Draft statement of work for airport technology research and development program technical support

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1.0 Statement of Work
1.1 Introduction:
This Statement of Work (SOW) sets forth the requirements to accomplish a variety of specific activities related to the FAA Technical Center's Airport Technology Research and Development Branch. The Branch is responsible for conducting research, test, and demonstration efforts related to airport runway safety, airport planning and design, heliport/vertiport facility design, airport pavements, National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF), airport capacity enhancement, airport capacity/delay computer modeling, airport wildlife hazards, airport/heliport lighting and markings, test and evaluation of National Airspace System (NAS) visual aids, airport rescue and firefighting, and associated demonstration of various airport research products.
The in-house and the contractual efforts generate technical data which are used to develop, support, or change FAA Advisory Circulars or regulatory standards related to airport operations, safety, pavements, and capacity. The principal user of the data is the Office of the Associate Administrator for Airports, ARP-1.
The Airport Technology R&D Program activities of the Branch, which this contractual effort will support, are divided into the following Task areas:
1.2 Airport Pavement R&D Program Task areas:

  1. Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation

  2. Pavement Materials and Construction

  3. Pavement Management System

  4. National Airport Pavement Test Facility

  5. Non-Destructive Airport Pavement Testing

  6. Field Instrumentation and Testing

  7. Heavy Vehicle Simulator

  8. Materials Laboratory Testing and Processing

1.3 Airport Safety R&D Program Task areas:

  1. Runway Surface Technology

  2. Visual Guidance

  3. Test and Evaluation of NAS Visual Aids

  4. Airport Rescue and Firefighting

  5. Airport Wildlife Hazards

  6. Web Based Application Tools

  7. Airport Planning

  8. Airport Design

  9. Heliport/Vertiport Facility Design

  10. Airport Capacity Enhancement

  11. Airport Capacity/Delay Computer Modeling

1.4 Airport Products Task areas:

  1. Demonstration of Airport Research Products

  2. Dissemination of Airport research Products

1.5 Task Area Description
1.5A Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation - Airport pavement design techniques have evolved from the highway design theory developed in the 1920's and were extrapolated in the 1940's and 1950's for application to aviation. In response to the dramatic changes associated with new generation aircraft introduced within the last 15 years, the FAA has developed new, computer-based design and evaluation procedures, FAARFIELD. Research in the pavement design and evaluation area will focus on the further development of advanced, computer-based pavement design procedures which can be applied to the design of both flexible and rigid pavements, including overlay designs. Improved design procedures must accommodate new airplane models now on the drawing boards with complex, multiple landing gear configurations, extremely heavy gear loads and high tire pressures. In addition, research will also be conducted to develop design criteria and methods for design, evaluation, performance, and serviceability of pavements at airports under various climatic conditions. Research will be conducted to improve integration of pavement design and evaluation software with airport construction, maintenance and management standards.
1.5B Pavement Materials and Construction - Research efforts in this area will include: developing methods to specify and utilize new or improved materials as substitutes for the conventional materials used for pavement construction; identifying factors affecting the durability of airport pavements; and development of criteria for efficient use of devices, construction materials, and construction techniques. Field data will be collected on a continuous basis from various operational pavements instrumented by the FAA for determining long-term pavement performance.

