Date: October 20, 2010 Full Name: raskar ramesh Namdeo

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Appendix F

School of Architecture and Planning Faculty Personnel Record
Date: October 20, 2010 Full Name: RASKAR Ramesh Namdeo

Department: MAS

1. Date of Birth: June 18, 1970
2. Citizenship: India

Immigration Status: Permanent Resident

3. Education:

School Degree Date

College of Engineering, Pune B of Engg Aug, 1991

U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ph.D. Dec, 2002
4. Title of Thesis for Most Advanced Degree

Projector-based Three Dimensional Graphics (Ph.D.)

5. Principal Fields of Interest:

Computational Light Transport and Computational Photography and Imaging, for capturing, analyzing and sharing visual information

6. Name and Rank of Other Departmental Faculty in Same Field:
7. Name and Rank of Faculty of Other Departments in Same Field:

George Barbastathis, Dept of Mechanical Engg

Berthold K.P. Horn, Dept of Electrical Engg and Computer Science

Bill Freeman, Dept of Electrical Engg and Computer Science

Fredo Durand, Dept of Electrical Engg and Computer Science

Edward Adelson, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences

8. Non-MIT Experience (including military service):

Employer Position Beginning Ending

Microsoft Research Summer Research Intern May’98 Sept’98

UNC Chapel Hill Graduate Res Assistant May’96 Jul’00

Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs Research Scientist Aug’00 Mar’08

Northeastern University Visiting Faculty Sept’05 Dec’05

Tufts University Visiting Faculty Jul’06 Aug’07

9. History of MIT Appointments:

Rank Beginning Ending

Associate Professor April’08 Current

Summer Research Intern June’99 Sept’99
10. Consulting Record:

Firm Beginning Ending

MERL Apr’08

Samsung Electronics Apr’09 Sept’09

Scalable Display Technologies (Advisory Board) Apr’2010

Yolia Health (Advisory Board) June’2010

Bhau Institute of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership (Advisory Board)

11. Department and Institute Committees, Other Assigned Duties:

Activity Beginning Ending
Faculty Search Fall-2008 Spring-2008 MAS-COM Fall-2009 Spring-2009

12. Government and Other Outside Committees, Service, etc.:

Committee Beginning Ending
Papers Committee for ACM SIGGRAPH 2007, 2008, 2011

Papers Committee for ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, 2010

Co-editor of special issue of CompGraphics&Appl on 'Camera Culture and Computational Journalism', Jan 2011
Area Chair for IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2010

Area Chair for IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recog (CVPR) 2009

Papers Committee for Eurographics 2005, 2008, 2009

Area Chair for Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2007

ACM Transactions on Graphics, Associate Editor, 2009-onwards
Program Committee Member for:

International Conference on Computer Vision (IEEE ICCV) 2005-2009

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE CVPR) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

Non-photorealistic Animation and Rendering (ACM NPAR) 2004

13. Awards Received:

Award Date
Darpa Young Faculty Award 2010 (Looking around corners with Transient Imaging)

Deshpande Center Ignition Grant 2010 (Netra Eyetest Device)

(Selected at MIT as candidate for Packard Fellowship 2010)

MIT IDEAS competition #2 prize (Netra/PerfectSight)

Selected by NASA/USAID for Launch Health, top 10 innovator (Netra)

Marr Prize Honorable Mention at ICCV 2010 (for Looking around corners)

MIRU 2010, Best Computer Vision paper award in Japan

Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship 2009,

Mitsubishi Electric Valuable Invention Award, 2006 (For Photosensing Tags, RFIG)

Mitsubishi Electric Valuable Invention Award, 2006 (For Dome Screen Projector Display)

Dome Screen Projector for prestigious 'Best 10 New Products' Prize in Japan given by Nikkan Kogyo Simbun

Technology Review's 100 Top Young Innovators Under 35 Worldwide (TR100), 2004

Mitsubishi Electric Valuable Invention Award, 2004 (For Planar Multi-projector Mosaics)

MIT Global Indus Technovator Awards (Top 20 Indian Researchers on the Globe), 2003

Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology R&D Award, 2003 (For Planar Mosaics)

Link Fellowship Award, 1998-99

"Best Project of the University" prize by IEEE chapter of Pune Institute of Computer Technology , 1991

Ranked First among 500,000 students appearing for entrance exam (HSC Merit List) for the bachelor's program in the state of Maharashtra, India, 1987

