Consultant, ADAMA Engineering, Inc.
Professor Emeritus, CEE Dept., Univ. of Delaware
Tel. (302) 368-3197 e-mail: or
Dept. of Materials Engineering
University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Dec. 1982
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Technion‑Israel Institute of Technology, March 1979
(Cum Laude), Faculty of Civil Engineering Technion‑Israel Institute of Technology, July 1976
Electronics Technician
ORT ‑ Trade School, Netanya, Israel, July 1968
Awards and Honors:
The conference “Design and Practice of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures,” October, 2013, Bologna, Italy, was formally labeled “Honoring Research Achievement of Professor Dov Leshchinsky.” Summary is at IGS News 2013(3):
Sun Jun Distinguished Lecture, 2012, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award, 2010, ASCE: “For his innovative contribution to the unified method of design and analysis of earth retaining structures and slopes as well as implementation of such technology through computer software and continuing education”
The 33rd Martin S. Kapp Lecture, January 2008, “Lessons Learned from Failed MSE Walls,” New York City Metro Section of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE
The Dongju Lee Memorial Lecture, February 2004, “Case Histories of Failed MSE Structures,” Columbia University, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, New York City
Visiting Professor Fellowship – The Milton Petrie Lectureship Fund, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 1996-7
Visiting Professor Fellowship, Gunma University, Japan, 1993
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor (1982‑88), Associate Professor (1988‑1993)
Professor (1993 - 2013) Developed/taught courses in
Geotechnical Engineering, University of Delaware
Instructor in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Laboratory.
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois
Teaching Assistant in undergraduate and graduate courses in
Geotechnical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
Chicago, Illinois
(1976 ‑ 1979)
Teaching Assistant in Geomechanics, Slope Stability and
Seepage, Foundations and Retaining Structures.
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Co-teaching 3-day course on Mechanically Stabilized Earth
Walls and Reinforced Slopes. This course has been offered numerous times in the framework of continuing education through the University of Delaware and through Akron University.
Co-taught NHI 2-day course on Shallow Foundations. Students are practicing DOT engineers.
Co-teaching NHI 2.5-day course on Slopes and Embankments. Students are practicing DOT engineers.
Have taught over 50 one-day courses on soil reinforcing to about 2,000 engineers in about 20 different countries and 5 continents.
Research Experience
University of Delaware, Department of Civil Engineering
Conducting research on various geotechnical topics. Research includes analytical and experimental (laboratory and field) studies. Research sponsors were governmental (e.g., NSF, USACOE, FHWA, DelDOT) and industrial (e.g., Tensar, AAR).
Association of American Railroads ‑ Technical Center, Chicago.
Initiated and conducted investigations dealing with railroad track superstructure‑substructure interaction; carried out analytical, laboratory and field studies. Coordinated laboratory investigation on the behavior of soil‑geotextile‑ballast system.
(1979 – 1982)
University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago, Illinois
Developed analytical solution and numerical procedure to assess the stability of 3‑D slopes using calculus of variations.
(1976 – 1979)
Technion ‑ Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Carried out experimental and analytical research on soil structure interaction; work involved modification of a centrifuge for modeling, lab tests and finite element program modification.
Consulting Activity
(2014 – 2016)
National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA). Developing a novel LE-based design methodology for reinforced Segmental Retaining Walls (SRW’s) including software
(2012 – 2013)
Holm, Wright, Hyde & Hays, PLC, Phoenix, AZ representing Mortimer: Expert opinion on the failure of Lowe’s reinforced wall in Prescott, Arizona. Identified the main reason for failure; deposed in February 19-20; case settled in May, 2013
(2009 – 2010)
Stantec, Salt Lake City, Utah: Expert opinion on failed MSE wall including participation in mediation
(2008 – 2010)
PRS-Mediterranean assisting in the development of applications for geocell based on a new hybrid polymer, Tel Aviv, Israel
Mohlin & Company, 146 Main Street, Saco, Maine: Expert opinion on the failure of reinforced SRW, Merrimack County House of Corrections, Boscawen, New Hampshire
(2004 – 2006)
URS (designer) through Seitz, van Ogtrop & Green, P.A.: Expert opinion on some design aspects related to Newark’s large water reservoir. Initial lawsuit withdrawn; a revised lawsuit filed. Gave deposition in September 2006. Subsequently, plaintiff chose not to peruse the lawsuit against URS, limiting it to contract violations by the owner (City of Newark, DE)
(2005 – 2006)
Corrs, Chambers, Westgarth law firm in Sydney, Australia: Expert Opinion on the failure of a 9 km long MSE seawall (3rd Parallel Runway of Sydney Airport) including being cross examined in the Supreme Court of NSW. The judge preferred my evidence over that of the expert on other side – judgment rendered in April 2006. Appeal was dismissed by 3 judges in October 2008.