1.5C Pavement Management System - Research efforts in this area will include: the maintenance and updating of the FAA airport pavement management software, coordination of user group meetings in support of the program, and design and development of future versions. In addition, existing FAA pavement programs may be developed in the future to operate as a current stand-alone personal computer application and as an internet-based application.
1.5D National Airport Pavement Test Facility - The FAA’s full-scale airport pavement testing facility located at the William J. Hughes Technical Center has been in operation since 1999. The main purpose of the test facility is to run pavement traffic tests to failure with target test duration of up to one year (approximately 100,000 load repetitions).
Research efforts will support the development of full-scale test data for airport pavement structures and will involve the following tasks: daily operation of the test equipment; preparation of plans for maintenance of the test equipment; performing the maintenance; preparing manuals for operation of the test equipment; preparation of detailed test plans and assistance in running system configuration tests, pavement response tests, and system performance tests; preparation of detailed test plans and assistance in running traffic tests; preparation of plans for reconstruction of pavement test items with associated transition sections and ancillary pavements. Total reconstruction-cycle time is generally about 18 months with actual reconstruction to be accomplished in 3-4 months. The pavement reconstruction plans shall include but not be limited to thickness design, material selection, means and methods, quality control requirements, and specifications where applicable. The reconstruction efforts will include: demolition and removal of the existing test pavement; removal of all cables and sensors; reprocessing and reconstruction of sub-grade; identification of sources and estimates of quantities for pavement materials; construction of new pavement structures; fabrication and/or acquisition of new sensors; reconditioning of existing sensors; installation and calibration of sensors; and material characterization testing.
1.5E Non-Destructive Airport Pavement Testing – Research efforts in this area will include: monitoring advances in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) technologies and their applicability to NAPTF goals; use of NDT as a method for pavement construction, repair, and maintenance, and quality control and acceptance. The research will also include continuing development of the FAA computer program intended to provide analysis of pavement roughness by computing indexes and simulating aircraft response.

