.‘Polish Migrants in the UK: The Determinants and Content of Social and Political Remittances’, Paper presented in the Seminar Series of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Manchester, 29 April 2015.

7.‘The Mobilization of Migrant Group Identities and Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Croatian and Ukrainian Immigrants in the U.S. during World War I and the Interwar Period', Paper presented at the ASN Annual Convention, New York, 24 April. 2015 (with Sarah Garding).

8.‘The EU Neighbourhood Policy: Which Way Forward?’, Speaker at this Conference organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration, and Foreign Affairs and Carnegie Europe, 2 March 2015.

9.‘Continuity and change in the perceptions and political behaviour of Polish migrants in the UK', COMPAS Seminar Series ‘Shifting Power, Shifting Mobilities’, University of Oxford, 26 February 2015.

10.‘EU-Russia Relations: Now in Permanent Crisis?’, Panel Discussion at Carnegie Europe, Brussels, 27 Novenber 2014 (

11.‘Posting Social Remittances: German Migration to the US in the late 19th/early 20th Centuries’, Paper presented at the Conference ‘Social Remittances in Social Theory and Practice’, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, 12-13 September 2014 (with Felix Krawatzek).

12.‘Sending Social and Political Remittances: Polish Migrants in the UK and their Engagement with the Homeland’, Paper presented at the Workshop ‘Following the Flows: Transnational Approaches to Intangible Transfers’, Princeton University, 19-20 September 2014.

13.‘Trouble on the EU’s Borders: The Ukraine Crisis’, Panel Discussion at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 13 November 2014 (

14.‘The EU, Russia and Ukraine: Lessons Learned’, Panel Discussion, LSE Ideas, London, 6 November 2014 (,-Russia-and-Ukraine.aspx)

15. ‘Contested Approaches to Conflict, Stability and Security: Rethinking State Fragility’, Speaker on a panel on Ukraine, British Academy, London, 4 November 2014.

16.‘Nationalities and Parliaments: What can we learn from the past’; Panel Discussion at the British Academy, London, 13 May 2014.

17. University of Oxford: ‘Ukraine, the EU and Recent Developments’, Panel Discussion with Chris Patten, Aleksander Kwasniewski and Xavier Solana, 2014 Elliott Lecture, St. Antony’s College, 14 February 2014 (

18. ‘Calling Home: Perceptions, Identities and Political Engagement of Ukrainian Migrants across 15 Countries’, IMI, Oxford, 15 June 2011.

19. LSE/Institut Francais: ‘Tony Judt and Varieties of Europe’, Talk in the Series ‘European Provocations’ organised by the LSE European Forum for Philosophy, 18 November 2011.

20.‘Ethnic Identities, Nationalism and Diffusion: The Causal Mechanisms of Secessionism’, Nations and Nationalism Annual Debate, London School of Economics, 11 November 2010.

21. ‘Simply Ukraine: A Nation, State and Democracy without Adjectives’, 8th Annual Stasiuk Lecture, Cambridge, 26 February 2010 (see

22. ‘The Council of Europe: Building Models of Democratisation and Good Governance’, Europe’s Constitutional Mosaic Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh, Law School, 23 January 2009

23. ‘Current Controversies: The EU and Power-Sharing during Transition and Accession’, Lecture in Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Seminar Series: ‘Power-Sharing in Deeply Divided Places’, University of Pennsylvania, 23 October 2007

American Political Science Association (APSA) (incl. Chair of the Committee awarding the Juan Linz Prize for the best dissertation in the field of ‘Comparative Democratization’ in 2008, Member of the Committee awarding the Best Book Award in European Politics and Society in 2010); Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN); University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)
Editorial Board Member of the Journal of European Public Policy, East European Politics and Nationalities Papers

TEACHING AND SYLLABUS DESIGN (since my arrival in Oxford in 2007)

Department of Politics and International Relations: Postgraduate MPhil Course 'The Politics of Transition in Central and Eastern Europe'; MPhil Core Course in Comparative Politics; MPhil Comparative Government Research Design Course; MPhil/DPhil Advanced Qualitative Methods Course; Undergraduate Course Comparative Government (lectures); Convenor of the Politics Research Colloquium

School of Interdisciplinary Area: Politics Core Course on the MPhil/MSc Russian and East European Studies; Research Methods Course MPhil Russian and East European Studies

GRADUATE SUPERVISION (since my arrival in Oxford in 2007):

Each year I have supervised on average 3 MPhil/MSc students (first and second year) in the Department of Politics and International Relations (MPhil Comparative Government, MPhil European Politics and Society, MSc Research) and about 8 MPhil students (first and second year) and 4 MSc students in the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies (Russian and East European Studies).

