District court, water division 3, state of colorado

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Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302(3), you are notified that the following is a resume in Water Division 3, containing notice of applications and amended applications or requests for correction filed in the office of the Water Clerk during the month of March, 2015.
The names and addresses of applicants, description of water rights, or conditional water rights involved, and description of ruling sought, are as follows:

CASE NO. 2015CW3; RICHARD BENTON AND SUZANNE BENTON, 4494 W. CR. 8 N., DEL NORTE, CO 81132, haybenton@hotmail.com, 719-754-3551. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF WATER RIGHT IN RIO GRANDE COUNTY, CO. 2. Decreed water right for which change is sought: A. Name of Structure: Well No. 5, Case No. W-461, Permit No. WDID 7009123 B. Date of original and all relevant subsequent decrees: October 28, 1976 Case No. W-461 Court: Division #3 Water C. Legal description of structure: SW1/4 NE1/4 Section 30, Township 40 North, Range 7 East, NMPM in Rio Grande County, Colorado D. Decreed source of water: Unconfined E. Appropriation date: July 4, 1940 F. Total amount decreed to structure: Absolute 950 gpm G. Decreed use: Irrigation H. Amount of water that applicant intends to change: Absolute 950 gpm 3. A. Detailed description of proposed change: Request relocation of Well No. 5, Case No. W-461 from its decreed location & one-half mile east to the SW1/4 NW1/4 Section 29, Township 40 North, Range 7 East, NMPM at approximate location by GPS of UTM, NAD 83, Zone 13 390600 m Easting, 4171550 m Northing. This same change was granted through Well Permit No. R-6816-RF issued July 8, 1982. Applicant proposes to redrill Well No. 6816-R at the proposed location. Well redrill will not exceed original depth of Well No. 6816R. Applicants will continue to recharge and irrigate both quarter-sections with the 15 share of Rio Grande Canal associated with each quarter-section. B. If applicant is correcting the location of a well in an existing decree where the actual location of the well is more than 200 feet from the decreed location, or drilling a replacement well more than 200 feet from the decreed location, provide legal description of decreed location in parapraph 2.C. above. Provide actual or new location of well: Location information in UTM format: Northing 4171445 Easting 389770 Zone 13 Source of UTMs: Division of Water Resources Legal description using the Public Land Survey System: SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 Section 30 Township 40N, Range 7E NMPM Source of PLSS: Decree W-461 C. If a change in point of diversion, provide legal descriptions of decreed location and actual or new location of structure: Location information in UTM format: Northing 4171550 Easting 390600 Source of UTMs: Division of Water Resources Legal description using the Public Land Survey System: SW1/4 of the NW1/4 Section 29 Township 40N Range 7E NMPM. 4. The applicants are the legal owners of the property upon which water will be placed to beneficial use.

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CASE NO. 2015CW4, CASE VANDER EYK, P.O. BOX 897, TIPTON, CA 93272, 559-972-6858, C/O KEITH CALDON, ROUTE 1, BOX 84, SANFORD, CO 81151, 719-588-4807, APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF WATER RIGHT IN COSTILLA COUNTY, CO. 2. Decreed water right for which change is sought: A. Name of structure: Well 6229-F, W-1218 Well #1 B. Date of original and all relevant subsequent decrees: Feb/19/1976 Case No: W1218 Court: DIV 3 water court. C. Legal description of structure: Well location is 1320’ from west section line and 60’ from north section line of the NW1/4 of Sec 2- Twp 2N and 73W D. Decreed source of water: Unconfined aquifer E. Appropriation date: October/15/1971 F. Total amount decreed to structure: Absolute 1800 gpm G. Decreed use: irrigation H. Amount of water that applicant intends to change: Absolute 1800 gpm 3. Detailed description of proposed change: A. We would like to change the location of the well to a location within the same 1/4 section. (NW1/4 Section 2, Township 2N, Range 73W, Costilla County.) This would be a replacement of the current well. The location of the replacement will is not yet determined. B. Legal description using the Public Land Survey System: NE1/4 of the NW1/4 Section 2 Township 2N Range 73W CSPM Distance from section lines: 60’ N and 1320’ W Source of PLSS information: Decree 4. The applicant is the legal owner of the property upon which water will be placed to beneficial use.