1.5F Field Instrumentation and Testing - The FAA intends to expand its research and development activities in the area of measuring and analyzing the response and material properties of active airport pavements. The pavement response measurements will typically be used to investigate the behavior of a pavement with regard to a specific aspect of pavement performance (such as cracking of longitudinal construction joints in asphalt layers) or with regard to a specific aspect of design modeling (such as concrete slab curling). The instrumentation installed for the response measurement shall be of a type and quantity suitable to meet the requirements of a particular investigation and will typically include sensors for measuring environmental conditions and a self-contained data acquisition system. Materials properties tests will typically include measurements made at the site and laboratory measurements made on samples taken at the site and transported to a suitable laboratory. It is anticipated that the majority of the laboratory tests shall be done at the FAA’s new pavement material testing laboratory at the NATPF facility. As part of this task data collected during field testing will be stored, managed, and analyzed, as appropriate to the particular project.
1.5G Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) - The FAA plans to purchase a Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS). The HVS will be located at NAPTF. Operation of the HVS is scheduled to begin in FY-2012. The main purpose of the HVS is to test Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) surface layers at high temperatures and high tire inflation pressures, and to develop improved material specifications. The HMA performance data at high temperature and high tire pressures will supplement the laboratory studies for ongoing HMA projects “HMA Design and Testing for High Pressure Aircraft Tires” and “Research and Testing to Establish Updated Specification for FAA Airfield Quality Hot Mix Asphalt”. Research to study the performance and developing specifications for Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) is also anticipated.
Efforts will include assisting FAA in developing specifications for the HVS equipment. Once the equipment is procured and commissioned, the technical support will include: daily operation of the HVS; preparation of plans for maintenance of the HVS; performing the maintenance; preparing manuals for operation of the HVS (it is expected that original equipment manufacture (OEM) manuals will be delivered with the HVS; however, any OEM manuals, or other documentation required to service and maintain the HVS, which are not available shall be identified and developed); preparation of detailed test plans and assistance in running system configuration tests, pavement response tests, and system performance tests; preparation of detailed test plans and assistance in running traffic tests. The reconstruction efforts will include: demolition and removal of the existing test pavement; identification of sources and estimates of quantities for pavement materials; construction of new pavement structures; acquisition of new sensors; reconditioning of existing sensors; installation and calibration of sensors; and material characterization testing. The construction efforts for HVS test items will be different from standard test item construction at NAPTF. Demolition and reconstruction will be required mainly for the upper layers (HMA, P-209, and maybe P-154).
1.5H Materials Testing Laboratory and ProcessingThis effort will include the management of the FAA Materials Testing Laboratory located at the NAPTF. The work shall include: daily operation and maintenance of the facility, sampling and collection of construction materials, and testing of construction materials. An important aspect of this effort will be the implementation of a quality control and testing program that will qualify for and retain certification under the AASHTO Material Reference Laboratory (AMRL) and the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) certification programs.
1.5I Runway Surface Technology - A critical safety concern at airports is maintaining runway surface conditions. Aircraft operations on runways covered with snow, ice, water, and rubber deposits can result in loss of aircraft control during braking. In recent years, runway grooving has provided improved safety by reducing the potential for hydroplaning. However, airplanes continue to overshoot and/or veer off contaminated runways.
Over the last two decades, there have been more than 130 accidents involving aircraft overruns and veer-offs. These accidents involved runway surfaces which were either dry or covered with water, ice, snow, or slush. Major aircraft accidents during the last 30 years have focused national attention to the question of runway slipperiness and loss of control during landings and takeoffs. Accidents at Washington National Airport on January 13, 1982; at Boston Logan International Airport on January 13, 1982; and at John F. Kennedy International Airport on February 28, 1984, have resulted in complete loss of aircraft and 80 fatalities. Runway slipperiness and an inadequate "safety area" beyond the end of the runway were identified as factors contributing to these accidents.
The goals of this program area are focused on two primary elements. The first is to reduce or eliminate runway slipperiness as a cause of accidents. The second is to stop all aircraft within the extent of the runway. To achieve this goal, extensive research, testing, and evaluation will be conducted on new maintenance techniques, materials, procedures, and equipment to effectively remove, ice, snow, and rubber deposits, and to develop methods to prevent the accumulation of such contaminants on airport surfaces. Research in the area of heated pavements as a permanent solution to eliminate the effect of ice and snow accumulation will be investigated for feasibility and cost effectiveness. Efforts will also be aimed at utilizing aircraft based braking and information management systems to more accurately assess and report runway surface conditions. Finally, emerging concepts for civil airport arrestor systems will be investigated to assure the deceleration of aircraft safely should there be an overrun.
1.5J Visual Guidance - Safe and efficient airport ground operations, especially at night and under low visibility conditions, require that pilot and vehicle operators receive conspicuous and unambiguous information from lights, signs, and other markings. Improvements in these visual aids are one of the key elements in the FAA's Runway Incursion Program.
During the past 20 years, seven air transport surface collision events in the United States have resulted in nine fatalities and substantial property damage. In 1990, a collision at Detroit International Airport between two aircraft killed an additional eight people. These accidents have brought into focus the need for providing visual guidance to aircraft in low visibility conditions.
The goal of this program area is to eliminate deficiencies in the visual guidance systems and procedures that may contribute to surface collision accidents. This would require research efforts in two general areas: 1) visual guidance control and infrastructure technology to enhance system efficiency and 2) develop state-of-the-art light sources and applications. These may include but not limited to fiber optics, laser sources, and holographic techniques. In conjunction with this effort, technology will be developed to evaluate new visual guidance systems and procedures, particularly during low visibility conditions, on a computer-based simulation system.
1.5K Test and Evaluation of NAS Visual Aids - This effort is directed towards supporting Test and Evaluation (T and E) activities of all new visual aids purchased by the FAA as part of the Capital Investment Program (CIP) for the National Airspace System (NAS). These systems include Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI), Runway End Identification Lights (REIL), Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights (MALSR), Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashers (ALSF), and Omni directional Approach Lighting System (ODALS).
