Curriculum Vitae Robert Savage Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education, McGill University


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To date I have 85 peer reviewed publications (including ‘in press’):

Journal Articles: 66 Peer Reviewed

Papers Accepted / In Press

Savage, R. S., Burgos, G., Wood, E., & Piquette, N. (2015). The simple view of reading as a framework for national literacy initiatives: A hierarchical model of pupil-level and classroom-level factors. British Educational Research Journal.

Journal Articles: Peer Reviewed - Papers Published

Piquette, N., Savage, R. S., & Abrami, P. (2014). A cluster randomized control field trial of the ABRACADABRA web-based reading technology: Replication and extension of basic findings. Frontiers in Psychology. 04 December 2014. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01413.

Archer, K., Savage, R.S., Sanghera-Sidhu, S., Wood, E., Gottardo, A., & Chen, V. (2014). Examining the effectiveness of technology-use on classrooms: A tertiary meta-analysis. Computers and Education, 78, 140-149,
Chen, V. & Savage, R. S., (2014). Evidence for a simplicity principle: Teaching common complex grapheme-phonemes improves reading and motivation in at-risk readers. Journal of Research in Reading, 37, 196–214, DOI:10.1111/1467-9817.12022.
Erdos, C., Genesee, F., Savage, R. S., & Haigh, C. (2014). Predicting risk for oral and written language learning difficulties in students educated in a second language. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35, 371-398.
Wolgemuth, J., Abrami, P., Helmer, J., Savage, R. S., Harper, H., Lea, T., (2014). Implementation fidelity of the ABRACADABRA multisite RCT on early literacy in Northern Australia. Journal of Educational Research, 107, 299-311.
Deault, L., & Savage, R. S. (2013). Effective classroom contexts to develop literacy and attention skills for typical and atypical children. Psychological Abnormalities in Children, 1, 1-9. DOI:
Savage, R. S., Abrami, P., Piquette-Tomei, N., Wood, E., Sanghera-Sidhu, S., Burgos, G., & Deleveaux, G. (2013). A pan-Canadian cluster randomized control effectiveness trial of the ABRACADABRA web-based literacy program. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, 310-328. DOI: 10.1037/a0031025.
Wolgemuth, J., Savage, R. S., Helmer, J., Harper, H., Lea, T., Abrami, P., Halkitis, K., & Kirby, A. (2013). The impact of ABRACADABRA on indigenous and non-indigenous early literacy in Australia: A multi-site randomised control trial. Computers and Education, 67, 250-264. DOI:
Di Stasio, M., Savage, R. S., & Abrami, P. (2012). A follow up study of the ABRACADABRA web-literacy intervention in grade 1. Journal of Research in Reading, 35, 69-86. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2010.01469.x.
Erten, O., & Savage, R. S. (2012). Moving forward in inclusive education research. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16, 221-233. DOI 10.1080/13603111003777496.
Grant, A., Wood, E., Gottardo, A., Evans, M. E., Phillips, L., & Savage, R. S. (2012). Assessing the content and quality of commercially available reading software programs: Do they have the fundamental structure to promote the development of early reading skills in children? National Head Start Association Journal. (NHSA Dialogue: A research-to-practice journal for the early childhood field). 15, 319–342, DOI: 10.1080/15240754.2012.725487.
Irannejad, S., & Savage, R. S. (2012). Is a cerebellar deficit the cause of reading disabilities? Annals of Dyslexia, 61, 22-52.
Wood, E., Gottardo, A., Grant, A., Evans, M. E., Phillips, L., & Savage, R.S. (2012). Developing tools for assessing commercially-available reading software programs to promote the development of early reading skills in children. National Head Start Association Journal, 15, 350-354. DOI: 10.1080/15240754.2012.725489.
Anderson, A., Wood, E., Piquette-Tomei, N., Savage, R. S., & Mueller, J. (2011).

Evaluating the impacts of just-in-time instructional support for teachers introducing a web-based reading program for primary grade children. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 19, 499-525.