(2003 – 2004)
Fitzpatrick Associates (designer) through Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP : Expert opinion on large settlement of an MSE wall (“The Walgreen’s Store Wall”) in Roswell, Georgia. Case settled.
(2002 – 2003)
D’Appolonia (designer): Expert opinion on large deformations of a multitiered MSE wall (“The Shop N’ Save Supermarket Wall”) in Wilkins Township, Pennsylvania. Case settled.
(2001- 2006)
Delaware Solid Waste Authority: Representing the owner in the design for increasing the capacity of Cherry Island Landfill (cost of project is at about $85 M).
(2001 – 2003)
Duffield Associates, Wilmington: Advise on economical geotechnical techniques to increase the dredge containment facility of the US Army Corps of Engineers at the Christina and Delaware Rivers
(2001- 2006)
Whitman, Requardt and Assoc., Baltimore: Assisting in the design of the approach road to the new Woodrow Wilson Bridge on I-95 Washington, DC
(2001- 2003)
Developed software to assess stresses and settlement under embankment loading, FHWA, DC
Parson Brinkerhoff, New York: Co-developed an NHI course on slope stability; serves as an instructor teaching this course (and Shallow Foundation course) to DOT’s personnel in all 50 states.
Developed design-software for reinforced slopes, FHWA, Washington (programs ReSSA, FoSSA)
Consultant on the design of geosynthetic reinforced embankment over soft soil, Salt Lake City, UT. Woodward-Clyde, Blue Bell, PA
Evaluated a novel reinforced soil wall for the National Building Research Institute, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
Developed software for the design of reinforced retaining walls, FHWA (program MSEW)
Consultant on geosynthetics applications, Duffield Associates Inc., Wilmington, Delaware
Consultant on geosynthetic reinforced levees, prefabricated geocomposite drains, and geotextile containers, US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Consultant on geosynthetic reinforced earth barriers, US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Exp. Sta., Vicksburg, MS.
Consultant on grid application in soil reinforcement, Tensar Earth Technologies, Inc., Atlanta, GA.
Consultant on geogrid application in soil reinforcement, serving on the International Design Group, CONWED, Roseville, MN.
Consultant on failure of pre‑stressed concrete ties in the North-East corridor, Stone & Webster Civil & Transportation Services, Inc., Boston, MA.
Consultant on testing of high‑strength geotextiles, US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment St., Vicksburg, MS.
Consultant on geotechnical problems in railroad engineering. ZETA‑TECH Associates, Cherry Hill, NJ.
Consultant on soils laboratory testing and quality control of earth
related construction. Diamond/McCune Inc., Wilmington, DE.
Consultant on testing of high‑strength geotextiles and seams.
Atlantic Thread & Supply Co., Baltimore, MD
Consultant on sand stabilization. Du Pont, Wilmington, DE
Consultant on ballast cleaning technology. Speno Rail Services
Company, East Syracuse, NY
Consultant on a special project. Association of American
Railroads, Chicago, IL
Refereed Publications
Zhang, F., Leshchinsky, D., Baker, R., Gao, Y., and Leshchinsky, B.A., “Variational Analysis of Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Slopes Revisited,” submitted.
Vahedifard, F., Leshchinsky, D., Mortezaei, K., Lu, N., “Effective Stress-based Limit Equilibrium Analysis for Unsaturated Slopes,” submitted.
Ruan, X., Leshchinsky, D., and Leshchinsky, B.A., “Global Stability of Bilinear Reinforced Slopes,” 2014, Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, in print
Luo, Y., Leshchinsky, D., Rimoldi, P., Lugli, G., and Xu, C., “Instrumented MSE Wall Reinforced with Polyester Straps,” 2014, Transportation Research Record (TRR), accepted.
Zhang, F., Leshchinsky, D., Gao, Y., and Leshchinsky, B. A., “Required Unfactored Strength of Geosynthetics in Reinforced 3D Slopes,” 2014, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, accepted.
Leshchinsky, D., Kang, B.J., Han, J., Ling, H.I., “Framework for Limit State Design of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Walls and Slopes,” Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, Springer, 1(2), May 2014, 129-164, (DOI: 10.1007/s40515-014-0006-3).
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