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CASE NO. 2015CW3008: COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT. Plaintiffs 2 J Ranches, Inc., a Colorado corporation; Charles E. Finnegan; Valerie K. Finnegan; Colin James Henderson; Karen Haley Henderson; Donald Larsen; Joseph A. Martinez; LeRoy O. Martinez; Rosalie M. Martinez; Querina B. Martinez; Edon Ruybal; Dick M. Smith; Georgann M. Smith; Armando R. Valdez; Jessica Q. Valdez v. Defendants: Craig Cotten, in his official capacity as the Division Engineer, Water Division 3; Dick Wolfe, in his official capacity as the Colorado State Engineer. Please direct all correspondence to Plaintiffs to their counsel of record: Law of the Rockies, Marcus J. Lock, Atty. Reg. #: 33048, Kendall K. Burgemeister, Atty. Reg. #41593, 525 North Main Street, Gunnison, CO 81230. Phone Number: 970-641-1903, E-mail: mlock@lawoftherockies.com, kburgemeister@lawoftherockies.com. Plaintiffs are the owners of land in Conejos County, Colorado, in Sections 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29, Township 35 North, Range 9 East, N.M.P.M. Plaintiffs also own an interest in the following decreed water rights: Priority 97, decreed to the L D Eskridge Irrigating Ditch in the amount of 6.5 cubic feet per second (“cfs”), with an appropriation date of May 25, 1889, in Civil Action No. 304 (1903); Priority 98, decreed to the South Side Arroya Ditch, in the amount of 7.5 cfs, with an appropriation date of May 25, 1889, in Civil Action No. 304 (1903); Priority 108 decreed to the Arroya Springs Ditch in the amount of 7.0 cfs, with an appropriation date of February 11, 1902, by decree of the District Court, Conejos County, dated February 7, 1918; and Priority 109, decreed to the South Side Arroya Ditch, in the amount of 36 cfs, with an appropriation date of February 12, 1902, by decree of the District Court, Conejos County, dated February 7, 1918. The ditches to which the Plaintiffs’ water rights are decreed all are decreed to divert from Arroya Springs (a/k/a La Jara Arroya Springs or Diamond Springs) and Arroya Creek. Arroya Springs is the source of water for Arroya Creek. Arroya Springs and Arroya Creek are located in Conejos County, in the La Jara Creek watershed. Groundwater withdrawals from the confined aquifer, including significant withdrawals prior to 1978, have caused the potentiometric head of the confined aquifer in the vicinity of Arroya Springs and Arroya Creek, and consequently the flow of water from Arroya Springs, to decrease. On information and belief, the Engineers have taken the position that by merely compelling water users to maintain the artesian pressure in the confined aquifer within the same ranges of fluctuation as occurred during the period of 1978 through 2000, while maintaining average levels similar to those that occurred in 1978 through 2000, they will prevent out-of-priority depletions to Arroya Springs and Arroya Creek and will prevent injury to the Plaintiffs’ water rights. Such a position is incorrect. Plaintiffs are entitled to maintenance of the stream conditions that existed when the Plaintiffs’ water rights were appropriated, Town of Genoa v. Westfall, 349 P.2d 370, 378-79 (Colo. 1960), not merely the stream conditions that existed from 1978 to 2000. When a junior groundwater well intercepts water that otherwise would have supplied a spring that is the source of a senior surface water right, the junior groundwater user must replace its out-of-priority depletions. Westfall, 349 P.2d at 378-79. “Colorado law does not permit wells to pump voraciously until the connection between the aquifer and the surface system is broken and thereby establish nontributary rights free from the call of the river. Instead, Colorado law absolutely protects senior rights from injury by junior rights and mandates that augmentation plan applicants replace 100% of their out-of-priority depletions.” Well Augmentation Subdistrict of Cent. Colorado Water Conservancy Dist. v. City of Aurora, 221 P.3d 399, 413-16 (Colo. 2009). Well pumping in the vicinity of Arroya Springs has reduced the potentiometric head of the confined aquifer in the vicinity of Arroya Springs, diminishing the flow of Arroya Springs and Arroya Creek, and causing sources of water that were previously appropriated by the Plaintiffs’ water rights to become available exclusively to junior groundwater users. For the reasons set forth above, and set forth in more detail in the Complaint that is on file with the District Court, Water Division 3, Plaintiffs request that the Court award Plaintiffs: (A) Declaratory relief, declaring that C.R.S. § 37-92-501 imposes two separate and distinct requirements for the administration of groundwater in Water Division 3: (i) well users must replace injurious stream depletions, see C.R.S. § 37-92-501(1) and (4)(a)(III),(IV); and (ii) use of the confined and unconfined aquifers shall be regulated so as to maintain a sustainable water supply in each aquifer system in accordance with C.R.S. §§ 37-92-501(4)(a)(I)-(III).; and declaring that injury to Arroya Springs and Arroya Creek cannot be remedied merely by restoring aquifers to their 1978-2000 levels; and (B) Declaratory relief, declaring that Plaintiffs’ right to all sources of water for Arroya Springs and Arroya Creek is senior to any groundwater right with a priority junior to Plaintiffs’ water rights, and declaring that the RGDSS model must be designed to take this fundamental aspect of Colorado water law into account; that is to say that the consumption of groundwater, ditch seepage, stream seepage, and return flows which has the effect of reducing the potentiometric head of the confined aquifer in the vicinity of Arroya Springs is a stream depletion; (C) Costs of this action; (D) Reasonable attorneys’ fees; (E) Expert witness fees; and (F) Such other and further relief as this Court may deem appropriate.

