6.3.4 Well Operations The well operations that the Non-production Installation can carryout should be described in a manner such that they are independent of a particular well, though any preconditions for safe operations should be stated. Such operations will include Drilling Completion Workover; Well testing Formation stimulation operations (e.g. hydraulic fracturing Intervention Suspension and Abandonment. The limiting conditions within which these operations can be performed safely will be given so as to enable the petroleum infrastructure’s suitability for the well work activities described in a Well Work Safety Case to be assessed. In describing the above, details of the associated utilities should be given. In terms of well control, the following must be described within the safety case Equipment and arrangements to control pressure in a well and prevent the uncontrolled release of hazardous substances Details of how early indicators of a potential well blowout are detected and acted upon, including the technology used, alarms with automatic executive action, procedures and worker training Well control techniques used to balance pressures and keep the wellbore stable. It should be demonstrated that procedures are provided for monitoring and controlling drilling fluid (mud) density and bottom hole pressure against the reservoir (formation) pressure The response to betaken in the event of a kick being detected and subsequent isolation of the wellbore from the surface, for example through the activation of blowout preventers, closing in the well and circulating out any influx fluids in a controlled manner. This will include the type of trigger signal, the level of redundancy built into the signal system and the locations from which the blowout preventer or similar equipment can be activated and
48 Specialist well control equipment that can be deployed quickly in the event of a well blowout including the detail of such equipment, its functionality, method of connection to the well and arrangements for deployment.