Selected among Top 20 to represent India at the International Mathematics Olympiad, 1987

Student Awards:

RA and MEng student Sharmeen Browarek, Best thesis #2 award from EECS

Matthew Hirsch, ACM Student Research Competition Siggraph, #2 Award

14. Current Organization Membership:

Organization Offices Held
IEEE Computer Society


OSA (Optical Society)

  1. Patents and Patent Applications Pending:

Issued Patents (USPTO)
1 7,792,423 4D light field cameras

2 7,780,364 Apparatus and method for reducing glare in images

3 7,756,407 Method and apparatus for deblurring images

4 7,738,725 Stylized rendering using a multi-flash camera

5 7,639,289 Increasing object resolutions from a motion-blurred image

6 7,580,620 Method for deblurring images using optimized temporal coding patterns

7 7,574,069 Retargeting images for small displays

8 7,454,136 Method and apparatus for acquiring HDR flash images

9 7,443,443 Method and apparatus for enhancing flash and ambient images

10 7,421,111 Light pen system for pixel-based displays

11 7,403,707 Method for estimating camera settings adaptively

12 7,359,562 Enhancing low quality videos of illuminated scenes

13 7,295,720 Non-photorealistic camera

14 7,292,269 Context aware projector

15 7,252,387 System for adjusting projector pose with six DoF for image alignment

16 7,242,818 Position and orientation sensing with a projector

17 7,229,023 Radio and optical identification tags

18 7,227,592 Self-correcting rear projection television

19 7,218,792 Stylized imaging using variable controlled illumination

20 7,206,449 Detecting silhouette edges in images

21 7,154,395 Interactive wireless tag location and identification system

22 7,137,707 Projector-camera system with laser pointers

23 7,103,227 Enhancing low quality images of naturally illuminated scenes

24 7,102,638 Reducing texture details in images

25 7,068,274 System and method for animating real objects with projected images

26 7,038,185 Camera for directly generating a gradient image

27 7,019,748 Simulating motion of static objects in scenes

28 7,001,023 Method calibrating projectors to with discrete optical sensors at surfaces

29 6,930,681 System for registering multiple images with three-dimensional objects

30 6,834,965 Self-configurable ad-hoc projector cluster

31 6,811,264 Geometrically aware projector

32 6,795,069 Free-form modeling of objects with variational implicit surfaces

33 6,793,350 Projecting warped images onto curved surfaces

34 6,781,591 Blending multiple images using local and global information

35 6,764,185 Projector as an input and output device

36 6,755,537 Method for globally aligning multiple projected images

37 6,741,248 Rendering geometric features of scenes models by individual polygons

38 6,733,138 Multi-projector mosaic with automatic registration

39 6,729,733 Method for a rectangular imaging within projected quadrilaterals

40 6,715,888 Method and system for displaying images on curved surfaces

41 6,709,116 Shape-adaptive projector system

42 6,677,956 Method for cross-fading multiple images of a scene for seamlessness

43 6,527,395 Method for calibrating a projector with a camera

44 6,520,647 Automatic keystone correction for projectors with arbitrary orientation

  1. Professional Registration:

  1. Projects:

Computational Light Transport:

Femto-second Analysis of Transient Light Transport (Looking around corners)

High speed Tomography (CAT-scan) for Lightweight Medical Devices

Netra: Inverse Shack-Hartmann Wavefront sensing for Refractive Tests

HR3D: Rank-constaints on 3D Displays

6D Display: Lighting Sensitive 3D Displays

Bridging ray and wave theory of light propagation (Augmented Light Field)

Second Skin: Wearable Fabric for Bio I/O

Bokode: Angular coding for long distance barcodes

Computational Photography:

Multi-flash Camera for Depth Edge Detection

Coded Exposure Flutter Shutter Imaging for Motion Deblurring

Optical Spatial Heterodyning for Light Fields

Gradient Sensing for High Dynamic Range Image Capture
Computational Illumination:

iLamps: Pocket Projector for Interactive Applications

RFIG: Location tracking of Radio Frequency Identification Tags

Prakash: High Speed Optical Motion Capture System

Quadric Image Transfer for Dome Projection Screens

Office of the Future

  1. Symposia Organized:

Co-organizer for IEEE Workshop on Projector-Camera systems, held with IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2005

Co-organizer for IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, April 2010
Teaching Experience of Ramesh Raskar