2015CW3009 ESPERANZA FARMS, LLC, 14541 County Road 101 South, Alamosa, Colorado 81101, (719)589-4423. Attorneys: Timothy R. Buchanan and John D. Buchanan, Buchanan and Sperling, P.C., 7703 Ralston Road, Arvada, Colorado 80002, (303)431-9141. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF WATER RIGHT. 2. Name of structure: Well No. 1. A. Date of original and all relevant subsequent decrees: The water right was confirmed for Well No. 1 in the decree entered in Case No. W-1045 by the District Court for Water Division No. 3 on June 27, 1974. B. Legal description of structure as described in most recent decree that adjudicated the location: NW1/4 NW1/4 Section 30, Township 36 North Range 9 East NMPM at a point 1120 feet from North Section line and 40 feet from West Section line, in Conejos County, Colorado. A map showing the approximate location of the well as constructed is attached to the application as Exhibit A to the application. C. Decreed source of water: Confined aquifer. D. Appropriation Date: June 30, 1938. E. Total amount decreed to structure in gallons per minute (gpm): 800 gpm. F. Decreed use or uses: Irrigation. G. Amount of water that applicant intends to change: 800 gpm. 3. Detailed Description of Proposed Change: Water diverted pursuant to the water right associated with Well No. 1, Case No. W-1045, Well Registration No. 1042-R (“Subject Well”) was historically used to irrigate 80 acres in the N1/2 of the NW1/4 of Section 30, Township 36 North, Range 9 East, NMPM (“Field #10”), which was the same acreage identified in the well registration. The decree for the Subject Well identified the use as irrigation and did not identify specific acreage. The location of Field #10 is shown on Exhibit A to the application. Applicant also owns the E1/2 of the NE1/4 of Section 30, Township 36 North, Range 9 East, NMPM (“Field #9), which has historically been irrigated by the water right decreed for Well No. 3 in Case No. W-1045, Well Registration No. 1064-R (“Field #9 Well”). The location of Field #9 and the Field #9 Well are shown on Exhibit A to the application. Pursuant to an exchange of property with neighboring landowners, Applicant conveyed Field #10 in exchange for the W1/2 of the NE1/4 of Section 30, Township 36 North, Range 9 East, NMPM (“New Field #10”), which is adjacent to Field #9. Pursuant to this exchange, Applicant now owns the entire NE1/4 of said Section 30. The location of New Field #10 is shown on Exhibit A to the application. Applicant proposes to change the water right associated with the Subject Well to allow a new point of diversion from the Field #9 Well, and to allow irrigation of 80 acres in New Field #10 instead of the historically irrigated 80 acres in the adjacent Field #10. The decreed source of diversions for both the Subject Well and Field #9 Well is the confined aquifer. Pursuant to this change, Applicant will cap and abandon the Subject Well and will not irrigate Field #10. This change of use will not alter the type of use or the amount of acres historically irrigated by the water right associated with the Subject Well. 4. Names(s) and address(es) of owner(s) or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: No new diversion or storage structures or modifications to existing diversion or storage structures will be constructed and no water will be stored under this application. WHEREFORE, Applicant requests the Court to enter a decree approving the change of use described herein.
Case No. 2015CW3012. Randall L. & Lou Ann Robins, as Joint Tenants, PO Box 212, Antonito, CO 81120 (Attorney: Gordon J. Bosa, PO Box 58, Alamosa, CO 81101.