Doctoral students:


David Cashaback: Accommodating Multinationalism in Russia and Canada: A Comparative Study of Federal Design and Language in Tatarstan and Quebec (London School of Economics, Department of Government)

Cristina Parau: The Interplay between Domestic Politics and Europe: How Romanian Civil Society and Government Contested Europe Before EU Accession (London School of Economics, Department of Government)

Emelyne Cheney: The Impact of European Integration on Minority Nationalist Mobilisation in France (London School of Economics, European Institute)

Matthias Mayer:  EU Liberalisation of Economic Migration Policies for Third-Country Nationals: The Case of Germany (London School of Economics, European Institute)

Olga Onuch: Revolutionary Moments, Revolutionary Movements: Comparing the Mechanisms behind Mass-Mobilisation in Argentina (2001-02) and in Ukraine (2004) (University of Oxford, Department of Politics and International Relations, DPIR)

Danielle Granville: Diaspora Activism and the Politics of Genocide Recognition: The Holodomor Recognition Campaign and the Ukrainian Diaspora in North America and the UK (University of Oxford, DPIR)

Nadiya Kravets: Domestic Sources of Ukraine's Foreign Policy: Examining Key Cases of Policy Towards Russia, 1991-2009 (University of Oxford, DPIR; co-supervised with Dr Alex Pravda)

Michael Simecka: Exporting Post-Communist Experience: Intra-Regional Diffusion and Learning in Eastern Europe, 2003-2011 (University of Oxford, DPIR)

Kristina Mikulova: Missionary Zeal of Recent Converts: Norms and Norm Entrepreneurs in the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, 1989-2011 (University of Oxford, DPIR)

Felix Krawatzek: Youth and Crisis. Discourse Networks and Political Mobilisation

Chantelle Kimm: International Conditionality in the Western Balkans: Vertical and Horizontal Power Flows (provisional title) (University of Oxford, DPIR)

Rebecca Fradkin: The Politics of Religion in Kazakhstan (provisional title) (University of Oxford, DPIR)


School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies: Director of Graduate Studies in Russian and East European Studies (2010-12, 2013-15), One of two Admissions Tutors (2010-12; 2013-); Examiner (2008-9; 2013-15); Mentor of New Researcher & Lecturer

Department of Politics and International Relations: Member of the General Purposes Committee (since 2012); Coordinator of the Oxford-Sciences Po Research Group (2013-); Harassment Officer (2010-12; 2013-15); PPE Examiner (2011-12); Member of the Board of the Oxford Centre for the Study of Inequality and Democracy (OCSID) (2008-2011); Mentor of new University Lecturer

Social Science Division: Member of the Teaching Audit Committee (2013-15); Member of the Social Sciences Division Research Network (2007-10)

Other: Member of the Board of the Russia and Eurasia Centre, St. Antony’s College (2010-)


Senior Tutor (2010-12); Equality and Diversity Officer (2013-); Member of the Welfare Committee (2010-12, 2013-); Vice Chair of the Art Committee (2009-); Admissions Tutor (Politics) (2008-09); Member of the Audit Committee (2007-09); Member of the Selection Committee of the Post-Doctoral Prize Research Fellows (2008-09)


University of Oxford:

Andrew Dilnot, Warden of Nuffield College:

Prof. Desmond King, Andrew Mellon Chair, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford & Head of the Politics Group at Nuffield College:

Prof. Nancy Bermeo, Nuffield Chair in Comparative Politics, University of Oxford:

Other UK:

Prof. Margot Light, Professor Emeritus, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics:

Prof. Michael Keating, University of Aberdeen:


Prof. Mark Beissinger, Henry W. Putnam Professor of Politics, Princeton University and Director, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies:
Prof. Anna Grzymala-Busse, Ronald and Eileen Weiser Professor of European and Eurasian Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Michigan:
Prof. Gregorz Ekiert, Director of the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University:
Think Tanks:
Jan Techau, Director of Carnegie Europe:
Thomas Carothers, Vice President for Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:
Heather Grabbe, Director, Open Society European Public Policy Institute:

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