Term Sub. No. Title Role Enrollment
SS10 MAS533 Imaging Ventures Teaching/Grading (mostly listeners)

SS10 MAS532 Camera Culture Teaching/Grading 8

FT10 MAS531 Computational Camera Teaching/Grading 12

SS09 MAS533 Imaging Ventures Teaching/Grading (mostly listeners)

SS09 MAS532 Camera Culture Teaching/Grading (mostly listeners)

FT09 MAS531 Computational Camera Teaching/Grading 12

SS08 MAS964 Camera Culture Teaching/Grading 8

FT08 MAS963 Computational Camera Teaching/Grading 6

FT05, Northeastern U. Computational Photography, Teaching/Grading 8
SS06, Tufts U. Computational Photography, Teaching/Grading 6

SS07, Tufts U. Computational Photography, Teaching/Grading 7

Publications of Ramesh Raskar

1. Books:

  1. Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds,
    Oliver Bimber and Ramesh Raskar, A K Peters Publisher, July 2005

  1. Computational Photography: Mastering New Techniques for Lenses, Lighting and Sensors, Ramesh Raskar and Jack Tumblin, A K Peters Publisher, In Progress

2. Papers in Refereed Journals:

  1. Douglas Lanman, Matthew Hirsch, Yunhee Kim, and Ramesh Raskar, Content-Adaptive Parallax Barriers for Automultiscopic 3D Display, To appear in proceedings of ACM TOG (SIGGRAPH Asia) 2010

  1. Yuichi Taguchi, Amit Agrawal, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Srikumar Ramalingam, and Ramesh Raskar, Axial-Cones: Modeling Spherical Catadioptric Cameras for Wide-Angle Light Field Rendering, To appear in proceedings of ACM TOG (SIGGRAPH Asia) 2010

  1. Vitor Pamplona, Ankit Mohan, Manuel Menezes de Oliveira Neto, Ramesh Raskar, ‘NETRA: Interactive Display for Self-evaluation of an Eye for Visual Accommodation and Focal Range’, ACM TOG (SIGGRAPH 2010), July 2010

  1. Veeraraghavan, A., Reddy, D., Raskar, R., ‘Coded Strobing Photography: Compressive Sensing of High-speed Periodic Events’, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) 2010

  1. Martin Fuchs, Tongbo Chen, Oliver Wang, Ramesh Raskar, Hans-Peter Seidel, Hendrik P. A. Lensch: Real-time temporal shaping of high-speed video streams. Computers & Graphics 34(5): 575-584 (2010)

  1. Amit Agrawal, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Ramesh Raskar, ‘Reinterpretable Imager’, Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics) 2010, May 2010

  1. Se Baek Oh, Sriram Kashyap, Rohit Garg, Sharat Chandran, Ramesh Raskar, ‘Rendering Transmissive Wave Effects with Augmented Light Fields’, Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics) 2010, May 2010

  1. Matthew Hirsch, Douglas Lanman, Henry Holtzman, Ramesh Raskar: BiDi screen: a thin, depth-sensing LCD for 3D interaction using light fields. ACM TOG (SIGGRAPH Asia) 28(5) December 2009

  1. Ankit Mohan, Grace Woo, Shinsaku Hiura, Quinn Smithwick, Ramesh Raskar. Bokode: imperceptible visual tags for camera based interaction from a distance. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2009, 28(3)

  1. Amit Agrawal, Yi Xu, Ramesh Raskar: Invertible motion blur in video. ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2009 28(3)

  1. R Raskar, A Agrawal, C A. Wilson, A Veeraraghavan, “Glare Aware Photography: 4D Ray Sampling for Reducing Glare Effects of Camera Lenses”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2008), 27(3), August 2008, pp. 56:1-56:10.

  1. M Fuchs, R Raskar, H Seidel, H Lensch, “Towards Passive 6D Reflectance Field Displays”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2008), 27(3), August 2008, pp. 58:1-58:8.

  1. A Mohan, R Raskar, J Tumblin, “Agile Spectrum Imaging: Programmable Wavelength Modulation for Cameras and Projectors”, Computer Graphics Forum, 27(2), April 2008, pp. 709-717.

  1. D Lanmann, R Raskar, A Agrawal, G Taubin, “Shield Fields: Capturing and Modeling 3D Occluders”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008), Accepted for publication.

