Curriculum Vitae Robert Savage Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education, McGill University

Masters and Ph.D Committees (Exemplification prior to 2014)

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Masters and Ph.D Committees (Exemplification prior to 2014)

Leung, O. (2014). Connecting Rapid automated Naming (RAN), Reading Difficulties and Inattention. Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology. November.

Whitford, V. (2014). The impact of second language experience on bilingual reading across the adult life-span. Department of Psychology, McGill. November.
Rahimi, S. (2014). Social Comparison in Teachers. Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology. November.
Jalali-Kushki, Y. (2014). A narrative inquiry: experiences of Iranian mothers of children with disabilities in Toronto, Ontario, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology. October.
Banales, E. (2014). The causal relationship between poor vernal memory and poor reading. Macquarie University Sydney Australia. October.
Archer, K. (2014). Examining the effectiveness of technology-use on classrooms: A tertiary meta-analysis. Wilfrid Laurier University. March.
Glaser, S. (2014). Emotion regulation, executive functioning, and academic competence: testing moderator effects and predictive relationships. Department of Psychology, McGill. May.
Shah, S. (2013) Inhibition theories and attention. School Psychology program. September.
Carani, G. (2013). A detailed qualitative study of 2 men living with HIV AIDS. Learning Sciences. November.
Mueller, J. (2012). Computer integration in elementary and secondary schools: Variables influencing educators. Department of Psychology University of Western Ontario, Waterloo, Ontario. January.
Goodman, J. I. (2007). Autistic culture and IEPs: Exploring online forums of autistics community websites. Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology.
Seymour, H. J. (2006). Friendship in inclusive physical education from the perspective of students with and without physical disabilities. Kinesiology and Physical Education Mc Gill University. October.
Figueredo, L. (2006). The effects of spell-checkers on early spelling ability. Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, October.
Reisinger, L. (2006). Exploring the Cognitive and Executive Functions Profile of Children with Autism and Children with Pragmatic Language Disorder. November.
Root, R. (2006). Predictors of educational attainment among Naskapi adolescents. Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology.
Caplan, T. (2005). M.A. thesis committee, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology.
Grawberg, M. (2004). A perception-based phonological awareness program for pre-schoolers with articulation disorders. Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, McGill University, March 15th.
Gerstein, S. (2004). Benefits and influences of parent involvement for children with learning disabilities. I was her thesis examiner for her viva voce examination Faculty of Education, McGill University 21st June.

Pro-dean at McGill University on multiple occasions e.g. Pascale Tremblay, Ph.d candidate. Communication Sciences and Disorders, November 28th 2008. External examiner: Leanne Johnny Integrated studies in Education Winter 2013, Chair’s representative: Lavanya Sampasivam, Education, August 15th 2013.

Independent Research Internship Credits

M. Ed Fieldwork 1 placement at Lakeside Academy, Lachine, Montreal. Rybakova, M. (2011-2012) Heidi Flores, Alexie Csipak (2012-13), M. Ed Fieldwork 1 placement at Lakeside Academy, Lachine, Montreal.

2008-2012. As Program Director I supervise all summer fieldwork/internships
Stallybrass, K. (2001). Professional Educational Psychology field placement

supervision. Supervision of school-based research project exploring consultation-based approaches to raising levels of text comprehension. Placement result: Pass.

Prentice, M. (2002). Professional Educational Psychology field placement supervision. Supervision of school-based research project exploring effects of professional development of classroom assistants to develop reasoning skills in ‘statemented’ children with special educational needs. Placement result: Pass.


Administrative Responsibilities – Department Committees

2014 -2014

Tenure committee for Assistant Professors Nathan Hall and Tara Flanagan

2010 - 2012

Program Director Responsibility for co-ordinating multi-program unit (Ph.Ds Human Development, Special Populations; M.Ed General and Inclusive Education, Certificate in Education (outreach course) and Undergraduate programs).
Departmental, Executive, Research and Graduate Students, MA in Teaching and Learning and other committees, including ad-hoc committees.
I revised the entire M.Ed Inclusive program and realigned all offerings for the B.Ed program to create a leading C21st program for 2013 start. I still supervise EdPi 309 and support EdPe 341adjuncts.

2008 - 2009

Acting Program Director (with Tara Flanagan). Responsibility for co-ordinating multi-program unit (Ph.Ds Human Development, Special Populations; M.Ed General and Inclusive Education, Certificate in Education (outreach course) and Undergraduate programs.

2003 – date

2003 - 2011

Admissions committee Special Populations (now Human Development) sub-program, M.Ed Inclusive and General Programs
Admissions committee School Psychology

2003 - date

Program Committee, Special Populations sub-program
Hiring Committee: June 2006 and February, 2011 and December 2014 for new hires in Inclusive Education and Human Development

Faculty Committees

2013- Date

Teacher Education Program Committee / K-Elementary program working group. I am working closely with colleagues in DISE to support the development of maximally effective literacy programs in the B.Ed program.

2014- date
2003- 2011

Member of the Faculty Council, McGill Education Faculty.
Co-founder and organiser of the faculty-wide Research Exchange Forum (REF).