Activities in this effort will include supporting Production Acceptance Tests ,Operational Tests and conducting Flight Tests.
1.5L Airport Rescue and Firefighting – The objective of this task is to evaluate new technologies for increasing post-crash fire survivability on aircraft and to develop methods to increase the performance capabilities of aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) efforts. This objective will be achieved through research into improving the efficiency and effectiveness of fire fighting vehicles, equipment, and agents in extinguishing post-crash fires and rescue in commercial aircraft built with both traditional aluminum construction and the newer, more lightweight Advanced Composite Materials.
In addition, new technologies are changing the discharge methods of extinguishing agents, adding elements into the system to improve the firefighting agent(s) effectiveness, using extreme discharge pressures, or even reducing the amount of agent discharged because of its unique technology.
Currently, the required level of ARFF protection for fixed wing aircraft is based on the fuselage length, width, and other airport operational factors, and fails to accommodate modern designs, such as multiple passenger levels, fuel locations, or differences in structural crashworthiness. The Airbus A380 or Boeing 747-8 clearly has a greater potential for requiring a significantly larger quantity of total agent in initial ARFF response due to increased fuel and passengers loads. In addition, aircraft construction including composite fuselages will further increase the need for science and engineering based methodologies for determining fire protection requirements.
In the past decade, the use of composites for aircraft structures has dramatically increased. Both Boeing and Airbus are relying more heavily on the use of composites to lower the weight of the next generation aircraft. Research related to fires involving composite materials to date have mainly focused on the health hazards associated with particulate and toxic gas generation. However, R&D efforts are needed to determine the effectiveness of fire fighting agents and techniques used to extinguish fires in composite materials.
1.5M Airport Wildlife Hazards - Presence of wildlife at and near airports poses a potential threat to movement of aircraft and other ground vehicles. In spite of various measures to manage and reduce habitat features on airports that attract hazardous species, as well as control techniques used to keep birds away, thousands of incidents of bird strikes are reported every year. Many more incidents are known to occur, but are not reported.
Since 1912, when the first fatal accident of a Wright Flyer was recorded, 104 civil aviation fatalities from bird strikes have been reported in the United States. Worldwide civil aircraft fatalities total approximately 126. In January 2009, a US commercial carrier aircraft departing LaGuardia International Airport in New York ingested multiple Canada geese into both engines. The result was complete loss of power but a successful water landing on the Hudson River. The potential for similar and/or catastrophic accidents continues. The cost of bird strike damage has been estimated at $1 billion annually by the European Bird Strike Committee.
The goal of this program area is to reduce the likelihood of bird collision with aircraft both on the airport and in the terminal airspace vicinity that includes the approach and departure corridors. Many emerging technologies have been proposed since the Hudson River incident. The tasks within this program will focus on the assessment, technical evaluation and development of, effective wildlife hazard mitigation concepts and systems like bird detection and tracking sensors, habitat management practices, wildlife control tools, techniques to minimize bird activities around airports, and development of wildlife mitigation database. The results of these tasks will provide the basis for the development of FAA standards, guidelines and performance specifications for the use and/or implementation of state-of-the-art concepts on the airport environment. Subsequently, airport owners and operators will have improved capabilities to comply with FAA airport certification regulations.
1.5N Airport Planning - This effort is directed towards developing systems and simulation models to improve the capability and efficiency in long range planning and grant-in-aid programming.
Research will be conducted to: develop models for predicting pavement replacement requirements; develop tools to provide accurate projections of development requirements through the 2010's and beyond; provide advanced technology for airport site location including the use of simulation and geosatellite technology, determine needs for remote hub airports; and determine the need for integration of navaid, communication, surveillance, and air traffic requirements with the National Airport System requirements to develop a national aviation system planning methodology.
Research will also be conducted in the development of a cost-allocation model to assist in decision making with respect to the airport grant-in-aid programs. The model will include capabilities to simulate various demands and economics factors existing today and in the future.
1.5O Web Based Application Tools: The goal of this area is to provide full lifecycle support of the Web Based Application Tool (WBAT) system that provides a secure web-based data acquisition and information management system enabling the management and analysis of Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) reports to identify safety hazards in compliance with AC 120-66 database and reporting requirements as well as safety incident reports, including hosting to provide 24x7 operations. This effort will provide capabilities to support over 60 major, national, regional carriers, corporate/fractional operators, air ambulance, and cargo operators under parts 121, 135, and 91/91K. This effort will require design, development, implementation, operations, deployment, assessment, sustainment and evolution of the secure, web-based WBAT system that minimizes licensing, support, training, and deployment costs. Support will be for "any time, any where" secure access from any web browser on the user's system to access all system functionality with an easy to use and familiar web browser format requiring minimal training. This effort will provide methods to support a standard taxonomy that can be readily tailored for individual operators requirements (e.g., fixed and rotary wing aircraft, terminology, modes of operation, labor agreements, user names and passwords) and also provide the flexibility to accommodate new information sources, classification schemes, and areas of interest. Tools will be provided to transform and load operator's legacy systems containing their historical data. WBAT support will also be required for automatic data sharing with other aviation safety systems including NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS), Aviation Safety Information-Sharing and Analysis System (ASIAS), bird strike reports to the FAA Wildlife Strike Database, and other appropriate aviation data repositories. This effort requires knowledge of both voluntary safety programs, including ASAP, FOQA, SMS, IEP, as well as technology in areas such as data warehousing, online analytical processing, statistical analysis, security, eXtensible Markup Language (XML), web-based analytic applications, portals, processing and analyzing binary flight data, and software technology (Common Lisp, Scheme, Postgresql, Java, Python, XML, R, and bash). Effort will also be directed towards the evolution of WBAT/ASAP to include support for carrier/operator surveillance, audit, and investigation activities and integration of ASAP with their Safety Management Systems (SMS), Internal Evaluation Programs (IEP), and flight data monitoring programs. Efforts for event planning and management will be required to enable collaboration with users and stakeholder including periodic working group and symposiums.