  1. R Raskar, H Nii, B de Decker, Y Hashimoto, J Summet, D Moore, Y Zhao,J Westhues, P Dietz, M Inami, S Nayar, J Barnwell, M Noland, P Bekaert, V Branzoi, E Bruns “LumiNetra: High Speed Scene Point Capture and Video Enhancement using Photosensing Markers and Multiplexed Illumination”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), SIGGRAPH 2007, 26(3), July 2007, pp. 36:1-36:11

  1. A Veeraraghavan, R Raskar, A Agrawal, A Mohan, J Tumblin, “Coded aperture and Optical Heterodyning : A mask-based approach for Digital Refocusing and Light Field Acquisition by Conventional Cameras”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), SIGGRAPH 2007, 26(3), July 2007, pp. 69:1-69:12

  1. Hongcheng Wang, Ning Xu, Ramesh Raskar and Narendra Ahuja, “Videoshop: A new framework for spatio-temporal video editing in gradient domain”, Graphical Models Volume 69, Issue 1, Pages 81-88 (January 2007)

  1. R Raskar.; Agrawal, A.; Tumblin, J., "Coded Exposure Photography: Motion Deblurring Using Fluttered Shutter", ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), SIGGRAPH 2006, ISSN: 0730-0301, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 795-804, July 2006

  1. Nayar, S.K.; Krishnan, G.; Grossberg, M.D.; Raskar, R., "Fast Separation of Direct and Global Components of a Scene Using High Frequency Illumination", ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), SIGGRAPH 2006 ISSN: 0730-0301, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 93-944, July 2006

  1. A Agrawal, R Raskar, S Nayar, Y Li. “Removing Photography Artifacts using Gradient Projection and Flash-Exposure Sampling”. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2004), Volume 24, 3 (Jul. 2005), 828-835

  1. R Raskar, K Tan, R Feris, J Yu, M Turk. “Non-photorealistic Camera: Depth Edge Detection and Stylized Rendering using Multi-Flash Imaging”. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2004), Volume 23, 3 (Aug. 2004), 679-688

  1. R Raskar, P Beardsley, Y Wang, J vanBaar, P Dietz, J Lee, D Leigh, T Willwacher. “RFIG Lamps: Interacting with Self-describing World via Photosensing Wireless Tags and Projectors”. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2004), Volume 23, 3 (Aug. 2004), 406-415

  1. R Raskar, J vanBaar, P Beardsley, T Willwacher, S Rao. “Quadric Image Transfer for Immersive Curved Screen Displays”, Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics), 23,3 (Sept 2004), 451-460

  1. R Raskar, J vanBaar, P Beardsley, T Willwacher, S Rao, C Forlines. “iLamps: Geometrically Aware and Self-Configuring Projectors”. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2003), Volume 22, 3 (Jul. 2003), 809-818

  1. Karpenko, O.; Hughes, J.F.; Raskar, R., "Free-Form Sketching with Variational Implicit Surfaces", Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics), 21,3 (Sept 2002), 551-560

3. Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings:

  1. Roarke Horstmeyer, Se Baek Oh and Ramesh Raskar, Iterative aperture mask design in phase space using a rank constraint , Optics Express (18), 2010

  1. Jaewon Kim, Douglas Lanman, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, and Ramesh Raskar, Descattering Transmission via Angular Filtering, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), September, 2010

  1. Y.Mukaigawa, Y.Yagi, R.Raskar, ‘Analysis of Light Transport in Scattering Media’ - In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, oral), June 2010

  1. Ankit Mohan, Douglas Lanman, Shinsaku Hiura, Ramesh Raskar, ‘Image Destabilization: Programmable Defocus using Lens and Sensor Motion’, International Conference on Computational Photography, (IEEE ICCP), 2009

  1. Ju Yong Chang, Ramesh Raskar, Amit K. Agrawal: 3D pose estimation and segmentation using specular cues. IEEE CVPR 2009: 1706-1713

  1. Ahmed Kirmani, Tyler Hutchison, James Davis, Ramesh Raskar. Looking Around the corner using Transient Imaging, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2009, (oral, Marr Prize honorable mention)

  1. Martin Fuchs, Tongbo Chen, Oliver Wang, Ramesh Raskar, Hans-Peter Seidel, Hendrik P. A. Lensch: A Shaped Temporal Filter Camera. VMV 2009: 177-186

  1. D. A. Vaquero, R. Raskar, R. S. Feris, and M. Turk. A Projector-Camera Setup for Geometry-Invariant Frequency Demultiplexing, Proceedings of IEEE CVPR 2009

