Denton bridge studio policies

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Adopted: July 26, 2015 and effective August 1, 2015 - Revised March 8, 2016
Appendix A to Club By-Laws
This document shall exist as an appendix to the By-Laws of the Denton Bridge Studio. (“DBS” or the "Club"). It is intended to describe Club policies and procedures adopted by the DBS Board of Directors (the “Board”) for the benefit of DBS Members, Game Directors (“Directors”) and other DBS players, and to guide ongoing DBS business and activities and the use of the Club facilities. Policy shall be consistent with and in support of DBS By-Laws. This document shall be kept current and changes must be approved by the Board.

  1. Game Fees ! These will be determined by the Board of Directors. See the Schedule at the end of this Appendix.

1.01 "Student Fee: Any college student or high school student presenting a valid ID

will be allowed to play at a reduced fee, as determined by the Board of Directors.
(This fee will currently be $ 5 but is subject to change.) Dated 3/7/2015"

  1. Free Games

    1. FREE GAMES for Members.

Members are eligible to play free in the following games for each membership year: Membership Game (March) or if not present for this game, another game. All “Free” games are subject to Upgrade Fees.

    1. Life Master Achievement. When a Member is named a Life Master by ACBL, the honoree will play for free in that Game. The Player is free to “upgrade” the honor with more elaborate food, drink and décor. The Board may also offer to provide a free game when a player reaches Gold Life Master, or a higher level.

2.03 Special Birthday Parties. The Club will sponsor a Birthday Party (cake and food) for any Member who reaches age 90/95/100. The Member will play free.

3. Free Plays:

A “free play” covers the standard game fee only. Upcharges must still be paid if applicable, in the game where the free play is used. Free plays are issued to a particular individual and are not transferrable. The Board may put expiration dates on a free play.

3.01 Free Play for Newcomers: When a player plays at DBS for the first time, the Director has the player fill out a “New Player Information” form and enters the player’s information on the DBS database. The new player pays for their first game and will receive a certificate for a free play at a future game. The member bringing the new player receives a free play that day.
3.02 Service Awards. The Board may award free plays for exceptional service to the club. This would be limited to one free play per nominated player per year.

3.03 Free Plays by Drawing: At the discretion of the BOD to give free plays

4.01 Guaranteed Partner: DBS will endeavor to provide a partner to play with a newcomer or a visitor. At least 24 hours notice is appreciated to both try to find a most appropriate match and to give prospective partners an opportunity to make appropriate arrangements to play. DBS currently does not have a specific guaranteed partner for most games. Regular players are expected to find their own partners.

5. Play of the Game

  1. 01 The minimum table count for “making the game” is two and one-half tables. DBS is committed to its small games. If it appears that the game might not make, the Director is authorized and encouraged to take remedial action to assure that there are at least three tables and strive to eliminate half tables if at all possible. He or she may, at their discretion (and with a minimum of delay):

  1. find additional players to eliminate a half table

  2. If director is not playing find a fill-in to play with him/her only to eliminate a half-table

5.02 When a Game does not make:

When there are not twelve players at a regularly scheduled game, the assigned Director may cancel said game and provide all players who did show up a voucher worth ($ 2 or an amount tbd by BOD) towards a future game. Director him/herself receives $ 5 (or an amount tbd by BOD) if it has been decided to compensate Directors.

5.03 Policies applicable during the Play of the Game:

  1. Rulings. When there is an irregularity, call the Director to the table. The Director should give (or read) the applicable ruling to both sides in a courteous manner, referencing the ruling in The Laws of Duplicate Bridge. The players involved should be notified as soon as possible if there is to be a penalty or adjusted score.

  2. Appeals: If a player disagrees with the Directors’s ruling, the player may appeal by calling for a committee within ten minutes of the completion of the game and scored determined. The committee shall consist of three experienced players present, chosen by the Director. The committee will meet immediately (or no later than by the next day, if there are not three experienced players present) to review the hand/situation, consult the game director and the complainant when possible, review the Laws and make a ruling, which may support or overrule the Director. Their ruling is final.