1.5P Airport Design - This effort is directed towards developing new concepts and criteria for airport design and airport safety related issues. Within the last few years, new technologies have been introduced that may significantly improve the safety of operations on our nations airports. Technology capable of detecting Foreign Object Debris is just one example. In addition, efforts are being made to revisit airport design specifications to find area or improvements that may reduce delays, increase capacity, and the safety of operations. The introduction of new design group 6 aircraft will likely challenge current airport design standards. As levels of traffic increase, and new technologies continue to develop, this effort will focus on investigating new technologies or procedures to meet the demands of NextGen aviation.
1.5Q Heliport/Vertiport Facility Design - This effort is directed towards developing new concepts and criteria for improved heliport/vertiport design.
Through the use of new ideas in lighting and marking systems, pavement designs and layouts, and operational requirements, new and improved heliport/vertiport designs are needed to support all-weather helicopter and tiltrotor operations. Firefighting, refueling, and land requirements are also important factors which should be considered in the design. Once developed, these new designs will be tested and evaluated under simulated and actual conditions. New developments and state-of-the-art advancements in light sources, pavement materials, and firefighting techniques should be incorporated to promote energy enhancement, reduced maintenance requirements, and improved safety.
In this development effort, physical measurement as well as subjective ratings will be used to assess quality and suitability. Tests and evaluations will be conducted in the field at the Technical Center, in simulators, and at operational heliports/vertiports. Examples of specific evaluation and developmental efforts are improved visual aid concepts to facilitate helicopter and tiltrotor movement to and from the landing area, improved pavement designs and layouts, improved firefighting and refueling facilities and other tasks as they are formulated and assigned. This project will support efforts to improve heliport/vertiport operations.
1.5R Airport Capacity Enhancement - This effort is directed towards enhancing airport capacity through efforts such as: improved airport design configuration; independent Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) arrival streams; simultaneous operations on intersecting runway; developing guidance for both vehicular and aircraft surface traffic in aircraft operational areas to increase efficiency, avoid surface flow-pattern conflicts between aircraft and ground vehicles, and improved aircraft parking/docking procedures; and integrated terminal area flow management.
1.5S Airport Capacity/Delay Computer Modeling - This effort is directed towards enhancing existing simulation models for airport capacity/delay studies, development of new models and furthering their use in analyzing options for improving the capacity at major airports.
1.5T Demonstration of Airport Research Products - This effort is directed towards demonstrating the usefulness, cost savings, increased safety, prolonged life, improved procedure, or new system procedures developed as a result of the airports research and development efforts described in various paragraphs above. Concepts such as layered elastic theory, statistically based design, improved rubber deposit removal techniques, improved high-speed exit design, aircraft arresting systems, new separation standards, efficient snow and ice removal techniques, improved ice and snow sensors, new vertiport facility design standards, improved airport capacity/delay modeling, and new lighting systems will be tested and evaluated. Existing facilities such as Accelerated Load Facility at Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Landing Loads Facility at National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Australian Road Research System, the internal drum test facility at BAST (German equivalent of FHWA), the Finnish circular road simulator, the National Airport Pavement Test Facility, the visual guidance research test bed, and other similar facilities will be evaluated to conduct airport research products demonstration. Projects will be initiated to develop construction quality control, non-destructive testing systems, and pavement in-service evaluation.
Efforts will also be directed in the development of visual guidance test and evaluation runway. The products of airport research can be installed on the test runway to demonstrate performance improvements, cost effectiveness, or validation of a new technology. Often these demonstrations carry some risks; more frequently, however, performance monitoring and product evaluation are necessary to successfully conclude a research effort. It may be required, on occasion, to coordinate the installation, evaluation, reporting, and removal of airport safety related research efforts at various airports across the nation, based on their specific application. To properly validate research findings, in-service evaluation will be required at an active airport where real world exposure can be used to obtain results. Example airports and facilities that may be used to facilitate airport safety related research efforts include Chicago O’Hare, Dallas Fort Worth, Boston Logan, Tyndall Air Force Base, and the US Army’s Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory.
1.5U Dissemination of Airport Research Products – Create, maintain, and update contractor hosted websites and data management systems to publicly disseminate information resulting from the FAA Airport Technology R&D Branch.
1.6 Scope of Contract
The Contractor shall provide all necessary personnel, materials, facilities, and services, except as stated otherwise, to accomplish work in support of program efforts. Work shall be performed as required by Delivery Orders issued under this contract. The delivery orders will identify the scope, specific requirements and deliverable items.
1.7 General Requirements
The activities and work to be performed under this statement of work cover the entire scope of the work areas identified in Section 1.0. The work will encompass engineering/technical studies; design/fabrication; design and reconstruction of pavement test sections; test instrumentation design and fabrication, testing, data collection, and data reduction; materials testing and lab management; and technical documentation and presentation relating to the aforementioned subject areas. The results of these efforts will provide technical data to support and assist the FAA in developing/upgrading advisory circulars and regulations affecting airport and airspace safety.
1.7.1 Engineering/Technical Studies: The contractor shall conduct engineering or technical studies addressing the research in Section 1.0.

