Curriculum Vitae Robert Savage Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education, McGill University

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Papers under review

Kozakewich, M., Savage, R. S., Genesee, F., Haigh, C. & Erdos, C. (2014). Longitudinal prediction of first and second language sixth grade writing. Applied Psycholinguistics.

Gonnerman, L., Hill, K.., Kolne, K. L. D., Savage, R. S., & Deacon, H. S. (2014). Using morphology to teach spelling: An intervention study in Quebec French. Reading Research Quarterly.

Erten, O., & Savage, R. S. (2014) Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms: The link between teacher attitudes, practices, and student outcomes. Learning and Instruction.

Savage, R. S., & Pace, A. (2014). The simple view of reading and listening comprehension in the complex contexts of simultaneous dual language instruction. Learning and Instruction.

Journal Articles: Advanced State of Preparation

Di Stasio, M., & Savage, R. S. (2015). The relationship between classroom characteristics, student characteristics and bullying perpetration and victimization in Junior High School. Proposed Journal: Developmental Psychology.

Savage, R. S., & Chen, V. (2015). Supporting community literacy in urban and rural Quebec. Proposed Journal: Canadian Psychology.
Savage, R. S., Deault, L., & Di Stasio, M. (2015). The relationship between classroom environment and attainment in grade 1: Converging evidence from teacher, observer, and pupil perceptions. Proposed journal: Scientific Studies of Reading.
Savage, R. S. & Rvachew, S. (2015). The structure of phonological awareness in pre-school children. Proposed Journal: Journal of Child Language.
Wood, E., Savage, R.S, (2015). Evaluation of online and offline reading technologies. Proposed Journal: Computers and Education

Savage, R. S., Genesee, F., Haigh, C. & Erdos, C. (2015). The causal role of rapid naming in reading acquisition in French and English. Proposed Journal: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

Genesee, F., Savage, R. S., Haigh, C. & Erdos, C. (2015). Prediction of language and literacy in 3rd grade French Immersion classrooms: A 4-year longitudinal study. Proposed Journal: Learning and Individual Differences.

Savage, R. S. (2015). ABRACADABRA: A free evidence-based resource for early readers and their families. Proposed Journal: Pediatrics and Child Health.

Savage, R. S., & Pace, A. (2015). Similarities in the structure of effective teaching in English and French. International Journal of Bilingualism.

Burgos, G., Savage, R.S., & Sanghera-Sidhu, S. (2015). How well does the ELLCo predict reading acquisition? Proposed Journal: Journal of Research in Educational Effectiveness.

Savage, R. S., Forde, V., Flanagan, T., Dechef-Tweddle , E., Cankaya, O., & Dockery, K. (2015). Transitioning to high school: Connecting and growing.

Journal to be confirmed

Erten, O., Savage, R., S. & Slee, R. (2015). Stakeholders views of inclusive education practices: Dynamic explorations of the effects of inclusive practices on the attainment, friendship, and bullying in typical and atypical children. Proposed Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Book chapters and proceedings: Published and in Press

Erten, O., Savage, R., & Di Stasio, M. (2014). Effective teaching practices and classroom management: The role of ecological and inclusive understandings. In A. Holliman (Ed.), The routledge international companion to educational psychology (pp. 53-62). London: Routledge

Genesee, F., Savage, R., Erdos, E., & Haigh, C. (2013). Identification of reading difficulties in students schooled in a second language. In Gathercole, V. (Ed.). Solutions for the assessment of bilinguals. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Vol 2, (pp. 10-35).
Wood, E., Gottardo, A., & Savage, R. S. (2013). Evaluating online and offline reading software for young learners. In Procedia information technology and computer science, 03, (pp. 1-6).
Savage, R. S. (2012). Evidence-based reading interventions: Implementation issues for the 21st century. In B. Kelly and D. F. Perkins (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Implementation Science for psychology in education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (pp. 277-297).
Savage, R. S., & Deault, L. (2010). Understanding and supporting children experiencing dyslexia and ADHD: The challenge of constructing models incorporating constitutional and classroom influences. In Littleton, K., Wood, C., & Staarman, J. K., International handbook of psychology in education. Bingley, UK: Emerald. (pp. 569-608).
Abrami, P.C., Savage, R.S., Deleveaux, G.,Wade, A., Meyer, E. & Lebel, C.

(2010). The Learning Toolkit: The design, development, testing and dissemination of evidence-based educational software. In P. Zemliansky & D. M. Wilcox (Eds.), Design and implementation of educational games:

Theoretical and practical perspectives (pp. 168-187). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI:10.4018/978-1-61520-781-7.ch012
Irannejad, S., & Savage, R. S. (2009). The cerebellar deficit theory of developmental dyslexia: Evidence and implications for intervention. In Wood, C. & Connelly, V. (Eds.), Contemporary perspectives on reading and spelling. London: Routledge (with the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction). (pp. 254-270).
Savage, R. S. (2009). What would an evidence-based Canadian Literacy Strategy look like? Paper prepared for the policy committee of the Canadian Language and Literacy Network for consideration by the Federal Minister of Education. This work is part of a volume to aid ministerial-level briefing and public consultation. Savage, R. S., (2008). Also published as: Evidence-informed teaching strategies for improved literacy skills. On the National Strategy for Early Literacy Website:
Abrami, P., Savage, R. S., Wade, A., & Hipps, G. (2008). Using technology to help children to learn to read and write. In T. Willoughby & E. Wood (Eds.), Children’s learning in a digital world. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, (pp. 129-172).
Savage, R. S. & Carless, S. (2007). Longitudinal predictors of success in learning to read. In M. Harris (Ed.), Exploring developmental psychology: Understanding theory and methods. London: Sage (pp. 225-246).
Savage, R. S., & Abrami, P. (2007). ABRACADABRA: Progress in the development, implementation and effectiveness of a web-based literacy resource. In R Bastiaens & S. Carliner (Eds.), Proceedings of E-Learn 2007: World conference on E-learning in corporate, government, healthcare and higher education. Cheaspeake, VA: AACE.
Hipps, G. Abrami, P., Savage, R. S., Cerna, N., & Jorgensen, A. (2005). ABRACADABRA: Research, design, and development of a web-based early literacy software. In Pierre, S. (Ed.), Innovations et tendances en technologies de formation et d'apprentissage: Développement, intégration et évaluation des technologies de formation et d'apprentissage. Quèbec: Presses Internationales Polytechnique. Valeurisation de Researches de Quèbec, (DIVA), (pp. 89-112).

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