Cornish, K., Savage, R. S., Hocking, D. R., & Hollis, C. P. (2011). Association of the DAT1 phenotype with inattentive behavior is mediated by reading ability in a general population sample. Brain and Cognition, 77, 453-458.
Erdos, C., Genesee, F., Savage, R. S., & Haigh, C. A. (2011). Individual differences in second language reading acquisition: A study of early French immersion students. International Journal of Bilingualism, 15, 3-25. DOI: 10.1177/1367006910371022).
Haigh, C., Savage, R.S., Genesee, F., & Erdos, C. (2011).The role of onset-rime awareness in second language reading acquisition. Journal of Research in Reading (special issue on bilingualism, 34, 94-113. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2010.01475.x.
Savage, R. S., Deault, L., Daki, J., & Aouad, J. (2011). Orthographic analogies and early reading: Evidence from a multiple clue word paradigm. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 190-205. DOI: 10.1037/a0021621.
Wolgemuth, J., Savage, R. S., Helmer, J., Bottrell, C., Emmett, S., Lea, T., Harper, H., & Abrami, P. (2011). Using computer-based instruction to improve indigenous early literacy in Northern Australia: A quasi-experimental study. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27, 727-750.
Savage, R. S., Erten, O., Abrami, P., Hipps, G., Comaskey, E., & van Lierop, D. (2010). ABRACADABRA in the hands of teachers: The effectiveness of a web-based literacy intervention in grade 1 language arts programs. Computers and Education, 55, 911-922.
Daki, J., & Savage, R. S. (2010). Solution-focused brief therapy: Impacts on academic and emotional difficulties. Journal of Educational Research, 103, 309-326.
Aouad, J., & Savage, R. S. (2009). The component structure of pre-literacy skills: Further evidence for the Simple View of Reading. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 24, 183-200.
Comaskey, E. M., Savage, R. S., & Abrami, P. (2009). A randomized efficacy study of a web-based literacy intervention among disadvantaged urban kindergarten children. Journal of Research in Reading, 32, 92-108 (special issue on literacy and technology).

Deault, L., Savage, R. S., & Abrami, P. (2009). Inattention and response to the ABRACADABRA web-based literacy intervention. Journal of Research in Effective Intervention, 2, 1-37.
Kendeou, P., Savage, R. S., & Van den Broek, P. (2009). Revisiting the Simple View of Reading. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 353-370.
Savage, R. S., Abrami, P., Hipps, G., & Deault, L. (2009). A randomized control study of the ABRACADABRA reading intervention program in grade 1. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 590-604.
Savage, R. S., Carless, S., & Erten, O. (2009). The long-term effects of reading interventions delivered by experienced teaching assistants. Support for Learning, 24, 94-101.

Kirby, J., & Savage, R. S. (2008). Can the simple view deal with the complexities of reading? Literacy, 42, 75-82 (special issue on the Simple View of Reading).
Savage, R. S. & Carless, S. (2008). The impact of reading interventions delivered by Teaching Assistants on Key Stage 1 performance. British Educational Research Journal, 34, 363-385.
Savage, R. S., & Pompey, Y. (2008). What does the evidence really say about effective literacy teaching? Educational and Child Psychology, 25, 21-30, – special issue: The development of literacy: Implications of current understanding for applied psychologists and educationalists
Savage, R. S., Pillay, V., & Melidona, S. (2008). Rapid Serial Naming is a unique predictor of spelling in children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 41, 235-250.
Luciano, R., & Savage, R. S. (2007). Bullying risk in children with learning difficulties in inclusive education settings. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 22, 14 -31.
Savage, R. S. (2007). Cerebellar tasks do not distinguish between children with

developmental dyslexia and children with intellectual disabilities. Child

Neuropsychology, 13, 389-407.
Savage, R. S., Carless, S., & Ferrero, V. (2007). Predicting curriculum and test performance from pupil background, baseline skills and phonological awareness at age 5: A six-year follow-up at the end of Key Stage 2. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 48, 732-739.
Savage, R. S., Lavers, N., & Pillay, V. (2007). Working memory and reading difficulties: What we know and what we do not know about the relationship. Educational Psychology Review, 19, 185 - 221.
Savage, R. S., Pillay, V., & Melidona, S. (2007). Deconstructing rapid automatised naming: Component processes and the prediction of reading difficulties. Learning and Individual Differences, 17, 129 - 146.
Savage, R. S. & Wolforth, J. (2007). An additive simple view of reading describes the performance of good and poor readers in higher education Exceptionality Education Canada, 17, 243-268.
Rvachew, S., & Savage, R. S. (2006). Practitioner Review: Pre-school foundations of early reading acquisition. Pediatrics and Child Health, 11, 589-593.
Blair, R., & Savage, R. S. (2006). Name writing but not environmental print recognition is related to letter-sound knowledge and phonological awareness in pre-readers. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 19, 991-1016.
Rvachew, S., Olberg, M., & Savage, R. S. (2006). Young Children’s response to maximum performance tasks: Preliminary data and recommendations. Journal of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, 30, 6-13.
Savage, R. S. (2006a). Effective early reading instruction and inclusion: Some reflections on mutual dependence. International Journal of Inclusive Education: Special Issue, 10, 347-361.
Savage, R. S. (2006b) Reading comprehension is not always the product of decoding and listening comprehension: Evidence from teenagers who are very poor readers. Scientific Studies of Reading, 10, 143-164.