1.7.2 Design/Fabrication: The Contractor shall provide engineering, technical services, and materials for the design, development, fabrication, and installation of systems developed in Section 1.0. This may include the following:

1.7.3 Test Instrumentation, Testing, Data Collection, and Data Reduction: The contractor shall provide test and evaluation services for all areas of research in Section 1.0 including preparation of test procedures, test instrumentation, data collection, data reduction, analysis, and report preparation as follows:

1.7.4 Design and Reconstruction of the Test Pavement Sections:

1.7.5 Materials Testing Laboratory Management:

1.7.6 Technical Documentation and Presentation:
2.0 Estimated Cost
The efforts called for under this contract shall be conducted on a specific Delivery Order assignment basis, pursuant to individual Delivery Orders which will be issued within the general scope of the “Supplies and Services To Be Furnished” clause of the contract. All such efforts are to be performed on a cost plus fixed fee basis, with the estimated cost and degree of labor utilization for each work assignment being set forth within the individual Delivery Order and/or any modification(s) thereto. The maximum monetary value of all Delivery Orders to be placed under this contract is To Be Determined. Delivery Orders shall be issued using the format designated as Attachment B to this contract utilizing the direct and indirect rates set forth in Attachment A to this contract. Note that Attachment A and B need To Be Determined.
3.0 Performance Plans
As a requirement of each Delivery Order to be assigned hereunder, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a detailed comprehensive Delivery Order Performance Plan, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the purpose and existing technical background of the effort pertinent to the Order; the scope of work to be conducted; proposed working schedule; level of labor utilization (manpower) loading schedule; and budgeting. This Plan shall be submitted at a time to be mutually determined between the FAA Technical Officer and the Contractor, but in any event not later than 30 calendar days after the effective date of issuance of any specific Delivery Order.
4.0 Reporting Requirements
Under each Delivery Order awarded under the terms of this contract, the Contractor shall provide the following listed reports:
4.1 Monthly Letter Progress Reports: Letter-style technical progress reports shall be submitted to the FAA Technical Officer. These reports are to provide the following information: The Contract and Delivery Order numbers and the title and/or basic subject of the Order being reported on; a summary of pertinent technical progress during the reporting period, including the results of any quarterly period, whether positive or negative; technical conclusions achieved as a result of the foregoing accomplishments, and recommendations made therefrom; special problem areas (if any) and either proposed solution(s) therefore or resolution thereof; a summary of pertinent support-oriented meetings or briefings held between the Contractor and the FAA technical staff, cognizant FAA officials, or other parties of an interest or expert nature within either the public or private sectors; workshops or seminars conducted or attended; and a brief projection of work expected to be accomplished during the next reporting period.

