Curriculum Vitae Robert Savage Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education, McGill University

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Professional Workshops given

Savage, R. S. (2013-2014). I delivered 70 1-hour parent and teacher workshops on early literacy as part of the 2012 SSHRC-funded pan-Canadian research study in 15 schools in 4 school boards as well as presentations to directors of education for all 4 boards.

Savage, R. S. (2012). Morphology and vocabulary: Their role in reading comprehension. Presentation to the Quebec Language Group (consultants from across the province).
Savage, R. S. (2011). What do we know from research about dual language instruction? Presentation to the educational consultants of EMSB, SWLSB, and LBPSB, September.
Savage, R. S. (2010). What is action research? Presentation to the educational consultants of EMSB, SWLSB, and LBPSB, September.
Savage, R. S. (2010). What is action research? Presentation to selected teachers from EMSB, SWLSB, and LBPSB, September.
Savage, R. S. (2004 -2011). The Abracadabra computer-based reading program intervention training day. Workshop delivered to facilitators for the ABRACADABRA preventative intervention school program in English Montreal and Sir Wilfred Laurier School Boards. Concordia University. January.
Savage, R. S. (2006-2012). Treatment integrity in the Abracadabra computer-based reading program intervention - A training day. Workshop delivered to staff monitoring implementation fidelity in the ABRACADABRA preventative intervention school program in English Montreal and Sir Wilfred Laurier School Boards. Concordia University. January.
Savage, R. S. (2004). An introduction to the Abracadabra computer-based reading program in summer schools. Workshop delivered to facilitators for the ABRACADABRA preventative intervention summer program. Concordia University. July.
Savage, R. S. (2004). Using the Abracadabra computer-based reading program for early reading interventions. Workshop delivered to the English Montreal School, Board Directorate meeting. April.
Savage, R. S. (2003). Strategies for supporting poor readers and spellers. Workshop delivered at Weston School for Dyslexics, Montreal. March.
Savage, R. S. et al. (2002). Effective interventions to improve social skills. District-wide professional development workshop for teachers. The Professional Centre: London Borough of Sutton, December.
Savage, R. S. (2002). The dyslexia early intervention project: Update on research findings for school staff. Workshop presented for all teacher and assistants in the school board. June.
Savage, R. S. (2002). Strategies to support comprehension skills in children with special educational needs. Professional development workshop presented at staff training day on raising attainment in reading and spelling, September.
Savage, R. S. (2001). The role of Educational Psychologist in statutory assessment. Professional development workshop presented at combined staff day on reading and spelling. May.
Savage, R. S. (2001). Identifying, reducing, and preventing bullying. Day workshop for staff and pupils at a secondary school base for children with speech and language difficulties. London Borough of Sutton. November.
Savage, R. S. & Tubbs, B. (2001). The role of Solution Focused Brief Therapy in supporting school planning and problem-solving. Professional development workshop presented by the school psychology team to all staff at a school struggling with significant behavior management difficulties. October.
Savage, R. S. (2001). Strategies for supporting the behavior of children with special educational needs in X High School (School struggling with significant behaviour management difficulties): Professional development workshop for teachers and classroom assistants. April.
Savage, R. S. & Stallybrass, K. (2001). Expanding the role of Learning Support Assistants in supporting learning among children with special educational needs.

Professional development workshop for Learning Support Assistants. Hackbridge Primary School: London Borough of Sutton. March.

Savage, R. S. (2000). Developing a peer tutoring programme in X school: A 2-phase workshop presented for all staff at X school. The aim was to raise attainment in a school in a low SES catchment. 2 sessions: September.

Workshops Taken

Hierarchical Linear Modelling (Prof. Krista Muis, Faculty of Education McGill University, July, 2009).
Structural Equation Modelling (Professor Barbara Byrne, University of Ottawa, Canadian Psychological Association Conference workshop, Montreal, June, 2009).


Courses Taught at McGill

EDPI 440 Instruction in Inclusive Schools

EDPI 665 Learning Disabilities: Research Theory and Practice

EDPI-645 Diagnosis and Assessment in Special Education

EDPI-309 Exceptional Children

EDPE-602 Uses of Research Findings in Education

EDPE 260 Reading Methods

EDPI 743D1/756D1, EDPI 743D1/756D1 (Human Development Ph.D Seminar)

MATL EDTL 500 course Guest lecturer

EDPI 539 Fieldwork 1: Exceptional Students.

Graduate Research Supervision




Maria di Stasio. The relationship between classroom characteristics, student characteristics and bullying perpetration and victimization in Junior High School. Human Development program.


Ozlem Erten. Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms: The link between teachers’ attitudes-practices and student outcomes. Human Development program.


Louise Deault. Effective classroom contexts to develop literacy and attention skills for typical and at-risk first grade students. School Psychology program.


