Curriculum Vitae Robert Savage Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education, McGill University

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18 Principal Investigator grants (total funding well over $1 million)

2012 – 2017

Savage, R. S. Responding to intervention: Schools where all children are taught to read. SSHRC Insight grant. $350,000 awarded with Eileen Wood (Wilfrid Laurier University), Noella Piquette (Lethbridge) and Helene Deacon (Dalhousie).

2013 – 2015

Savage, R. S. Families and Schools in unison: Teaching all children to read. Max Bell Foundation. $200,000 awarded. Team as above.

2010 - 2011

Savage, R. S. Similarities in Teaching English and French Second Language (STEF). Ministry of Education, Leisure and Sport (MELS, Quebec) Entente-Quebec-Canada grant $70,000 (2010-11).

2011 - 2014

Savage, R. S. STEF, MELS. A further $25,000 was awarded for the 2011-2012 year following strong progress in year 1, $50,000 in 2012-13 and $40,000 for 2013 - 2014.

2008 - 2012

Savage, R. S. The efficacy and effectiveness of the ABRACADABRA web-based reading intervention. Social Sciences and Health Research Council of Canada standard grant. $108,000. With Philip Abrami (Concordia)


Savage, R. S. ABRACADABRA: A study in the development, implementation, and effectiveness of a web-based literacy resource. Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network Investigator – Large Grant program ($250, 000 awarded). With Philip Abrami, & Erin Comaskey (Concordia).


Savage, R. S. Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network Investigator–Initiated Research Program. Grant no: 27071301. ABRACADABRA: Strengthening the link: A Study in the Development, Implementation and Effectiveness of a Web-based Literacy Resource. ($146,500 awarded).

2004 – 2007

Savage, R. S. Social Sciences and Health Research Council Standard Grant no: 410-2004-1371: Children’s use of analogies in reading and spelling acquisition. $127,000 awarded.

2005 – 2007

Savage, R. S. Using technology to coordinate core and supplementary reading instruction in Success for All schools. US Department of Education Grant number S332B05004: $15,000

2006 – 2007

Savage, R. S. The nature of effective teaching in Level 1 Cycle 1. Sir Wilfred Laurier School Board, $20,000.




Savage, R. S. Highly Qualified Personnel Award 3 times. ($6,000 x 3 = $18,000). Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network.

2003 – 2006

Savage, R.S. TWO McGill University personal grants awarded. ($5,000 each).

1995 – 1998

Savage, R. S. TWO Staff development grants. EBC / NFER (UK) (total award value - £3,000 = $7,200 Canadian).

1992 – 1994

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC-UK) Scholarship (award value - £15,000 = $36,000 Canadian).

Team Grants Awarded (29 grants totalling over $6 million)


Evaluating the value-added impact of technology-based reading programs in Key Stage 1 £756,466 UK Sterling ($1,202,780) awarded. Janet Vousden, Clare Wood (Coventry University UK).

2011 - 2015

Exploiter les connaissances des enfants sur les relations entre les mots afin d’ameliorer l’orthographe au Quebec francophone: Etude experimentale et d’intervention. FQRSC (Action concertée, Programme de recherche sur l'écriture). ($150,000 awarded), with Laura Gonnerman Hélène Deacon (Dalhousie University).

2011 - 2012

The Critical Transition: From Learning-to-read to Reading-to-learn. SSHRC partnership grants ($20,000), with Willms, D., Timmons, V., Deacon, H., Siegel. L., & Yong, Z.

2011 - 2018

FQRSC Volet regroupements stratégiques: Centre for the Study of learning and Performance, $83,160. Abrami, P., with Savage, R. and other members of CSLP.

2009 - 2013

Le désign et l'évaluation des environnements d'apprentissage assisté par les technologies. FQRSC equipe grant. $708, 924 team grant awarded. Abrami, Philip C., Bernard, Robert Savage, Robert, Schmid, Richard., Bures, Eva., Davidson, Ann Louise., Dedic, Helena., & Rosenfield, Steven.

2010 - 2013

Computers, parents, and early childhood: Exploring their contribution to developing reading skills. $87,497 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council grant, with Wood, E., Evans, M.E., & Gottardo, A.

2010 - 2011

Supporting early literacy activities - a community approach. Alberta Rural Development Network Grant. $10,000 with Piquette, N.

2009 - 2012

Improving foundational literacy through technology in regional and remote schools through a randomized controlled trial. $411, 528 (Australian) awarded, with Lea, T. S., Carapetis, J., Morris, P., Louden, W. R., & Abrami, P.


Community-University Research Alliance. Yes we can! - supporting the literacy needs of all Canadians with ABRACADABRA. $20,000 applied for. SSHRC community-university research alliance grant. Abrami, P., and colleagues.


CRLMB McGill post-doctoral award for Corinne Haigh. Award of $50,000, with Fred Genesee (McGill).


ABRACADABRA: A study in the development, implementation and effectiveness of a Web-based literacy resource. Canadian Council on Learning. $70,000 with Abrami, P., Wood, E., & Comaskey, E.