Application for Change of Water Rights and For Approval of Plan of Augmentation in Conejos County

Water Right for which change is sought: Canon Irrigating Ditch, WDID No. 2200524. Applicants Randall L. & Lou Ann Robins own 30 shares of the Canon Irrigating Ditch formerly owned by Demetrio A. Valdez and Olive K. Valdez. The total shares within the Canon Irrigating Ditch are 1800 shares. The date of original decree: 10/22/1883. This ditch was part of the original adjudication of water rights within the Conejos River basin. Decreed location of ditch: SW¼ NE¼ NE¼ S1, T32N, R7E, NMPM, in Conejos County, CO. Original Decreed amount: 42.89 cfs. 0.214 cfs was transferred out in Case No. 89CW51. The remaining amount is: 42.676 cfs. Decreed source of water: Conejos River. Appropriation Date: 4/15/1857. Use: Irrigation and Domestic as corrected and decreed in Case No. 91CW14. /// Additional information regarding the Canon Irrigating Ditch, WDID No. 2200524: Allotted Flow-rate of Canon Ditch = 42.676 cfs as stated above; Consumptive use for 30 shares owned by Randall L. Robins and Lou Ann Robins = 12.54 acre-feet. Historic Use: The Canon Irrigating Ditch has irrigated approximately 1400 acres located west of Antonito and south of the Conejos River and generally within T33N, R8E, NMPM and portions of T32N, R7E, NMPM; T32N, R8E, NMPM; and T33N, R9E, NMPM. /// Proposed change, describe change requested: The applicants request a change of water right and plan for augmentation using their 30 shares of the Canon Irrigating Ditch as a recharge source in exchange for the ability to drill a new unconfined well to be located in the NW¼ NW¼ of S32, T33N, R9E, NMPM, at a point approx. 675 ft. from the North Section Line & 600 ft. from the West Section Line, in Conejos County, CO. The applicant’s 30 shares have been historically used for irrigation purposes. Approx. 28.0 acres of land formerly irrigated by the Canon Irrigating Ditch will be taken out of production on a portion of the SE1/4 NE1/4 S31 and the SW1/4 NW1/4 S32 all in T33N, R9E, NMPM. The subject land to be dried-up has been irrigated (mostly grass and pasture) solely with share water of the Canon Irrigating Ditch. This acreage is divided between two owners: Randall L. & Lou Ann Robins (the applicants) and Demetrio A. & Olive K. Valdez. The applicants have entered into an agreement with Demetrio A. & Olive K. Valdez for the 8.02 acre parcel of land retained by the Demetrio A. & Olive K. Valdez to provide dry up in addition to the 20.0 acres owned by the applicants. The new well will furnish Robins Construction with water for industrial and commercial endeavors associated with an existing gravel pit located near the proposed well. Said uses could include, but not be limited to, gravel washing, concrete and asphalt production, and dust suppression. The existing gravel pit is referred to as the “Consolidated Pit” and is located within the NW1/4 S32, T33N, R9E, NMPM. Approximately 28.0 acres of land located in a portion of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of S31 and the SW1/4 NW1/4 of S32, all in T33N, R9E, NMPM, and historically irrigated with Canon Irrigating Ditch water will be permanently removed from irrigation. The share water normally applied to this land will be delivered to the recharge pit. The Applicants will measure