  3. Zero Tolerance: A director may assess a scoring penalty if a player becomes belligerent or obnoxious. If warranted, the Director may issue a “Zero Tolerance” warning to the player with notice to a special Judiciary Committee or the Board of Directors. The Club enforces the ACBL Zero Tolerance Policy for conduct, a copy of which is posted at DBS and also available on the DBS and ACBL websites. Major violations or repeated violations may be submitted to the BOD for disposition which may include temporary or permanent suspension from playing at the Club. If there is a question wherein the Director and/or his/her partner are involved in a ZT dispute and/or an offense of protocol, another director should be called. A director cannot make a ruling at his own table.

  4. Convention Cards/Psychs. Each player should have a convention card which is identical to his playing partner, available for inspection by the opponents. Bids should have meanings consistent with what the convention card says that they mean. Occasional deviation, in a context that partner would NOT anticipate may be allowed for a good “bridge” reason (ex. to discourage a lead in a specific suit) and NOT merely to vex opponents. Even so, no more than two psychs by any player will be permitted in one session. The Director will decide what constitutes a psych and if there is a complaint, may report excess psychs to the Judiciary Committee.

  5. Fair Play. Players are held to a high standard of ethics. Players must alert bids with special meaning (based on the ACBL Alert Chart) to give the opponents fair notice. Players should NEVER take unfair advantage of special agreements, body language, or knowledge of partner’s habits, or otherwise engage in unethical behavior. Violations should be reported to the Director and may be reported to a Special Judiciary Committee or BOD for disposition, which may include prohibiting a player from playing with a specific partner, or even temporary or permanent suspension from playing at the Club.

  6. Access to Information. No one other than the Director or his/her assigned assistant is allowed access to game percentages until the last round.

  7. Etiquette. Players are placed in close quarters and should strive to keep the playing area comfortable for everyone. Players shall follow the basic rules of etiquette to assure that opponents are not distracted and the room is no overwhelmed with noise.

Players should refrain from:

Snapping the cards when playing

Tapping their fingers on the table

Humming or making noises that would make others uncomfortable

Staring at or making prolonged eye contact with partner or opponents during play

When the cards come out for a new hand, conversation should cease. Between hands, conversation should be in low tones while others are still playing.
Players must take care to not discuss hands openly when they have not yet been played by others. Cards should be shuffled slightly after a pass out. Scores should not be announced loudly- this is duplicate bridge and players need to avoid giving other players at another table information that could assist them when they play that board.
Smoking/Hygiene/Perfume. There is NO SMOKING at DBS. If you must smoke, please be sure you have the time available and smoke outside, away from the entrance to the Club. Further, many players have allergies and sensitivities such that smoke residue could remain on one’s clothing. Similarly, excessive use of perfume is to be discouraged. All players are expected to maintain good personal hygiene.
Scoring: At DBS, personal hand held scoring devices are used. N/S enters the scores and E/W approves the entry and submits it. Scoring errors will be corrected when confirmed by someone from each side, or when there is no question about the error based on the hand, provided corrections are made in a timely manner. Late corrections are not guaranteed. The Board may adopt a separate score corrections policy.
6.0 Games
6.01 Regular Game schedule. The Board determines the regular game schedule and appoints game directors and sets the pricing for the game. The Board will endeavor to provide games for both experienced players and beginner players. Game schedules will be posted both at the studio and on the website.
6.02 Special Games. DBS will host as many ACBL-sponsored special games as possible each year to allow players access to earn more masterpoints (including some silver, red or gold masterpoints) and to participate in different types of events. All special games will be approved by the Board, placed on the calendar and promoted on the website.
6.03 Unit Games. DBS will support Unit 183 activities that benefit DBS members, including Unit tournaments, hosting or co-hosting special events or games, and promoting Unit games. The Board wil endeavor to represent the DBS members with the Unit and make the Unit resources available to the club and its members.
6.04 The Board may add or remove games.