Caroline Erdos. Predicting language and literacy outcomes of typically-developing and at-risk English-speaking elementary students in French Immersion programs. Psychology Department (RS as co-advisor).


Shahrzad Irannejad. Is a cerebellar deficit the underlying cause of reading disabilities? School Psychology Program



Chen, Victoria. Human Development Program: Thesis title: A pilot study on the impact of teaching complex grapheme-phoneme correspondences on reading skills and motivation in under-achieving readers.


Zhang, Chao: Human Development Program. Thesis title: Associative priming of non-word dictation among young ESL learners with Chinese language backgrounds.


Kozakewich, Meagan: Learning Sciences Program. Thesis title: Individual predictors of first and second language sixth-grade writing performance from kindergarten and grade 1 English literary variables.

2006 - 2009

Aouad, Julie. School Psychology program: Thesis title: The factor structure of pre-literacy skills: Further evidence for the Simple View of Reading and an exploration of links to parent literacy practices.

2006 - 2008

Daki, Juliana: School Psychology program. Thesis title: Solution focused brief therapy: Addressing academic, motivational, social and emotional difficulties of older children with reading deficits.

2005 – 2007

Zeynep Ozlem Cankaya: Cognition and Instruction program. Influence of working memory capacity and reading purpose on young readers’ text comprehension.

2005 – 2007

Sauve, Lisa-Marie: School Psychology program: Thesis title: Sak Pase (What’s Going On)? Reading and Spelling Skills of Haitian Creole-Speaking Children in French Canada.

2004 - 2006

Comaskey, Erin: Cognition and Instruction program: Thesis title: The impacts of the ABRACADABRA system on the literacy skills of kindergarten children.

M. Ed. 6 and 12-credit special activity


Tejarian, Lena. M. Ed student, Educational and Counselling Psychology. Teachers’ literacy instruction practices: Links to their inclusion beliefs towards children with reading disabilities.


Pompey, Yolande. New teachers and their feeling of preparedness to teach reading.


di Stasio, M. A follow up of the ABRACADABRA web-based literacy program in Grade 1.


Altman, Stacy. Evaluation of the ABRACADABRA web-based literacy program in kindergarten.


Fraser, Katy. Is the use of a single route to read by analogy sufficient?


Pillay, Vanitha. The impact of wordlikeness on literacy and memory.


Vittoria Ferrero. Predicting curriculum and test performance from pupil background, baseline skills and phonological awareness at age 5: A six-year follow-up at the end of Key Stage 2.


Melidona, Santo. The development of reading and spelling ability in children with mild intellectual delay.


Luciano, Rina. Bullying risk in children with learning difficulties in inclusive education settings.


Blair, Rebecca. The relationship between environmental print reading and phonological abilities.


Goodwin, Nicola, Patni, Ulla., Smith, Nicola., & Tuersley, Louise. University College London M.Sc Professional Educational Psychology students.

Independent Reading Courses


Emilie Cloutier. Early Reading Interventions: The state of the practice, and some new directions in building causal theoretical models: Review of research on language and comprehension


Marie-France Côte. Transfer of word learning from special to general elementary classrooms: A review of the evidence.


Andrea Tang. Assessment and Intervention with young children. Paper completed.


Paul, Penny (M.Ed student, Educational and Counselling Psychology). Reading Interventions and the Deaf/Hearing Impaired. Paul, Penny. Paper completed.


Pompey, Yolande. (M.Ed student, Educational and Counselling Psychology). What does the evidence really say about effective literacy teaching?


Pillay, Vanitha. Working memory and reading disabilities: What we know and what we don’t know about the relationship. (Major revision to the existing paper). Paper passed. Manuscript published in Educational Psychology Review (2007).


Parr, Michelann. (Ph. D student, Department of Integrated Studies in Education). Models of reading acquisition. Paper passed. Michelann has completed her Ph. D studies.


Lavers, Natalie. Working memory and reading disabilities. Paper passed. Paper published in Educational Psychology Review (2007).


McInnes, Shannahan. Stress and reading difficulty.



2014 - Date

Miriam McBreen. Thesis title to-be-confirmed.

2012 - Date

Emilie Cloutier. Thesis title to-be-confirmed.

2011 - Date

Marie-France Côte. Transfer of word learning from special to general elementary classrooms.

2008 - Date

Sukhbinder "Bindy" Kaur Sanghera-Sidhu. ABRACADABRA: Response to Intervention: A five-year follow-up study.

M.A. and 12 credit M.Ed Research project


Thomas Williams. Responding to intervention (deferred 2014)


Kristina Gavin. Designing and trialling a morphology intervention in grade 3.


Emmanuel Tedone. Title TBC.

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