the amount of Canon Irrigating Ditch water delivered to the recharge pit as well as the water pumped by the well. Recharge credit shall be calculated as the amount of water measured to the recharge pit less any evaporation of water from the recharge pit. Recharge credit will translate to pumping credits as 50% of the measured recharge less the evaporative losses. Recharge credits shall be allowed to carry over for one additional year. The Recharge Pit will be located within the SW1/4 NE1/4 S31, T33N, R9E, NMPM, in Conejos County, CO. The recharge pit will not be excavated to a level where groundwater would be intercepted. The recharge pit will be maintained in such a way to guarantee efficient recharge of all water measured into the pit less a minimal amount of evaporation. The approximate size of the recharge pit is 200 feet by 80 feet by 6 feet deep. No water will be removed from the recharge pit after is has been measured into the pit. The estimated historical application of 25.08 acre-feet of Canon water on the dry-up land generated an average annual consumption of 12.54 acre-feet. This calculation assumes the Canon water was applied by flood irrigation. Consumptive use for 30 shares owned by the applicants = 12.54 acre-ft. Name of structure(s) to be augmented: Well No. Aug 1, proposed location as stated above, will be completed in the unconfined aquifer. Are there other water rights diverted from this structure: No. The well will only be allowed to pump water according to recharge credits accumulated under this proposed augmentation plan. Previous decree for water rights to be used for augmentation: The water rights to be used for augmentation are supplied by the Applicants’ ownership of 30 shares of the Canon Irrigating Ditch. Details regarding the Canon Irrigating Ditch are found above. Historic use: (Include a description of all water rights to be used for augmentation, a map showing the approximate location of historic use of the rights and records or summaries of records of actual diversion of each right the applicants intend to rely on to the extent such records exist.) The 30 shares of the Canon Irrigation Ditch water have historically been used for flood irrigation on a portion of the SW1/4 NE1/4 S31 and the SW1/4 NW1/4 S32 all within T33N, R9E, NMPM, in Conejos County, CO. Statement of plan for augmentation, covering all applicable matters under CRS 37-92-103(9). Give full details of plan, including a description of all water rights to be established or changed by the plan. Well No. Aug 1 will pump only when pumping credits have been accumulated through measured recharge of the Applicants’ 30 shares of Canon Irrigating Ditch. Pumping credits = 50% of the measured amount of recharge less appropriate evaporative loss. There will be no pumping of Aug Well No. 1 when there is no accumulated recharge credit. Appropriate accounting of recharge, evaporation, and augmented well pumping will be kept and submitted to the requirements of the Division Engineer. Names and addresses of owners or reputed owners of the land upon which the structures (the proposed augmentation well, recharge structure, gravel pit) and the dry-up land are located: Randall L. & Lou Ann Robins, P. O. Box 212, Antonito, CO 81120 and Demetrio A. & Olive K. Valdez, P. O. Box 84, Conejos, CO 81129-0084.