  • Holidays. DBS is closed on Christmas, New Year’s and Thanksgiving

  • DBS closes at its discretion during local Sectional tournaments

  • DBS closes for Regional and National tournaments in the DFW Metroplex

  • The Board, the Club Manager or the director for a specific game may cancel a game for weather-related situations. This should be posted as soon as possible.

6.05 Game Directors

  • Qualified. All DBS games will be conducted by an ACBL Game Director. Regular game directors shall be appointed by the Board. A Board member responsible for special appointments may designate directors for special games and/or designate an interim or substitute director for their own games. The Board and Club Manager shall maintain a calendar of games indicating the game directors for each.

  • Duties. Directors will be subject to the duties imposed on them by the ACBL and the policies of DBS.

  • Continuing education. Directors are encouraged to attend seminars and/or educational classes to maintain their directorial skills.

  • Silver Option Fees, Game Fees and Up-charges are waived for fulltime directors. Substitute directors will receive a free play when they are a director or for a future game that they play.

  1. Player/Member Management

    • New player Information. Directors shall collect information about a new player on a New Player Slip, as set out in 3.01 of this Appendix.

    • Membership

Regular Players at DBS are encouraged to join DBS by paying an annual membership dues of $10. This is independent of a player’s decision to purchase a “Silver Option” ($ 250 per year) which entitles said member to play for a reduced game fee at all regularly priced games. For those members who pay the Silver Option fee at the beginning of the year; that fee will include the annual membership fee. Note: The Silver Option can be paid in two installments of $ 125 (in January and in July), but those who select this must pay their membership fee in addition.

Members vote to elect a Board, are eligible to serve on the Board, and have a voice in the operations of the club. Membership dues support the fiscal health of the club.

    • ACBL Memberships. Club members are encouraged to join the ACBL, although this is not a mandatory requirement for playing at or being a member of the DBS.

    • Recognition Parties. The Board may set a policy for recognition parties. Suggested situations are when members attain Life Master status, Gold Life Master status, attaining certain ages (? 90, 95, 100). The club may spend up to $ 50 for such parties and the recognized player will play for free. Said player, and/or friends may upgrade the party at their own expense.

    • Death of a member. The club Secretary or his/her designee will send a card to the immediate family, if appropriate.

    • Directory Information. The Club will maintain contact information and may use it to contact members about information and opportunities related to the Club. The Club will not distribute or sell personal information to others, aside from coordinating directory information with the Unit or the ACBL.

  1. Studio Management. The Studio Manager is the contact person designated by the Board for facility related issues. The manager may have a Facilities coordinator to assist in the details of maintaining the studio. He/she would report directly to the Studio Manager.

    • Hours of Operation. The Studio may be open before or after regular bridge sessions with approval of the Board.

    • Third Party Use of the Studio. Use of the Studio for classes or other functions that are not sponsored by the Club will be at the discretion of the Board. Rent for such functions will be set by the Board.

    • Third Party Ads. Bridge-related opportunities may be promoted by flyers placed in an approved display area, at the discretion of the Board. Similarly, vendors or sales displays are permitted solely at the discretion of the Board.

    • Use of Moveable Property. No boards, bidding boxes, cards, chairs, tables, dealing machines, event timers, kitchen equipment, etc. may be loaned to an individual without prior Board approval.

  1. Club Management. The club is managed by its duly elected Board, which is accountable to the membership. The Board may delegate part of its duties to committees (either Standing Committees or Special Committees.)

    • Informing the Membership. The board will keep its members informed as to the operation of the Club and changes in policy for the Club.

  • Minutes. A copy of board minutes will be posted in the Studio and on the website. This will be done in a timely manner.

  • Calendars. A monthly calendar will be provided and posted in the Studio and a printable version will be available on the website.

  • Financials. Financial reports will be posted in the Studio. DBS will arrange for an annual audit with a report at the annual meeting.

  • Job descriptions. A list of Board members, game directors, officers, committee chairpersons and other appointees will be maintained on the website.

    • Suggestion box. This will be under the responsibility of the Club President and the Secretary. Suggestions must be legible and with a name. Responses will be done in a timely manner.