  1. Amit Agrawal and Ramesh Raskar, Optimal Single Image Capture for Motion Deblurring, Proceedings of IEEE CVPR 2009

  1. Masato Ogata, Hiroyuki Wada, Jeroen van Baar, Ramesh Raskar: A Unified Calibration Method with a Parametric Approach for Wide-Field-of-View Multiprojector Displays. IEEE VR 2009: 235-236

  1. Ju Yong Chang, Amit Agrawal, Ramesh Raskar. 3D Pose Estimation and Segmentation using Specular Cues, Proceedings of IEEE CVPR 2009

  1. Ankit Mohan, Douglas Lanman, Shinsaku Hiura, Ramesh Raskar. Image Destabilization: Programmable Defocus using Lens and Sensor Motion, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2009

  1. Daniel A. Vaquero, Rogério Schmidt Feris, Matthew Turk, Ramesh Raskar: Characterizing the shadow space of camera-light pairs. Proceedings of IEEE CVPR 2008

  1. Ashok Veeraraghavan, Amit K. Agrawal, Ramesh Raskar, Ankit Mohan, Jack Tumblin: Non-refractive modulators for encoding and capturing scene appearance and depth. Proceedings of IEEE CVPR 2008

  1. Ankit Mohan, Xiang Huang, Jack Tumblin, Ramesh Raskar: Sensing increased image resolution using aperture masks. Proceedings of IEEE CVPR 2008

  1. Ramesh Raskar: Computational Photography: Epsilon to Coded Photography. Proceedings of ETVC 2008: 238-253

  1. Li Zhang, Neesha Subramaniam, Robert Lin, Ramesh Raskar, Shree K. Nayar: Capturing Images with Sparse Informational Pixels using Projected 3D Tags. IEEE VR 2008: 11-18

  1. R Raskar, “Less is More: Coded Computational Photography”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2007, Volume 2, pp 1-12

  1. T. Koh, A. Agrawal, R. Raskar, S. Morgan, N. Miles & B.H. Gills, "Detecting and Segmenting Un-occluded Items by Actively Casting Shadows", Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2007, Volume 1, pp 945-955 (oral),

  1. A Agrawal, R Raskar, “Resolving Objects at Higher Resolution from a Single Motion-Blurred Image”, Proceedings of IEEE CVPR 2007, Pages 1-8 (oral)

  1. A Agrawal, R Raskar, R Chellappa, “Edge Suppression by Gradient Field Transformation Using Cross-Projection Tensors”, IEEE CVPR 2006, Volume 2, pp 2301-2308

  1. A Agrawal, R Raskar, R Chellappa, “What is the Range of Surface Reconstructions from a Gradient Field?”, ECCV 2006 (Oral) pp 578-591

  1. R Feris, R Raskar, L Chen, K Tan, M Turk, “Discontinuity Preserving Stereo with Small Baseline Multi-Flash Illumination”, ICCV 2005, Vol 1, pp 412-419 (Oral)

  1. A Agrawal, R Chellappa, R Raskar, “An Algebraic Approach to Surface Reconstruction from Gradient Fields”, ICCV 2005, Vol 1, pp 174-181

  1. J Tumblin, A Agrawal, R Raskar, “Why I Want a Gradient Camera”, CVPR 2005, Vol 1, pp 103-110

  1. R Raskar, P Dietz, P Beardsley, J vanBaar, “Photosensing wireless tags for geometric procedures”, Communications of the ACM, Sept 05

  1. Ramesh Raskar, Paul Beardsley, Paul Dietz, Jeroen Van Baar, "Tags are Coming: Exploiting Photosensing Wireless Tags for Assisting Geometric Procedures," cviie, pp. 145-150, Computer Vision for Interactive and Intelligent Environment (CVIIE'05), 2005.

  1. Beardsley, P.; van Baar, J.; Raskar, R.; Forlines, C., “Interaction using a handheld projector”, Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, Vol.25, Iss.1, Jan.-Feb. 2005 Pages: 39- 43

  1. Raskar, R.; Ilie, A., Yu, J., “Image Fusion for Context Enhancement and Video Surrealism” ACM Nonphotorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) 2004

  1. Rogerio Feris, Matthew Turk, Ramesh Raskar, Karhan Tan, Gosuke Ohashi, "Exploiting Depth Discontinuities for Vision-Based Fingerspelling Recognition," IEEE CVPR Workshop on Real-time Vision for Human-Computer Interaction , p. 155, 2004.

