As described later in section 5.2, a Well Work Safety Case describes the safe envelope within which a well is designed and drilled. This means that design, or drilling changes made in the course of the Well Work Activity that stay within this envelope are not material changes. A change that is outwith that described in the Well Work Safety Case and affects the basis of an approved safety case is considered to be a material change and these include, but are not limited to such changes to the
Surface location
Target location
Pore or fracture pressure gradients
Reservoir fluid composition
Well trajectory
Casing Scheme and
Drilling plan such as to include coiled tube drilling where this had previously not been included in the safety case. The petroleum undertaking should ensure that the total impact of non-material changes is monitored so that if a number of non-material changes are proposed and the sum of these is material, the safety case is resubmitted to the CER before this occurs. This requirement is to specifically avoid a material change being made in a piecemeal fashion.
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