University Service

2003- 2009

Member of the Selection Committee, McGill University Rhodes Scholarship

Committees Outside McGill

2011 - 2012

Local co-ordinator for the 19th conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Montreal, Quebec, July 2012.


Ordre des psychologues du Québec. Committee on ‘qualité et du développement de la pratique’.


Tenure committee external reviewer for Dr Gina Harrison

Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies,

University of Victoria, British Columbia.

2003- 2012

Reading Specialist on a range of local and national committees for the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP), Concordia University, Montreal:

CSLP Theme leader: Literacy Group.

CSLP Literacy Executive:

ABRACADABRA Steering Committee

CSLP Advisory Board

CLLRnet Renewal Committee

Professional Service


I was invited to join the United Nations registry of international experts on literacy (Bureau international d’éducation de l’UNESCO, BIE).

2010- date

I serve as consultant on aspects of the Training and Retention of Health Professionals Project at McGill, as well as for community partners including AMI Quebec (Mental Health Policy Group) and Community Health and Social Service Network, Laval.

2010- date

I serve on the Montreal Children’s Hospital’s Literacy Interest Group.

2010 – 2013

I served on the Research and Development Committee of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School board. We are seeking to optimise policy for early language and literacy intervention, including for dyslexia.


Provided free consultation and a 1-year evaluation to Sir Wilfred Laurier School Board of the effectiveness of a pilot early reading intervention in level 1 cycle 1 (the ADOR/ETIR program).


Provided detailed feedback to schools in the Sir Wilfred Laurier and English Montreal School Boards concerning the progress of pupils in level 1 cycle 1.


Provided detailed feedback to schools in the Sir Wilfred Laurier and English Montreal School Boards concerning the progress of pupils in level 1 cycle 1.


Statistical and methodology consultancy service to the Ministry of Education, Quebec. I was the author of a technical report for the Ministry entitled: Gender and attainment in cycle 1: The choosing a pet project.

This report analysing the performance of boys and girls from English backgrounds in a range of language immersion settings. Now published by the ministry, it has influenced policy on gender and literacy.

Research Review

2000 - date

I have reviewed several hundred articles for leading journals in the field including the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Child Neuropsychology, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Scientific Studies of Reading, Journal of Educational Psychology, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Applied Psycholinguistics, the McGill Journal of Education, Exceptionality Education International, Frontiers in Psychology, the Journal of Research in Reading, and the International Journal of Inclusive Education. I am a regular reviewer for the latter 2 journals, having reviewed a dozen or more articles for them in the past 10 months.


Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Inclusive Education.




Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Research in Reading.
Member of Full Editorial Board Committee for the Journal of Research in Reading (JRR). I am the board member for Canada alongside Anne Castles (Australia).

Associate Editor for JRR – my role is now as an action editor managing all aspects of manuscript processing for the journal. I now have a constant flow of papers that I manage on a daily basis. I have a paper to review essentially, all the time.

Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Learning Disabilities.


Member of the Editorial Board for Scientific Studies of Reading.

Granting Review

2011 - 2014

Grant evaluator for the Israeli Science Foundation

2005 - Date

Grant evaluator for Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network (CLLRnet) and SSHRC (e.g. 2010, 2014).

Professional and academic Memberships

Association of Educational Psychologists (United Kingdom)

Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance, Concordia University

Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network

Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading

McGill Association of University Teachers
Language Acquisition Program, McGill University.


2003 – date

Community–based research

As a school psychologist, and applied reading researcher, the philanthropic role of service to the community plays a central role in all that I do. I ran 60 twilight parent workshops in 2013 and 2014. We have developed parent websites to support early literacy and socio-emotional development, and I ran 10 teacher workshops and follow-up consultations.

Free literacy assessments to the community

As part of our work with poor readers, we have offered extensive assessment and long reports of attainment for free for dozens of children.

Free reading interventions for the community

The ABRACADABRA research project seeks to develop and disseminate a computer-based system for early preventative reading interventions that is and will continue to be disseminated without financial charge. I have been the main academic developing and implementing this ambitious project from first principles, an enormous amount of work but also ran enormous contribution to community literacy. The site has thousands of hits worldwide (e.g. 31,189 visited it between June 1 and June 13 2012, google analytics)

I invite you to explore this site in depth to get a sense of the richness of this intervention:


Other relevant activities

2007 - date

Keen amateur musician. Our work has raised money for sporting and world charitable causes. In 2008 we were part of a CBC feature on work for Rwandan genocide survivors and helped raise over $800 for survivors.

2007 - 2010

Member of McGill Daycare Board of Governors. Advisory committee on a host of issues meets regularly. I also served on the research sub-committee.

Other relevant activities (Early career)

1993 - 1994

President of the Graduate Society, St. John’s College, Cambridge University.


Co-founder of the Oxford University Psychology Society.

We developed the society from scratch and arranged a number of events including presentations by leading speakers such as Professor Hans Eysenck.

** Peer reviewed article


Robert Savage of

19 October 2016

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