  1. Ramesh Raskar Jeroen van Baar Paul Beardsley, “Display Grid: Ad-hoc Clusters of Autonomous Projectors”, Proceedings of Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium 2004

  1. Tan, K., J Kobler, R Feris, P Dietz, R Raskar. “Shape-Enhanced Surgical Visualizations and Medical Illustrations with Multi-Flash Imaging”, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention 2004

  1. Lee, J. C., Dietz, P. H., Maynes-Aminzade, D., Raskar, R., and Hudson, S. E. 2004. Automatic projector calibration with embedded light sensors. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on User interface Software and Technology (Santa Fe, NM, USA, October 24 - 27, 2004). UIST '04. ACM Press, New York, NY, 123-126.

  1. Olga Karpenko, John F. Hughes, Ramesh Raskar, “Epipolar Methods for Multi-View Sketching”, Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, August 2004, pp. 167-173

  1. Jeroen van Baar, Thomas Willwacher, Srinivas Rao, Ramesh Raskar, “Seamless Multi-Projector Display on Curved Screens”, IPT / EGVE 2003: Seventh Immersive Projection Technology Workshop and Ninth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments, May 2003, pp. 281-286.

  1. Raskar, R.; Low, K-L,, "Blending Multiple Views", IEEE Pacific Graphics, pp. 145-153, October 2002

  1. Bimber, O.; Gatesy, S.M.; Witmer, L.M.; Raskar, R.; Encarnacao, L., "Merging Fossil Specimens with Computer-Generated Information", IEEE Computer, Vol. 35, Issue 9, pp. 25-30 , September 2002

  1. Raskar, R.; Ziegler, R.; Willwacher, T., "Cartoon Dioramas in Motion", International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR), ISBN: 1-58113-494-0, pp. 7-ff, June 2002

  1. Raskar, R.; van Baar, J.; Chai, J.X., "A Low-Cost Projector Mosaic with Fast Registration", Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), January 2002

  1. Raskar, R.; Beardsley, P.A., "A Self-Correcting Projector", IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vol. 2, pp. 504-508, December 2001

  1. Raskar, R.; Low, K-L, "Interacting with Spatially Augmented Reality", ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics and Visualization in Africa (AFRIGRAPH), November 2001

  1. Bandyopadhyay, D.; Raskar, R.; Fuchs, H., “Dynamic shader lamps : painting on movable objects”, Augmented Reality, 2001. Proceedings. IEEE and ACM International Symposium on, Vol., Iss., 2001 Pages:207-216

  1. Raskar, R.; Welch, G.; Low, K-L.; Bandyopadhyay, D., "Shader Lamps: Animating Real Objects with Image Based Illumination", Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, June 2001

  1. Raskar, R., "Hardware Support for Non-Photorealistic Rendering", SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware (HWWS), pp 410-415, August 2001

  1. W Matusik, C Buehler, R Raskar, S Gortler, L McMillan. “Image Based Visual Hulls”. Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, New Orleans, July 2000, Pages 369-374

  1. Greg Welch, Henry Fuchs, Ramesh Raskar, Herman Towles, Michael S. Brown, “Projected Imagery in Your "Office of the Future", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 20(4), July/August 2000.

  1. Raskar, R., "Immersive Planar Displays using Roughly Aligned Projectors “, IEEE Virtual Reality 2000, March 2000, pp 302-309

  1. Raskar, R.; Welch, G.; Wei-Chao Chen, “Table-top spatially-augmented realty: bringing physical models to life with projected imagery”, Augmented Reality, 1999. (IWAR '99) Proceedings. 2nd IEEE and ACM International Workshop on, Vol., Iss., 1999 Pages:64-71

  1. Raskar, R., Michael Cohen. “Image Precision Silhouette Edges”, ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Atlanta GA, April 1999

  1. Raskar, R., M Brown, R Yang, W Chen, G Welch, H Towles, B Seales, H Fuchs, “Multi-Projector Displays using Camera-Based Registration”, IEEE Visualization 99, Oct 1999, San Francisco, CA

  1. R Raskar, G Welch, M Cutts, A Lake, L Stesin, H Fuchs. “The Office of the Future: Unification of Image-Based Modeling and Immersive Displays”. Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 1998, Orlando, July 1998, Pages 179-188

  1. R Raskar, Matt Cutts, Greg Welch, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, “Efficient Image Generation for Multiprojector and Multisurface Displays”, Ninth EuroGraphics Rendering Workshop,(Appeared in Drettakis, G., Max, N. (eds.), Rendering Techniques '98. Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Vienna, Austria, June 1998

  1. R Raskar, G Welch, Henry Fuchs, “Seamless Projection Overlaps Using Image Warping and Intensity Blending”, Fourth International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Gifu, Japan. Nov 1998.