10. Committees Committees will be established as deemed necessary by the Board. These may be permanent or ad hoc. The Chair of these committees will be appointed annually by the Club President with approval of the Board. The Committee chairperson may or may not be a member of the Board. Committees may have as little as one member. The following are suggested committees and/or positions:
10.01 Club Manager. This individual and/or his or her designees will receive mailings from the ACBL, submit required reports to the ACBL and act as a liaison between the ACBL and DBS. He/she will maintain the Club calendar and will make sure that the calendar is up to date and present at the Studio.

10.02 Studio Manager. This individual will be responsible for all facility supplies. A petty cash fund of $ 200 is to be advanced by the Treasurer, as needed, for the purchase of expendable supplies, exclusive of bridge supplies. Such monies will be reimbursed by the Treasurer on a monthly basis upon receipt of an itemized report and applicable receipts. He/she is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the Studio and its contents. He/she is encouraged to appoint assistants to help in these duties. He/she will act as a liaison with other committee chairs involved with special events such as parties, decorating, etc.
10.03 Publicity Committee. The chair will be responsible for all publicity and maintaining a club newsletter. The chair will be in close contact with the Webmaster who may or may not be the Chair of this committee. The chair may prepare articles for local papers or bridge media as directed by the Board.
10.04 Webmaster See 10.03. This individual will be responsible to keeping the web site up to date with news, information, bridge results, future events, etc.
10.05 Special events and Social Activities The chair of this committee shall be responsible for identifying, scheduling and coordinating all club special events, subject to the direction and control of the Board. He/she may appoint assistants to help in these chores.
10.06 Hospitality and Membership Committee This committee will promote membership in the club. The chair may appoint members to meet and greet new players, make sure that new players are registered and placed in the club directory, make contact with former players whose membership has lapsed or players who have not played for an extended period of time. He/she (or designee) will also act as chair for the Guaranteed Partner Program.

10.07 Nominating Committee This committee shall function as provided for in the club By-laws. It shall be established annually not later than January 15th to prepare a slate of candidates for the upcoming annual membership meeting and Board election. The Chair of this committee will be a Board member who is not a candidate for that upcoming election. At the annual meeting, this committee will present a slate of consenting nominees.
10.08 Audit Committee This committee will be responsible for performing an audit of club financial records.

  1. Other Special Committees In addition to the Committees as indicated in 10, the Board may establish other Special committees from time to time to deal with unique events/situations. These committees will perform their assigned duties, report to the Board and then these committees will cease to exist, unless the Board votes to add them to the Standing committees.

Examples of such committees might be: Food manager, Club Policies Committee, Judiciary Committee (dealing with ethics, appeals, disciplinary actions, etc.)

DBS Game Fee Schedule (Effective September 1, 2015)
Calculation for Members

Game Fee = Basic + Upgrade (if any) + Food (if any)

$8 NLM Games

$8 All Other Games

Fee for non-members is $ 9.
Upgrade Fees (Additional Costs in addition to Basic Costs)
None Club Championship Game

Upgraded Club Championship Game

Club Appreciation Game

Unit Championship Game

$1 Grass Roots Fund Game

Junior Fund Game

Charity Game (not ACBL-wide)

International Fund Game (not ACBL-wide)

Education Fund Game

NAP Qualification Game

STaC Game

ACBL-wide Seniors Game

ACBL-wide International Fund Game ACBL-wide Charity Game

ACBL Instant Matchpoint Game

World-wide Bridge Contest

None Anything less than full meal

$2 Full meal (entrée, sides, dessert) supplied by Club (optional except in the case of the Membership Game)
Note: All paid Members are entitled to one Free Basic Game at the Membership Meeting or a later Game. If using this entitlement at a Game which requires an upgrade, they will pay only the upgrade.
Silver Option”: any member may pay $ 250 at the beginning of the calendar year (or in two $ 125 installments, one in January and a second one in July) which entitles the member to pay a reduced fee. If the game is upgraded, the member pays the reduced fee plus the upgrade.
Student Fees: $5.00 (3/8/2016) Fee is subject to change at discretion of BOD

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