4.2 Delivery Order Reports
a. A draft final technical report shall be prepared and submitted for each Delivery Order placed under this contract. This draft report shall be forwarded to the Technical Officer. The Delivery Order Report is to be prepared following the completion of technical effort under any particular Order, and shall fully document all technical efforts performed under the Order. This draft report shall be subjected to FAA evaluation in order to ascertain its technical accuracy, consistency of approach, and satisfying of the requirements of the Delivery Order; the FAA shall then either approve the draft report for the final preparation, or shall recommend necessary revisions or additions thereto. If the latter procedure is necessitated, the Contractor shall incorporate any such Government-recommended changes into the report.
b. Following either approval by FAA, or Contractor revision of the draft report, the Contractor shall re-submit the Delivery Order Report, in its finalized form, to the COTR. If after the second submittal or the Delivery Order Report, the COTR does not find the report acceptable, the contractor shall revise and resubmit the Delivery Order Report to the COTR at no additional cost to the government.
c. In addition to the Progress Reports and Delivery Order Reports required by this section, which will apply to all Delivery Orders, each individual Delivery Order issued may also contain requirements for data or documentation specific to that work effort, dependent upon the subject matter of the Order, its method of technical approach, or its implied priority.
5.0 Contract Period
The term of this technical and administrative support contract is five (5) calendar years after the effective date of contract award. From time to time throughout this 5-year contractual term, the Government Contracting Officer may issue Delivery Orders in writing, pursuant to all conditions and limitations contained herein, specifying requirements to be performed. All efforts included in the Delivery Orders authorized under this contract shall be funded and committed within the aforementioned 5-year period.
6.0 Deliverables/Schedule
Except as provided for below, specific performance periods, deliverable item requirements, and delivery dates for all Delivery Orders placed pursuant to this contract shall be established at the time any such Delivery order is awarded. For those requirements common to all Delivery Orders the following delivery provisions are established:
a. Performance Plan - As mutually determined between the contracting parties, but in no event later than 30 calendar days after issuance of the Delivery Order.
b. Monthly Letter Progress Report – If required by the Government in the delivery order, the first such report for any support effort shall be submitted not later than three (3) calendar months after effective date of issuance of the individual Delivery Order. Progress reports shall then be continuously delivered at the conclusion of each successive 3-month period during the Delivery Order's term of performance. However, should less than 3 months exist between the time of delivery of a Quarterly Letter Progress Report and the time of submission of a draft Delivery Order Report, no further progress reporting will be required (e.g., for a 14-month Delivery Order performance period, progress reports shall be submitted following the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months. Since only two months would remain until the Draft Delivery Order Report is due, no additional Quarterly Letter Progress Report would be necessary).

7.0. Place of Delivery
All deliverables shall be delivered to the FAA Contracting Officer Technical Representative at the following address:
Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center

Attn: TBD,

AJP-6310, Bldg. 296

Atlantic City International Airport

Atlantic City, NJ 08405
8.0 Contracting Officer Technical Representative
Work to be performed under this contract shall be subject to the technical direction of the following FAA Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR):
9.0 Placement of Task Orders
a. Limitations
1. The FAA Contracting Officer is the only individual authorized to issue Delivery Orders under the terms of this technical and administrative support contract.
2. The Contractor is not authorized to perform any work on any Delivery Order under this contract until the total estimated time and material fee therefore have been established, unless the Delivery Order establishes a maximum monetary limitation on the obligation of the Government.
3. Should any Order be issued with a maximum monetary limitation, the Contractor shall submit a Delivery Order Performance Plan not later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of issuance of the Order. As a result of this submittal, the FAA and the Contractor shall agree to a realistic and equitable total estimated time and material fee, and degree of labor utilization for each such Delivery Order. The foregoing factors for any Delivery Order after work has begun thereon will constitute a dispute, which will be subject to the provisions of the Disputes Clause of this contract. However, it is the preference of the Government that the total estimated time and material, and amount of labor utilization be agreed to prior to the issuance of any Delivery Order. All mutually agreed and issued Delivery Orders, whether prospective or retrospective, shall be made part of this contract by explicit inclusion, and shall assume all appropriate terms and conditions thereof.
b. Contents of Delivery Orders: When the contracting parties agree on efforts within the scope of the work established herein, each such work element, whether prospective or retrospective, shall be the subject of a written Delivery Order. Each Delivery Order shall:
1. Be issued in accordance with a standardized Government Delivery Order format document, designated Attachment B to this contract. Any modification of a previously issued Delivery Order shall also be effected by use of Attachment B.
2. Set forth requirements, descriptions, and terms for the supplies and/or services being ordered.
3. Set forth the total estimated time and material fee, and degree of labor utilization, or the maximum monetary limitation, of the Delivery Order.
4. Set forth applicable performance and/or delivery dates.
5. Set forth the applicable appropriation and accounting data.
6. Be bilaterally signed by the Contractor and the Contracting Officer, except that the Government may, in its discretion, issue a unilaterally executed Order bearing a maximum monetary limitation under exigent conditions.