  1. R Raskar, G Welch, H Fuchs, “Spatially Augmented Reality”, First International Workshop on Augmented Reality, San Francisco CA, Nov 1998.

  1. H Fuchs, M Livingston, R Raskar and others, “Augmented Reality Visualization for Laparoscopic Surgery” First International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention 1998.

  1. R Vujosevic, R Raskar, N Yetukuri, “Simulation, Animation and Analysis of Design Disassembly for Maintainability Analysis”, International Journal of Production Research, November 1995

4. Other Major Publications:


5. Invited Lectures and Seminars:

Keynote Addresses

  • Stereoscopic Displays & Applications, Jan 2011, San Francisco, CA (Keynote)

  • Imaging Science Hall of Fame Induction, Rochester, NY, Dec 2010 (Solo Keynote)

  • Eighteenth Color Imaging Conference, San Antonio, TX, Nov 2010 (Opening Keynote)

  • 6Sight Future of Imaging, ‘Computational Photography: The Future Starts Now’, Nov 2009, Monterrey, CA (Opening Keynote)

  • Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, April 2008, 'Can Computer Graphics Impact Our Daily Life', Bratislava, Slovakia (Keynote)

  • Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), November 2007, Tokyo, Japan (Keynote)

  • Vision, Modeling and Visualization, November 2007, Saarbrucken, Germany (Keynote)

  • International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) October 2006, San Diego, 'The Poor Man's Palace: Special Effects in the Real World' (Opening Keynote)

  • Imagina February 2006, Monaco (Keynote)

  • Ciencia and Arte April 2005, Caxias do Sul, Brazil, ‘Active Imaging and Display’ (Opening Keynote)

  • Graphics Interface May 2005, Victoria, Canada, 'Spatial Augmented Reality: New Problems in Human Interface' (Opening Keynote)

  • Symposium on Virtual Reality October 2004, Sao Paulo, Brazil, ‘Spatial Augmented Reality’ (Keynote)

Invited Presentations

  • National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers of Engineering, Cambridge, U.K., Sept 2010

  • Frontiers in Optics, ‘Shift Glass’, Oct 2010, Rochester NY

  • by NASA and USAID, Oct 2010, Kennedy Space Center, FL

  • Imaging Systems, June 2010, Tucson, AZ

  • FMX, ‘Imaging for Interaction’, Stutgart, Germany, May 2010

  • MIT Technology Review (EmTech India 2010), ‘Future of Imaging’, Bangalore, India

  • Frontiers in Optics, COSI, ‘Computational Photography’, Oct 2009, San Jose, CA

  • MIT Technology Review (EmTech India 2009), ‘Next Billion Cameras’, New Delhi, India

  • Emerging Trends in Visual Computing (ETVC'08), Ecole Polytechnique (LIX), Paris, France, November 2008, 'Computational Photography: Epsilon to Coded Imaging'

  • NIPS Symposium on Computational Photography, 'Computational Photography: From Epsilon to Coded Photography' , Vancouver, Canada, December 2008

  • 8th Brazilian Conference of Design Research and Development - P&D DESIGN 2008, São Paulo, 'Next in Augmented Reality'

  • Active RFID Summit November 2005, San Antonio, TX, 'R F I G : RFID + Geometry'

  • Flat Information Display November 2005, San Francisco, CA, 'Pocket Projector: All-in-one Solution for Mobility, Augmentation, Communication'

  • ProCams October 2003, Nice, France, 'The Large Display Dilemma: Projectors are Dead'

Selected Invited Talks at Universities

  • Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France (June, Host: Jean Ponce)

  • ETH Zurich, Switzerland (February, Host: Marc Pollefeys)

  • Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia (March, Host: Irfan Essa)


  • U of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (September, Host: Kostas Daniilidis, Jianbo Shi)

  • Microsoft Research, Seattle (May, Host: Sing Bing Kang)

  • Brown University, Providence, RI (February, Host: Gabriel Taubin)