Note: Copy of Decree, diversion records and a map are attached to the application and can be viewed in the office of the Water Court.

CASE NO. 2015CW3013: CONCERNING THE APPLICATION FOR WATER RIGHTS OF THE RIO GRANDE WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT IN ALAMOSA COUNTY, COLORADO. Name, address, and telephone number of Applicant: Rio Grande Water Conservation District, Steven E. Vandiver, General Manager, 10900 Highway 160 East, Alamosa, Colorado 81101, (719) 589-6301, c/o David W. Robbins, Esq, Peter J. Ampe, Esq, Hill & Robbins, P.C., 1660 Lincoln Street, Suite 2720, Denver, CO 80264, (303) 296-8100.

APPLICATION FOR FINDING OF DILIGENCE. Name of Water Right: 1. Name of Structure: San Luis Lake. 2. Describe conditional water right, as to each structure, giving the following from the Referee’s Ruling and Judgment and Decree: A. Date of Original Decree: May 12, 1989, Case No.: 08CW18 (02CW3 95CW17; 87CW14), Court: Water Referee, Water Division 3, State of Colorado. Location: 1. A natural lake located in portions of Sections 25, 26, 35, and 36, T40N, R11E, of the N.M.P.M. within Alamosa County. The northwest corner of Section 19, T. 40 N., R. 12 E., bears N 44º56’55” E, a distance of 10,261.42 feet from the inlet of said lake and N 30º44’18” E, a distance of 15,764.45 feet from the outlet. 2. San Luis Lake is an off-channel reservoir. The following described structures, having points of diversion on the Main Conveyance Channel for the Closed Basin Project may be used to fill San Luis Lake: a. San Luis Lake Feeder Canal, which has a capacity of 135 cfs, is located on a parcel of land in SW1/4 of Section 26, T40N, R11E, N.M.P.M., Alamosa County, Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning with a strip of land 400 feet wide having a uniform width of 200 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point whence the NW corner of Section 26 bears N 01º59’ W, 1,325.5 feet, N 35º26’ W 2,385.5 feet, and N 01º59’ W, 1,325.5 feet; thence S 83º34’07” E 1,194 feet; thence continuing S 83º34’07” E, with a strip of land 160 feet wide with a uniform width of 80 feet on each side of centerline, 815 feet; thence N 67º33’26” E, 37.99 feet; thence N 67º33’26” E, with a strip of land 80 feet wide with a uniform width of 40 feet on each side of centerline, 116 feet to San Luis Lake. b. Head Lake Pipeline, which has capacity of 10 cfs, is located on a parcel of land in Section 15, T40N., R11E., N.M.P.M., Alamosa County, Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 80 feet wide with a uniform width of 40 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point whence the W1/4 corner of Section 15 bears N 45º34’ W, 975.53 feet and N 00º19’ E, 1349.3 feet; thence N 61º13’47” E, 3,831.64 feet. B. Source: The tributary ground water produced by the Closed Basin Project and transported via the Main Conveyance Channel and the San Luis Lake Feeder Canal and/or the Head Lake Pipeline. C. Appropriation Date: November 25, 1986. Amount: 130 cfs (12,655 acre-feet annually), of which 30.5 cfs (5,762.7 acre-feet annually) has been made absolute, with 99.5 cfs (6902.3 acre-feet annually) remaining conditional. D. Use: All uses specified in the decree of this Court in Case No. W-3038, being the decree for the Closed Basin Project. Such uses include, but are not limited to, irrigation, domestic, industrial, recreational, fish culture, and wildlife uses by exchange and sale. E. Depth (if well): N/A. 3. Provide a detailed outline of what has been done toward completion or for completion of the appropriation and application of water to a beneficial use as conditionally decreed, including expenditures: A. During the diligence period, the San Luis Lake has been operated as a feature of the Closed Basin Project. Project water was stored in the Lake and withdrawn from the Lake as required to meet Project obligations. Water was stored in the Lake to a maximum elevation of 7,517.2 feet MSL during June and July, 2009 resulting in a storage under this decree of 5,440 acre-feet of water. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation measured water levels and kept annual water accounting records for the San Luis Lake, attached as Exhibit A. Operation of the San Luis Lake occurred in cooperation with the Colorado Division of Wildlife and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. B. During the diligence period, the Applicant has coordinated efforts with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Colorado Division of Wildlife utilizing a joint operating plan for the Lake that was developed by these agencies. C. During the diligence period, the Applicant has spent in excess of $32,500.00 on administrative, engineering, and legal expenses associated with activities related to the Lake and its storage facilities. D. The Lake and its appurtenant facilities were constructed and additional storage therein is dependent upon hydrologic conditions beyond the Applicant’s control. In consideration of the foregoing activities directed to the diligent operation of the San Luis Lake as a feature of the Closed Basin Water Salvage Project, the Applicant respectfully requests that the Court enter a judgment and decree finding that the Applicant has exercised reasonable diligence in the development of the conditional water right for San Luis Lake. Applicant requests a continued finding of diligence as to 30.5 cfs (5,762.7 acre-feet annually) as absolute, with 99.5 cfs (6902.3 acre-feet annually) remaining conditional.

You are further notified that you have until the last day of May, 2015, to file with the Water Clerk, a verified statement of opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions or a protest to the requested correction. A copy of such a statement of opposition or protest must also be served upon the Applicant or the Applicant’s attorney and an affidavit or certificate of such service must be filed with the Water Clerk. A $130.00 filing fee is required.


You can review the complete applications or requests for correction in the office of the Alamosa Combined Court, 702 Fourth St., Alamosa, CO 81101.
Witness my hand and seal of this Court this 10th day of April, 2015.


Shirley Skinner, Clerk of the Court

Alamosa Combined Courts

Water Court, Water Division 3

702 Fourth Street, Alamosa, CO 81101


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