10.0 Travel
The Government shall reimburse the Contractor for actual and reasonable transportation costs incurred, and actual reasonable per diem or subsistence costs, in accordance with the Contractor's company policy on travel, but with the latter not exceeding the current Government rate per employee for each calendar day or major portion thereof, during the period any such employee is occupied with contract performance. Authorized use of private automobile (POV) for travel purposes shall be reimbursed at the current Government rate per mile. Reference the Federal Travel Regulations at the following General Services Administration WEB Site:


The Contractor may, on occasion, be required to drive or operate vehicles that are property of the government outside the local area of the FAA William J Hughes Technical Center. The Contractor shall ensure that their employees are properly licensed, trained, and insured to operate these vehicles while performing work assigned by the FAA Technical Officer.
The Contractor shall be reimbursed for having a company truck (minimum of 1 ton) available for his personnel at all times located at the facility for collecting and delivering materials in support of this contract.
11.0 Miscellaneous

The estimated level of effort is 125,960 hours per year for the planned contract as follows:

One Year



Program Manager 1,880

Pavement Task Area Manager 1,880

Safety Task Area Manager 1,880


Aerospace Engineer Type 1 470

Aerospace Engineer Type 2 470

Aerospace Engineer Type 3 470

Civil Engineer Type 1 3,760

Civil Engineer Type 2 7,520

Electrical Engineer Type 1 3,760

Electrical Engineer Type 2 940

Electrical Engineer Type 3 940

Electronics Engineer* 3,760

Engineering Technician Type 1 6,580

Engineering Technician Type 2 1,880

Environmental Engineer 940

General Engineer 470

Junior Engineer 940

Instrumentation Engineer 1,880

Mechanical Engineer Type 1 940

Mechanical Engineer Type 2 1,880

Mechanical Engineer Type 3 940

Structural Engineer Type 1 1,880

Structural Engineer Type 2 1,880

Systems Engineer 940

Senior Software Engineer Type 1 940

Senior Software Engineer Type 2 1,880

Senior Software Engineer Type 3 940

Senior Software Engineer Type 4 940


Air Traffic Control Specialist 670

Airport Operations Research Analyst Type 1 7,520

Airport Operations Research Analyst Type 2 5,640

Airport Planner 2,600

Airport Safety Technician 1 3,760

Airport Safety Technician 2 3,760

ARFF Research Specialist 1 1,880

One Year


ARFF Research Specialist 2 1,880

Aviation Safety Specialist Type 1 1,880

Aviation Safety Specialist Type 2 1,880

Biologist 940

Chemist 1,880

Clerical 3,760

Computer Programmer 5,640

Economist 500

Human Factors Specialist 1 4,230

Human Factors Specialist 2 2,820

Information Systems Specialist 2,820

Materials Laboratory Manager 1,880

Materials Laboratory Technician 1 1,880

Materials Laboratory Technician 2 1,880

Mathematician 940

Physical Scientist 940

Pilot 1,300

Research Statistician 940

Senior Airport Lighting System Analyst 1,650

Senior Software Architect 1,650

Subject Matter Expert 1,880

System Administrator 1,880

Technical Writer/Editor 470

Web Architect 940


KEY PERSONNEL: To Be Determined

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