  • Nokia Research, Palo Alto (March, Host: Kari Pulli)

  • MIT, Cambridge (April, Host: Bill Freeman)


  • Technical University Graz, Graz, Austria (May, Host: Dieter Schmalstieg)

  • New York University (NYU), New York City (March, Host: Prof Ken Perlin)


  • Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (Host: Prof Yoshifumi Kitamura)

  • Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (Host. Prof. Carol O'Sullivan)

  • Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (February, Host: Ramakrishna C)

  • University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, IL (Host. Prof. Yizhou Yu and Narendra Ahuja)

  • Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (Host: Prof. Bruce Gooch and Jack Tumblin)

  • Purdue University, IN (Host: Prof. Dan Aliaga)

  • SENAC, Sao Paulo (Host: Prof. Romero Tori)


  • University of Maryland at College Park, MD (Host: Prof Amitabh Varhaney)

  • Brown University, Providence, RI (Host. Prof. Gabriel Taubin)

  • North Eastern University, Boston, MA (Host: Prof. Ravi Sundaram)

  • Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA (Host: Prof. Irfan Essa)

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC (Host: Prof. Greg Welch)


  • Stanford University, CA (Host: Prof Terry Winograd)

  • University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley (Host: Prof Carlo H. Séquin)

  • Honda R&D Americas, Mountain View CA (Host: James Davis)

  • SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (Host: Motilal Agrawal)

  • nVidia (Architecture Group), Santa Clara HQ, CA (Host: Wei-chao Chen)

  • University of California at Irvine, Irvine (Host: Prof Gopi Meenakshisundaram)

  • Siggraph Boston Chapter, Boston

  • Invited speaker at the PROCAMS Workshop, ‘The Large Display Dilemma’, Nice, France


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab, Cambridge

  • Siggraph Boston Chapter, Boston

  • U of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (Host: Prof Tomoyuki Nishita)

  • Sony Computer Science Lab, Tokyo, Japan (Host: Frank Nielsen)

  • Mitsubishi Electric VIL (UK Research Lab), London, UK (Host: Miroslaw Bober)


  • IBM Research, T. J. Watson, New York (Host: Gabriel Taubin)

  • AT&T Labs, New Jersey (Host: Shankar Krishnan)

  • Bell Labs (Lucent), Murray Hill, New Jersey (Host: Dan Aliaga and Ingrid Carlbom)

  • Stanford University, Palo Alto, California (Host: Prof Pat Hanrahan and Prof Marc Levoy)

  • U of California at Berkeley, California

  • Intel Research, Santa Clara, California (Host: Jean-Yves Bouguet)

  • Princeton University, New Jersey (Host: Adam Finkelstein)

Record of Research Funding for Ramesh Raskar
• Mosaic (50 Gigapixel camera, ~$450K for 3 years)

• Samsung Electronics (Bokode and BiDi Screen, $195K/year for 2 years)

• Darpa Young Faculty Award (Looking around corners, $300K for 2 years)

• Lincoln Lab Collaboration Fund ($80K),

• Deshpande Foundation ($50K)

• Lincoln Lab ACC ($50K)

• Google Foundation Award ($40k)

• Adobe ($25K)

• Nokia ($65K)

Theses Supervised by Ramesh Raskar


Total Completed In Progress


As Supervisor 6 2 4

MEng 4 3 1

As Supervisor 1 0 1

As Reader 6 4 2
S.B. Theses:

S.M. Theses:

Doctoral Theses, Supervisor:
Doctoral Theses, Reader:

  • Doug Lanman, ‘Mask-based Light Fields’, Brown U., June 2010

  • Ashok Veeraraghavan, ‘Manipulation of Light Fields’, U. of Maryland, May 2008

  • Ankit Mohan, ‘Light Fields’, U. of Maryland, College Park, May 2008

  • Olga Karpenko, ‘Three Dimensional Free-form Shapes From Complex Sketches’, Brown University, May 2007

  • Rogerio Feris, ‘Detection and Modeling of Depth Discontinuities with Lighting and Viewpoint Variation’, U of California at Santa Barbara, September 2006

  • Amit Agrawal, ‘Scene Analysis under Variable Illumination using Gradient Domain Methods’, U. of Maryland, College Park, May 2006

  • Vivek Kwatra, ‘Example-based Rendering of Textural Phenomena’, Georgia Institute of Technology, August 2005

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