Savage, R. S., Blair, R., & Rvachew, S. (2006). Rimes are not necessarily favored by pre-readers: Evidence from epi- and meta-linguistic phonological tasks. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 94, 183-205.

Savage, R. S., Cornish, K., Manly, T., & Hollis, C. (2006). Cognitive processes in children’s reading and attention: The role of working memory, divided attention, and response inhibition. British Journal of Psychology 97, 365-385.
Savage, R. S. & Frederickson, N. (2006). Beyond phonology: What else is needed to describe the problems of poor readers and spellers? Journal of Learning Disabilities 39, 399-413.
Savage, R. S., & Stuart, M. (2006). A developmental model of reading acquisition based upon early scaffolding errors and subsequent vowel inferences. Educational Psychology, 26, 33 - 53.
Cornish, K. M., Manly, T., Savage, R. S., Swanson, J. C., Grant, D., Morisano, N., Butler, G., Cross, G., Sutherland, L., & Hollis, C. P. (2005). Association of the dopamine transporter (DAT1) 10/10-repeat genotype with ADHD- symptoms and response inhibition in a general population sample. Molecular Psychiatry, 1, 1-13.
Savage, R. S. (2005a). Friendship and bullying patterns in children with language impairments. Educational Psychology in Practice, 21,25-38.
Savage, R. S. (2005b). Classroom assistants aid reading development. Literacy Today, 42, 20-21.

Savage, R. S., & Carless, S. (2005a). Phoneme manipulation but not onset-rime manipulation is a unique predictor of early reading. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 46, 1297-1308.

Savage, R. S. & Carless, S. (2005b). Learning Support Assistants can deliver effective reading interventions for ‘at-risk’ children. Educational Research, 47, 45-61.
Savage, R. S. & Frederickson, N. (2005). Evidence of a highly specific relationship between rapid automatic naming of digits and text reading speed. Brain and Language, 93, 152-159.
Savage, R. S., Frederickson, N., Goodwin, R., Patni, U., Smith, N., & Tuersley, L. (2005a). The relationship between rapid digit naming, phonological awareness, motor automaticity, and speech perception. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 12-28.

Savage, R. S., Frederickson, N., Goodwin, R., Patni, U., Smith, N., & Tuersley, L. (2005b). Evaluating current deficit theories of reading: The role of phonological processing, naming speed, balance automaticity, rapid perception and working memory. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 101, 345-361.

Savage, R. S., & Carless, S. (2004a). Predicting growth of nonword reading and letter-sound knowledge following rime and phoneme-based teaching. Journal of Research in Reading, 27, 195-211.

Savage, R. S., & Carless, S. (2004b). Predicting curriculum and test performance at age 7 years from pupil background, baseline skills and phonological awareness at age 5. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74, 155-171.

Savage, R. S. (2004b). Motor skills, Automaticity, and Developmental Dyslexia: A review of the research literature. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 17, 301-324.

Savage, R. S., Carless, S., & Stuart, M. (2003). The effects of rime- and phoneme- based teaching delivered by learning support assistants. Journal of Research in Reading, 26, 211-233.

Savage, R. S. (2001a). A re-evaluation of the evidence for orthographic analogies: A reply to Goswami (1999). Journal of Research in Reading, 24, 1-19.

Savage, R. S. (2001b). The simple view of reading: Some evidence and possible implications. Educational Psychology in Practice, 17, 17-33.

Savage, R. S., Stuart, M., & Hill, V. (2001). The role of scaffolding errors in reading development: Evidence from a longitudinal and a correlational study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, 1-13.

Savage, R. S., & Stuart, M. (2001). Orthographic analogies and early reading: Explorations of performance and variation in two transfer tasks. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 3, 1 - 27.

Savage, R. S. (1999). Phonological skills and reading development. Topic, 22, 1-5. Slough: NFER (National Foundation for Educational Research).

Savage, R. S. & Stuart, M. (1998). Sublexical inferences in beginning reading: Medial vowel digraphs as functional units of transfer. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 69, 85 - 108.

Savage, R. S. (1997). Do children need concurrent prompts in order to use lexical analogies in reading? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 38, 235 – 246.

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