ABRACADABRA! Improving literacy through Technology. Telstra Foundation Social Innovation Grants: technology Operating: $750,000; Canadian's portion: $135,000), with Tess Lea, Charles Darwin University, Australia).


Essential Education Skills for Canadians in the New Economy: Building understanding to improve practice. Ministère du Dévelopement Economique, de L’Innovation et de L’Exportation (MDEIE $585,629), with Collins, L., de Almeida, R., Gatbonton, E., Horst, E. M., Savage, R., Schmid, R., Segalowitz, N., Strobel, J., & Trofimovich, P.).

2007 – 2009

The suitability of French immersion for anglophone students who are at-risk for language or reading impairment. Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network. Investigator-Initiated research program. $150,000, with Genesee, F (Psychology) and Lyster, R. (Education), McGill University.

2005 – 2009

Evaluating technology-based learning environments. FQRSC team grant renewal under the Soutiens aux équipes de recherches program. $642,940 awarded. With CSLP team.


Maximising the effectiveness of phonological therapy. Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network team grant. $151,500 team grant awarded, with Susan Rvachew CSD McGill.




2006 - 2007

ABRACADABRA: Un système Web équilibré d'intervention en lecture à l'échelle du mot et du texte. Le Centre de Transfert pour la réussite educative de Québec. $194,092 team grant, with CSLP

Transitioning to high school: Connecting and belonging. Ministry de Education Loisir et Sport. $72,961 team grant awarde, with Valerie Ford, Educational Consultant: Riverside School Board.
Supporting Inclusive Practice in New Frontiers School Board. Ministry de Education Loisir et Sport. $52,000 team grant awarded, with Karen Zey, Educational Consultant: New Frontiers School Board.

Soutiens des écoles utilisant l’e-portfolio et ABRACADABRA. $52,000 team grant awarded. Ministry de Education Loisir et Sport. with CSLP team.

2005 – 2006

Bilingual Education in Canada’s official languages: Meeting the needs of all students. SSHRC strategic grant application. $98,000 awarded, with F. Genesee.

2007 - 2008

Performance of at-risk students in French Immersion: A follow-up study. SSHRC strategic grant application. $85,000 awarded. Further two-year team grant, with F Genesee.

2005 – 2006

Technical Support: Centre for Research on Language Brain and Mind. $15,000 team grant awarded, with Genesee, F, Lyster, R, and Rvachew, S.

2005 – 2006

ABRACADABRA: A balanced reading approach for Canadians designed to achieve best results for all. Inukshuk Fund. $143,500 team grant awarded (with Hipps, G., Therrien, M.C., & Wade, A.).

2003 – 2005

An early elementary literacy toolkit to improve reading skills and prevent student dropouts $10,000 team grant awarded. Chawkers Foundation (with Tucker, B., Therrien, M.C., & Wade, A.).

2003 – 2011

Volet Regroupement Stratégiques. $1,663,200.Abrami, P. C. (Concordia University), and other members of the CSLP. This includes 6 universities, 3 CEGEPS, and 32 researchers.

2001 – 2004

Evaluating technology-based learning environments. FQRSC (Soutiens aux équipes de recherches programme). $190,000 team grant awarded, with Abrami, P.

2001 – 2004

Preventing dyslexia through early intervention. JJ Trust and Helen Arkell Dyslexia Association Research fund (£100,000, $200,000 Canadian), with Sue Carless director of support services London Borough of Sutton.


The listening Comprehension Test. Product development grant for a commercial listening comprehension test from National Foundation for Educational Research, U. K. £80,000 ($192,000 Canadian) awarded, with Hagues, N., Siddiqui, R., and Merwood, P.

1999 – 2000

Department of Education Professional Training Bursary (award value - £21,000 = C$50,000) for professional training as a School Psychologist.

1992 – 1994

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Scholarship for Masters Degree at the Department of Experimental Psychology, Cambridge University (award value - £15,000 = $36,000 Canadian).

Grants Currently Under Consideration

2014 – 2016

Love of Reading. Janette Pelletier (University of Toronto) and Robert Savage. $406,059 requested to explore the impact of extra books on teenage literacy.

2014 – 2016

Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS): ABRACADABRA, une resource web gratuite appuyée par la recherche, pour favoriser l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'écriture. Demande de soutien financier au ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport (MELS) pour la traduction et l'adaptation en français d'ABRACADABRA, une ressource web gratuite, appuyeé par la recherche, pour favoriser l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture. $750,000 requested, with Monique Brodeur (PI) et Julien Mercier, Université du Québec à Montréal, Phil Abrami, Anne Wade Concordia University.

2014 - 2018

Meta-academic Skill Development for Highest Risk Preschool-aged Children: Developing Academic Resilience. Chagnon Foundation grant to McGill Education Faculty. Steven Shaw as PI. Robert Savage (and 4 McGill colleagues) as co-applicants. $2,750,000 requested. (INITIAL PROPOSAL LOI ACCEPTED, FULL PROPOSAL IN CURRENT DISCUSSION WITH THE FOUNDATION).

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